Home > Directory > Information, Research, and Related Sites
Of all the sites you will undoubtedly visit over the near and long term, if you have not done so already, check out Foresight, CRN, and e-drexler. This group is on the "leading edge" in terms of overall understanding of nanotechnology and its implications. AND they are actively participating in the emergence of this world changing, evolutionary, and history-impacting technological amalgam.
The Center for Responsible Nanotechnology (CRN) is a non-profit think tank concerned with the major societal and environmental implications of advanced nanotechnology. CRN promotes public awareness and education, and the crafting and implementation of effective policy to maximize benefits and reduce dangers.
Responsible Nanotechnology News and notes about the ongoing work of the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology (CRN).
The Foresight Nanotech Institute "Today, with the basic framework of public understanding in place, we are refocusing our efforts on guiding nanotechnology research, public policy and education to address the critical challenges facing humanity. Foresight's new mission is to ensure the beneficial implementation of nanotechnology."
e-drexler.com "This site focuses on the science behind emerging technologies of broad importance, summarizing research results and offering technical perspectives on research directions. It includes tutorial material, new results, annotated bibliographies and links to external web resources."
Wise-Nano A collaborative website to study the facts and implications of advanced nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is developing rapidly, and its implications are unknown. This is a site for researchers worldwide to work together, helping to build an understanding of the technologies, their effects, and what to do about them.
The Nano Investor
"The Nano Investor is a newsletter that offers analysis of publicly traded nanotechnology companies in a variety of industries." Written by Michael Sinkula, Senior Research Associate
Nanoforum "European Union sponsored Thematic Network ... a comprehensive source of information on all areas of nanotechnology to the business, the scientific and social communities."
K. Eric Drexler Biography
Curriculum Vitae
IMM -- Institute for Molecular Manufacturing the R&D and grant arm of Foresight
NanoDot A community web site.
Nanologue Europe-wide dialogue on benefits, risks and social, ethical and legal implications of nanotechnology.
nanoparticles.org The Information Resource for the Particle Industry
PSIgate Physical Sciences Information Gateway
Institute of Physics journal
the Journal, Nanotechnology
Bootstrap Institute The Bootstrap Institute was conceived by Dr. Douglas C. Engelbart to further his lifelong career goal of boosting any organization's ability to successfully address problems that are complex and urgent.
Zyvex -- Self Replicating Systems Implications for Nanotechnology.
Nanovip International Nanotechnology Companies and Business Directory
The Naked Scientists Internet Science Radio Online
"Throughout history radical advances in science and technology have brought about revolutions that impact all aspects of society. We stand at the edge of the next revolution brought about by nanotechnology. The C60 Market monitor will provide insight as nanotechnology evolves from the labs into the mainstream." Kevin Coleman Technolytics |
MEMSGuide.com Online MEMS technology guide with industrial emphasis. Includes company listings, technical reviews, news, and event listings.
There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom An Invitation to Enter a New Field of Physics. By Richard P. Feynman. Transcript of the classic talk that Richard Feynman gave on December 29th 1959 at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). A very enlightening read
It's a small, small, small, small world Ralph C. Merkle. An extended web version of the article published in the Feb/Mar 1997 issue of MIT Technology Review. Another very enlightening read
Ralph C. Merkle Biographical information site, with many Selected Papers and links.
Nanomedicine -- Robert A. Freitas Jr.
Richard E. Smalley Home page
James Lewis Ph.D.
Derwent - Patent Information on Nanotechnology new Industry and Technology Patents Profile. April 2002
NNI National Nanotechnology Initiative
National Nanotechnology Initiative. The Initiative and its Implementation Plan
sci.nanotech Info online An online resource for sci.nanotech.
Phantoms Network on Nanoelectronics The Network (funded by the European Commission (IST programme)) is of a truly interdisciplinary character (members come from government, universities and industry at the top of their fields in Europe) and involves at this stage 210 partners from 22 different European countries.
Howstuffworks How Nanotechnology Does/Will Work
Technology Review
Physics Today Online
NanoCAD A freeware nanotech design system including source code.
OpenChem an Open Source program for investigating nanotechnology, molecular structures, machines, and phenomena.
Patents SmallTimes List
The Max Planck Society for the Advancement of the Sciences
The American Institute of Physics
PNLL Nanotechnology, Nanoscience, and Nanoengineering at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Yahoo! Science Nanotechnology Sites
Scientific American Online Magazine, Nanotechnology Section
NASA CNT Center For Nanotechnology
NASA Applications of molecular nanotechnology. PDF
NAS Nanotechnology Team NASA Ames Research Center Numerical Aerospace Simulation Facility
IBM-Almaden STM Image Gallery Images of atoms and molecules made with STM (Scanning Tunneling Microscope).
Anders Sandberg's Personal Site Very straight forward single page covering MNT from many directions.
Nanotechnology Industries Personal site of Gina (Nanogirl) Miller. Links, newsletter, message board, email list, and chatroom.
Brad Hein's Nanotechnology Site Personal site, regularly updated with latest news and links. Organized by Date.
M. Alan Kazlev's Nanotechnology Site
David Cary's Molecular Nanotechnology Site
AIP Nanotechnology Graphics Images and short movies of Nanostructures, with brief descriptions, from the American Institute of Physics.
The Heart of the (Programmable) Matter Wil McCarthy
Journal for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology An international and
multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal.
Biomedical Microdevices An International Journal devoted to biomedical applications of microdevices
Journal of Nanoparticle Research An Interdisciplinary Forum for Nanoscale Science and Technology
the Journal "Lab on a Chip" Miniaturisation for Chemistry and Biology
National Nanofabrication Users Network (NNUN) provides users with access to some of the most sophisticated nanofabrication technologies in the world with facilities open to all users from academia, government, and industry.
Ultra Electronics/ Nanoelectronics The Ultra Electronics site has been archived - The information on this site is made available but is no longer maintained.
grobots.org A massively distributed supercomputing platform for the ongoing modelling and simulation of evolvable nanotechnology.
Nanosocialism By David M. Berube, Ph.D.
Nanotechnology and the Next 50 Years R. E. Smalley Presentation. December 7, 1995
Nature.com Biotechnology Directory and Buyers' Guide Online, a global information resource listing over 10,000 organizations, product and service providers in the biotechnology industry
CritSuite Critical Discussion Tools for the Web
Center for Nanospace Technologies a Texas-based nonprofit scientific research and education foundation.
Microengineering and Nanotechnology News--Sample & SignUp
Keith Beardmore Molecular Dynamics Homepage
MolecularUniverse Contains a range of graphical images relating to recent and not so recent developments in molecular and material sciences.
NanoScience.CH A resource site for Nanometer Scale Science and Technology in Switzerland and elsewhere.
Ten Spider Nanotechnology "Ten Spider Nanotechnology provides a comprehensive and up-to-date collection of resources encompassing the exciting emerging technologies of nanoscience, nanoengineering and related fields."
NEXi - Nano Emergence
"NEXi, published by Nano Emergence, LLC, is a provider of the most recent nanoscience and display technology reports from Japan. These reports and interviews are translated from Japanese and made available in English, in their entirety, with no selective editing or omissions."
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