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American Academy of Nanomedicine (AANM)
The American Academy of Nanomedicine (AANM) is a professional, academic and medical society dedicated to advancing research in nanomedicine. AANM members are experts in the fields of nanotechnology, engineering, biochemistry, molecular biology and medicine. The goals of the Academy include providing a forum for scientific investigation, communicating new findings and encouraging collaboration among the diverse disciplines represented in Nanomedicine.
American Association for the Advancement of Science
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS, pronounced "Triple-A-S") is the world's largest general science organization and publisher of the peer-reviewed journal Science. With more than 138,000 members and 275 affiliated societies, AAAS serves as an authoritative source for information on the latest developments in science and bridges gaps among scientists, policy-makers and the public to advance science and science education. Science Magazine
American Chemical Society [ACS]
The American Chemical Society is a self-governed individual membership organization that consists of more than 163,000 members at all degree levels and in all fields of chemistry. The organization provides a broad range of opportunities for peer interaction and career development, regardless of professional or scientific interests. The programs and activities conducted by ACS today are the products of a tradition of excellence in meeting member needs that dates from the Society's founding in 1876. Nano Letters Home Page.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
For more than 65 years, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and its predecessors, has been the principal society of the aerospace engineer and scientist. Officially formed in 1963 through a merger of the American Rocket Society (ARS) and the Institute of Aerospace Sciences (IAS), the purpose was, and still is, "to advance the arts, sciences, and technology of aeronautics and astronautics, and to promote the professionalism of those engaged in these pursuits." Both ARS and IAS brought to the relationship a long and eventful history—stretching back to 1930 and 1932, respectively, and each left its mark on the Institute. The merger combined the imaginative, opportunistic, and risk-taking desire of those rocket, missile, and space professionals with the more established, well-recognized achievers from the aviation community.
American Institute of Chemical Engineers [AIChE]
The American Institute of Chemical Engineers, AIChE, was founded in 1908. AIChE is a professional association of more than 50,000 members that provides leadership in advancing the chemical engineering profession. Its members are creative problem-solvers who use their scientific and technical knowledge to develop processes and design and operate plants to make useful products at a reasonable cost. Chemical engineers are also at the forefront of research to assure the safe and environmentally-sound manufacture, use, and disposal of chemical products. AIChE fosters and disseminates chemical engineering knowledge, supports the professional and personal growth of its members, and applies the expertise of its members to address societal needs throughout the world.
American Institute of Physics
a not-for-profit membership corporation chartered in New York State in 1931 for the purpose of promoting the advancement and diffusion of the knowledge of physics and its application to human welfare. It is the mission of the Institute to serve the sciences of physics and astronomy by serving the Societies, by serving individual scientists, and by serving students and the general public.
American Physical Society
The traditional role of the American Physical Society has been to serve the physics community through the organization of technical meetings and publication of journals. Beginning in 1973, however, the Society undertook to expand its role to serve emerging public needs. As one component of its concern with the relationship between physics and public policy, the Society has undertaken a number of studies of timely technical issues.
ASM International
Since our founding in 1913, ASM International has existed to provide a means for exchanging information and professional interaction. Today, our role has expanded to serve the technical interests of metals and materials professionals all over the world - but providing information and interaction remains our main purpose.
Canadian NanoBusiness Alliance (CNBA)
The CNBA is a nanotechnology association and facilitator. Its dual mission is as follows: To establish a Canadian National Nanotechnology Initiative including the creation of commercially-oriented nanotech hubs, the promotion of nanotechnology in Canada, and the promotion of Canadian nanotechnology capabilities internationally; to develop major nanotechnology initiatives across the globe.
European NanoBusiness Association (ENA)
Founded in 2002, the ENA is a Brussels based non profit organization dedicated to promoting a strong and competitive European nanotechnology based industry. Established by leading players in European nanotechnology, the European NanoBusiness Association provides a forum to link, inform and enable European nanotechnology companies, from start-ups to multi-nationals.
euspen is the ‘european society for precision engineering and nanotechnology’. euspen was established to provide a coherent and dynamic collaborative thrust for industry, research institutes, universities and leading practitioners to meet, network and mutually benefit from the promotion of the ultra precision technologies that are destined to be one of the dominating aspects of economic and societal development during the next 10 years.
IEE Professional Network in Microsystems and Nanotechnology.
The objective of the Professional Network is to bring together professionals working in all areas of microsystems and nanotechnology: not only designers, manufacturers, systems integrators, suppliers and users but also different professions including mechanical engineers, chemical engineers, electrical engineers, biologists, textile manufacturers.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ("eye-triple-E") helps advance global prosperity by promoting the engineering process of creating, developing, integrating, sharing, and applying knowledge about electrical and information technologies and sciences for the benefit of humanity and the profession.
IEEE Computer Society
With over 100,000 members, the IEEE Computer Society is the world's leading organization of computer professionals. Founded in 1946, it is the largest of the 36 societies of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
IEEE Nanotechnology Council
A multi-disciplinary group whose purpose is to advance and coordinate work in the field of Nanotechnology carried out throughout the IEEE in scientific, literary and educational areas. The Council supports the theory, design, and development of nanotechnology and its scientific, engineering, and industrial applications.
IEEE Nanotechnology Virtual Community
Established to apply new communication media, collaborative technologies, and the IEEE's core competency in order to strengthen interdisciplinary nanoscale work and to deliver nanotechnology learning resources to researchers, educators, and industry.
Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO)
Nanotechnology Committee. A trade association for owners of patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets.
International Society for Nanoscale Science, Computation and Engineering (ISNSCE) is a scientific organization founded in 2004. Its purpose is to promote the study of the control of the arrangement of the atoms in matter, examine the principles that lead to such control, to develop tools and methods to increase such control, and to investigate the use of these principles for molecular computation, and for engineering on the finest possible scales.
Materials Research Society (MRS)
The Materials Research Society is a non-profit organization which brings together scientists, engineers and research managers from industry, government, academia and research laboratories to share findings in the research and development of new materials of technological importance.
MEMS Industry Group (MIG)
The MEMS Industry Group (MIG) is the trade association representing U.S. MEMS and microstructures industries. The Association's mission is to enable the exchange of non-propriety information among members; provide reliable industry data that furthers the development of technology; and, to work with legislators, policymakers and others toward the greater commercial development and use of MEMS and MEMS-enabled devices.
MEMSnet is an information service for the MEMS development community, maintained by the MEMS Exchange,
is also a continuation of the MEMS Clearinghouse project, which was established as a repository of MEMS information and to foster communication and the rapid sharing of information within the MEMS community. It was run by the CHIME Project of the University of Southern California's Information Sciences Institute, under funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's Electronics Technology Office (ETO), as part of the DARPA MEMS Program. The MEMS Clearinghouse was started by Peter M. Will at
Information Sciences Institute and hosted at mems.isi.edu for many years.
Microscopy Society of America (MSA)
To Promote and to Communicate Advances in Microscopy. In addition to instrumentation and techniques, the Society is concerned with a wide range of applications in both physical and biological sciences, as well as the development and use of all forms of microscopy, imaging, and compositional analysis.
NanoBusiness Alliance
"...is the first industry association founded to advance the emerging business of nanotechnology and Microsystems. The NanoBusiness Alliance's mission is to create a collective voice for the emerging small tech industry and develop a range of initiatives to support and strengthen the nanotechnology business community..."
The Nanotechnology Institute of ASME International
American Society of Mechanical Engineers [ASME]. Dedicated to furthering the art, science and practice of nanotechnology. The Institute is a clearinghouse for ASME activities in nanotechnology and provides interdisciplinary programs and activities to bridge science, engineering, and applications.
Nanometer-scale Science and Technology Division of the American Vacuum Society (NSTD)
"...to provide a continuing forum for the discussion of science involving nanometer-scale structures; to foster technology transfer involving nanometer-scale structures; and to promote the dissemination of knowledge and development in these areas by the organization of meetings and symposia, and by publication of original works and critical reviews in proceedings, technical journals and books."
NASA-JSC Area Nanotechnology Study Group
The NASA Area Nanotechnology Study Group came into manifestation as a result of a need to gather and disseminate the very latest advancements and
achievements in the vast arena of Molecular Nanotechnology. We are strategically located in an area where we are very fortunate to have some of the
finest minds in the world currently undertaking outstanding research in this explosive field. We are in a position to have open discussions covering the
broad spectrum that encompasses MNT. The fact that we are in a location that can tap into the local Petro-Chemical, Medical, Aeronautical, Academic,
and Industrial areas, allows us to have a mixture and diversity of participating members. With such diversity we will be able to cover both disciplines of
"Top-Down" & "Bottom-Up" logics.
Optical Society of America (OSA)
Founded in 1916, the Optical Society of America OSA was organized to increase and diffuse the knowledge of optics, pure and applied; to promote the common interests of investigators of optical problems, of designers, and of users of optical apparatus of all kinds; and to encourage cooperation among them. The purposes of the Society are scientific, technical, and educational. The mission of OSA is to promote the generation, application and archiving of knowledge in optics and photonics and to disseminate this knowledge worldwide.
The Royal Society
Nanoscience & nanotechnology. The UK Government commissioned the Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Engineering to carry out an independent study on nanotechnologies. The group consisted of scientists and engineers, and experts on consumer affairs, the environment, social sciences and ethics.
Representing more than 2,400 member companies, Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI) is the trade association serving the global semiconductor equipment, materials and flat panel display industries. Since its inception in 1970, SEMI has played an increasingly vital role in industry expansion, visibility, and representation.
Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE)
...an international professional member society, provides information on new materials and processing technology either via technical forums, journal publications, or books in which professionals in this field can exchange ideas and air their views. As the only technical society encompassing all fields of endeavor in materials and processes, SAMPE provides a unique and valuable forum for scientists, engineers, and academicians.
SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering
The Society was founded in 1955 to bring together engineers from several technical disciplines involved in high-speed, optically based test and measurement. Since then, the field of optical engineering has evolved from a multidisciplinary amalgam of physics, electrical and mechanical engineering, and materials science into an identifiable discipline in its own right. Simultaneously, SPIE has grown into a vital international organization that addresses virtually all subfields associated with optics and photonics technologies and their many engineering, scientific, and commercial applications.
Swiss Physical Society (SPS)
...is the body that regroup the physicists working in or having links to Switzerland. Our objective is to defend the interests of the physicists community at large, and to promote the awareness of the public on the increasingly important role played by physics in our high-tech world.
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