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Archive: Old Company Press  2004  2005  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013  2014  2015  2016  2017  2018  2019  2020  Current Month

Press Releases and Announcements we posted prior to our new system.

Dates are MMDDYYYY.

9th NID 02042002 9th NID Workshop on Nanoelectronics

ACC2003 07222003 Announcing Accelerating Change Conference (ACC2003)
ACC2003 07272003 Accelerating Change: An Emerging Fact
ACC2003 08152003 Technological Acceleration: A Hidden Law Of Nature?
ACC2003 09022003 Emerging Community Asks Big Questions About Accelerating Change

ANI 05132003 Breakthrough With Carbon Nanotube Electron Sources

Antibodies 04012004 Antibodies Inc. To Produce Quantum Dot Conjugates

ANW 04142004 Pinnacle AF Zinc Oxide in 2-6nm

APNANO 06122002 World's 1st Commercial Nanotechnology-Based Solid Lubricant
APNANO 08262003 Revolutionary Inorganic Nanotubes
APNANO 01282004 Changes its Name to ApNano Materials
APNANO 03182004 Hatco Corporation and ApNano form technical agreement
APNANO 04012004 Israeli Minister of Science and Technology visits
APNANO 08052004 NanoLub surpasses minimum limits

Antibodies 04012004 To Produce Quantum Dot Conjugates

BAND 03162004 Nanotechnology Discussion in San Francisco

BioForce Nanosciences 11112002 Additional First-Round Financing

BOC Qinetiq 07112002 Alliance to target growing nanotech market

CANEUS 01272004 Pilot Project Concept Papers

Cientifica 10022002 Nanotechnology Industry Exchanges
Cientifica 10282002 Bridging micro and nanotechnologies
Cientifica 11282002 PHANTOMS at NEXUS Forum
Cientifica 06242003 2nd Edition of Nanotechnology Opportunity Report
Cientifica 02162004 New Nanotubes Research

CNBA 12052002 Nanotechnology in Canada
CNBA 02262003 SWAT Team Recruits the Small Tech Leaders
CNBA 09252003 Nanotech/MEMS Events
CNBA 08102004 Canadian Nanotechnology Job Centre

CNI 10142003 Connecticut Establishes Leadership in Nanotechnology

CNSI 03132003 Smallest, Most Perfect, Densest Nanowire Lattices

Cornell 02222004 Social and ethical issues in nanotechnology
Cornell 03292004 Cornell to present nanofabricated etching
Cornell 04022004 Beyond 'nano' to 'atto'

CRN 01172003 Non-profit formed to advance the safe use of nanotechnology
CRN 02012003 Shutdown of nanotech irresponsible and dangerous
CRN 02152003 Patchwork regulation of nanotech could be grave danger
CRN 04212003 CRN publishes list of future nanotech dangers
CRN 05022003 Analysis Of The Precautionary Principle, As Applied To MNT
CRN 06182003 CRN forms Board of Advisors
CRN 07312003 Qualified Endorsement of Greenpeace Nanotech Report
CRN 10212003 Call for Global Administration of Molecular Nanotechnology
CRN 12142003 Gray Goo Is A Small Issue

Eikos 05052004 Air Force Contract To Develop Transparent Carbon Nanotube Polymers

EuroNanoTex2004 05102004 EuroNanoTex 2004
EuroNanoTex2004 05172004 Early-Bird Registration Extended

Evident 03182003 Opens Nanotechnology Manufacturing Facility In Albany

Extropy 02202004 Extropy Institute's Vital Progress Summit

FirstNano 06062003 Launches New Business in Nanotechnology

Firststage 06112002 Secures $6M Venture Capital Financing For Oxonica

Foresight 06102003 Feynman Prize 2003 Nominations Due
Foresight 06242003 11th Foresight Conference On Molecular Nanotechnology
Foresight 10152003 2003 Feynman Prizes
Foresight 01202004 Michael Crichton mistaken for Richard Feynman
Foresight 05202004 Feynman Prize 2004 Nominations Due
Foresight 07122004 Nanotech Communication Prize Deadline July 31
Foresight 07152004 Experts to explore advanced nanotechnology
Foresight 08032004 Nanotechnology Think Tank Appoints Scott Mize President
Foresight 08312004 Ray Kurzweil Keynote: Nanotechnology and Change

General Nanotechnology 09202002

IEC 11012002 Educational Programs
IEC 01082003 IEC Launches Nanotechnology Information eXchange
IEC 03052003 IEC DesignCon 2003 Webcasts

InTICE 06242004 First International Nanotechnology Business Idea Competition

ISTN 03292004 ISTN and ITRI to collaborate

Lux Capital 06232003 Key Findings from "The Nanotech Report 2003"

MIT 09302003 MIT's HexFlex manipulates the nanoscopic

Molecular Imaging 02182004 New label-less molecular recognition tool kit
Molecular Imaging 07152004 Receives Prestigious R&D 100 Award

NanoCiencia 05102002 1st Nanotechnology meeting

NanoDynamics 02252004 Acquires Patent Filings From Versilant Nanotechnologies

NanoHorizons 01252004 Matrix-less MALDI now available
NanoHorizons 03302004 Collaborate on NanoBiomedical Device Development

Nanoink 04042002 Secures $3 million in First-Round Funding

Nanolayers 09302002 Nanolayers Closes Seed Finance Round
Nanolayers 03052003 First Recipient of Israeli Government Funding Initiative

Nanomat 05012002 Talc and Calcium Carbonate Nanomaterials
Nanomat 05222002 NanoTalc and NanoCalc Hold Strong Promise
Nanomat 07312002 Nanomat To Spin-off Nanova

Nanomedicine 10172003 Nanomedicine Vol. IIA: Biocompatibility

Nano-Network 08302004 Purdue University to Help Organize NANO Week

NanoOpto 11112002 Named Manufacturing Leader

Nanoscience 11102002 New easy-to-use Atomic Force Microscope

Nanosensors 08262004 PointProbe® Plus AFM Probe

nanoSIG 03112004 First Nanobusiness Partnering Forum
nanoSIG 04072004 nanoElectronics & Photonics Forum Conference

nanoTITAN 11282003 Announces Release of nanoXplorer

NanoWater 05272004 Safe, Clean and Affordable Water
NanoWater 07072004 NanoWater 2004 Announces New Speakers
NanoWater 07262004 Early Bird Registration Expires August 1st
NanoWater 08042004 NanoWater Confirms Speaker Line-Up

NanoWorld 08262004 Introduces Hybrid-Nitride AFM Probe

NAPMRC 2002 report Report on the 1st NAPMRC

National Academies 04062004 Designing Nanostructures

NFT 01072004 Grants for Outstanding Graduate Research

NID 02012004 Nanotechnology Information Devices Workshop

NTERA 0525004 Launches its NanoChromics Displays

Oxonica 06112002 Premier league investors at first round
Oxonica 04202004 £4 million injection of funds

Phantoms 05152002 Modelling and design of nanoscale electron devices
Phantoms 06112003 Nanotechnology Information Devices Workshop

Phleschbubble 10172002 Awarded IMM Computational Nanotechnology Prize

PolyTechnos 12092002 First Round Funding for Plastic Logic

Purdue 12112002 Nanoparticles Could Aid Biohazard Detection
Purdue 01152003 NSF, Purdue form new nanotech center for simulations
Purdue 01152003 NASA, Purdue launch center to create next-generation computers
Purdue 04152003 Nanometer-thick clay may yield groundbreaking technology
Purdue 11132003 New ways to create nano-fibers and wires
Purdue 12102003 Self-assembled 'nanorings' could boost computer memory
Purdue 01072004 Quick, inexpensive method to prototype microchips
Purdue 01072004 Research suggests 'nanotubes' could make better brain probes
Purdue 04092004 Nanotubes Offer Promise For Future Artificial Joints
Purdue 08112004 RNA Could Form Building Blocks For Nanomachines
Purdue 08262004 Researchers tackle environmental fate of nanoparticles

QuantumDot 11152002 Launches First Bio-Nanotechnology Product
QuantumDot 12022002 Demonstrating the Detection of Breast Cancer Markers
QuantumDot 02252003 SC Biosciences & QDC Announce Partnership
QuantumDot 01072004 Technique Could Dramatically Improve Cancer Surgery
QuantumDot 04122004 Appointment of George Dunbar

Quantum Leap Partners 05312002 Quantum Leap Partners Formed

QuantumSphere 08052004 Opens West Coast Manufacturing Facility

Reade 06112002 Selected for Secretarial Trade Mission to Mexico

RiceU 04152003 Three New Professional Master's Degree Programs
RiceU 03152004 $5M Nano Instrumentation Grant from DOD

SFCG 03292002 NSF Events Help De-Mystify Nanotechnology

Stanford 07112003 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2003

Starpharma 11202002 Awarded Its Third US Nanotechnology Patent

TNTG 11062002 Nanotechnology News TV
TNTG 11082002 Announcing Launch of the Nano News Division
TNTG 07262004 Animated and visual elements for promoting nanoscale science!

TRI 01072004 NIH Grant "Nanofibrous Supports for Biomedical Sensors"
TRI 04272004 Alexander Neimark Named 2004 Guggenheim Fellow

Thomas Swan 04142004 Carbon Nanotube Commercial Manufacturing Breakthrough

UCB 08262002 Geckos' Sticky Foot Hairs Provide Biological Inspiration
UCB 09252002 NSF Grant
UCB 06232003 Technique to Synthesize Nanowires and Nanotubes
UCB 07232003 World's Smallest Motor
UCB 01052004 Breakthrough in Nanoelectronics
UCB 03112004 Demonstrates Precise Control Needed for Molecular Electronics
UCB 04292004 Berkeley Nanotechnology Forum 2004
UCB 06012004 Agreement to be Signed Today

UOregon 06032004 Race to Reap Nanotechnology's Potential
UOregon 08252004 Technology Transfer Income Grows to Nearly $2 M

USGN 01072004 Manufacturing Agreement and Initial Order for Twenty S.A.G. Humvee Turrets

UWM 0723003 Technique Offers Possibilities For Electronics Industry
UWM 0524004 National Nanotech Expert To Address UW-Madison Conference

UTexas 10032002 Education Agreement on Nanoscience and Engineering

UTDallas 06112003 Scientists Spin Carbon Nanotube Fibers with Record Strength and Toughness

Veeco 10092002 Launches SPM Probes e-Commerce Store

Ventana 09072004 Ventana and Quantum Dot Announce Agreement

WNEC 08042004 Initial Confirmed Speakers

WTA 04252003 Molecular Manufacturing Research Offers Great Promise

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