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National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) U.S. Federal Government program. NNI Strategic Plan Dec. 2004 PDF
See also Dr. Mihail Roco's presentation titled "National Nanotechnology Initiative Overview"From the 3rd Integrated Nanosystems Conference in Pasadena, California, held on September 22nd, 2004. (PDF)
U.S. Government Nanotechnology Programs Searchable database - open (current) and closed solicitations, including awardees when known. Maintained by the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT).
US Food and Drug Administration Regulates a wide range of products which may utilize nanotechnology or contain nanomaterials. The Agency regulates different types of products including foods, cosmetics, drugs, devices, and veterinary products.
NIH Nanotechnology and Nanoscience Information
NIH National Human Genome Research Institute Nanomedicine Fact Sheet
NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer "Towards the end of eliminating suffering and death from cancer, the National Cancer Institute is engaged in efforts to harness the power of nanotechnology to radically change the way we diagnose, image and treat cancer."
NCI Nanotechnology Characterization Lab "Working in concert with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Cancer Institute (NCI) established the Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory to perform preclinical efficacy and toxicity testing of nanoparticles."
National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (NNCO) The National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (NNCO) serves as the secretariat to the NSET Subcommittee, providing day-to-day technical and administrative support. Read more here from Small Times, April 23, 2004.
Nanotechnology Technical Advisory Group (NTAG): Charged with providing technical information on nanotechnology to the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). As part of NTAG, PCAST has formed three Task Forces in the following areas: Materials/Electronics/Photonics; Energy/Environment; and Biology/Medicine/Societal Issues. NTAG consists of experts representing a range of disciplines, such as bionanotechnology, drug delivery, biosensers, MEMS, sensing, chemistry, physics, business, commercial and government. NTAG Members
The TAG shall expire September 30, 2005, unless extended by the PCAST Co-Chairs.
President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST)
On September 30, 2001, President Bush signed Executive Order 13226 to form the PCAST. PCAST was originally established by President George Bush in 1990 to enable the President to receive advice from the private sector and academic community on technology, scientific research priorities, and math and science education. See also Advisor's Biographies PCAST Report
NNI 2002 R&D Budget
NNI 2003 R&D Budget
NNI 2006 R&D Budget (PDF)
NNI - Foresight Update 40
NNI Details
NNI - President Clinton's Remarks at Science and Technology Event
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California. January 21, 2000
Veneto Nanotech
Veneto Nanotech is the corporation joined by the Universities of Padua, Venice and Verona, the Region of Veneto, the Minister of Education, University and Research, and various public institutions and private companies, in order to coordinate the initiatives and to unify the strategic vision of the Italian nanotechnology cluster.
NanoQuébec plays a central role in the structuring and planning efforts in nanotechnology in Québec.
National Engineering Research Center for Nanotechnology (NERCN)
"... authorized and established by National Development and Reform Commission of China's Central Government in October, 2003. As the only state-class engineering research center for nanotech, it is in charge of industrial application, commercialization, standardization, certification and international collaboration of nanotech nationwide."
National Nanotechnology Centre, Thailand
Shanghai Nanotechnology Promotion Center
Japan Federation of Economic Organizations
Abbreviated in Japanese as "Keidanren." "... to work for a resolution of the major problems facing the business community in Japan and abroad, and to contribute to sound development of the Japanese and world economies."
MEXT Nanotechnology Researchers Network Center of Japan
"... a five year project, to strategically promote Japanese nanotechnology research collaborations among industry, academia, and government."
Nanomaterials Laboratories (NML), Japan
"The Nanomaterials Laboratory (NML) was established in the first spring of the 21st century with the objective of making a major contribution to nanotechnology or a key technology in the 21st century from the viewpoint of materials."
National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan
"... established with the overall purpose of improving the level of material science and technology by conducting research and development work in a comprehensive manner, including basic research in material science/technology and R&D in connection with associated technologies and the research and intellectual infrastructure."
NanoRoadMap (NRM)
A project founded by the European Commission in the FP6 (Thematic Priority 3) and its main objective is to produce a long term (10 years) forecasting exercise aiming to highlight the applications of nanotechnology in three important industrial fields: materials, health and medical services, energy.
"... aims at pushing the limits of semiconductor performance and density, keeping Europe at the forefront of nano-electronics. It strives for pioneering the necessary changes in materials, process modules, device architectures and interconnections, and also includes the related characterization, modelling and simulation work."
"... aims to strengthen European scientific and technological excellence in the field of electronics, Si-based nanodevices for terascale integrated circuits."
Nano-FIB Project
"Our ambition is to explore the patterning potential of high resolution Focused Ion Beams (FIB)."
Nano2Life (N2L)
"... the first European Network of Excellence in nanobiotechnology supported by the European Commission under the 6th Framework Programme. Its objective is to support Europe position as a competitive player and to make it a leader in nanobiotechnology transfer by merging existing European expertise and knowledge in the field of Nanobiotechnology."
Nanoscale Integrated Processing of Self-organizing Multifunctional Organic Materials (NAIMO)
"The main scientific and technological objective of Naimo is to deliver materials with a broad range of functionalities , including electronic, optical, sensing and magnetic capabilities. Moreover, those materials will be developed in a cost-effective and environment-friendly way."
Nanotechnology and Nanoscience
"In June 2003 the UK Government commissioned the Royal Society, the UK national academy of science, and the Royal Academy of Engineering, the UK national academy of engineering, to carry out an independent study of likely developments and whether nanotechnology raises or is likely to raise new ethical, health and safety or social issues which are not covered by current regulation. This website explains what this study will cover, how it will be carried out and how you can get involved."
UK Micro and Nanotechnology Network
"In July 2003, Science and Innovation Minister Lord Sainsbury announced a cash injection of £90 million over the next six years to help industry harness the commercial opportunities offered by nanotechnology. The £90 million will be spent on collaborative research and a new network of micro and nanotechnology facilities. This will help business build on the UK's excellent scientific track record in the small-scale science and win a share of this developing market. The new investment is also securing additional industry and regional spending anticipated to exceed £200 million and will provide a boost to future advanced manufacturing in the UK."
Nanotechnology Issues Dialogue Group (NIDG)
"Co-ordinate Government activities described in its response to the report by the Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Engineering: 'Nanoscience and nanotechnologies: opportunities and uncertainties' ..."
UK National Contact Point for Nanotechnologies, Materials and Production Processes (NMP)
Thematic Priority 3 in Framework Six
European Nanoelectronics Initiative Advisory Council
"Securing global leadership, creating competitive products, sustaining high innovation and top-class skills."
Nanotechnology Association of Ireland
"... established in 2002 by Enterprise Ireland to encourage the development of nanomaterials and processes by Irish Industry."
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
"Nanotechnology is increasingly considered to be the future technology. Future progress in nanotechnology will also determine the further development of future-oriented branches. The Federal Ministry of Research has presented a new overall strategy for this area. Four lead innovations: NanoMobil / automobile industry; NanoLux / optical industry; NanoFab/ electronics; and Nano for Life / life sciences." (Germany)
"Nano-map is a graphical tool for the visualization of the regional distribution of relevant nanotechnology institutions in Germany including major enterprises, SMEs, networks, research centers, university institutes, funding agencies, technology transfer and financing institutions."
Italian Center for Nanotechnology
"... an autonomous branch of AIRI (Italian Association for Industrial Research) whose primary objective is to become the national focal point for nanotechnology and contribute to make more effective the activities going on in the Country in this field so that these efforts could translate into a competitive advantage for the national industry."
GDRE NanoE - GDR on Science and Applications of Nanotubes
"To develop nanoelectronics made of nanotubes in order to fabricate passive or active electronic devices and components ..."
National Nanofabrication Users Network (NNUN)
"... provides users with access to some of the most sophisticated nanofabrication technologies in the world with facilities open to all users from academia, government, and industry."
NASA Ames Research Center
Main Nanotechnology page.
NASA Ames Research Center, Center of Nanotechnology
"... research work focuses on experimental research and development in nano and bio technologies as well as on a strong modeling and simulation effort. In addition, the Center conducts research in computational electronics, computational optoelectronics, and computational modeling of processes encountered in nanofabrication and microelectronics manufacturing."
NASA-JSC Area Nanotechnology Study Group
"The NASA Area Nanotechnology Study Group came into manifestation as a result of a need to gather and disseminate the very latest advancements and achievements in the vast arena of Molecular Nanotechnology."
NASA Ames Center for Nanotechnology
Goals: Develop Ames' computational molecular nanotechnology capabilities; Design and computationally test atomically precise electronic, mechanical and other components; Work with experimentalists to advance physical capabilities.
Nanotechnology at Ames: The Life Sciences Division at NASA Ames Research Center conducts research and development in nanotechnology to address critical life science questions.
NASA Glenn Research Center
Photovoltaic & Space Environments Branch - Nanotechnology.
NASA & JSC Carbon Nanotube Project
"Focused on developing bulk nanotube production, purification and application of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes (SWNT's). Production techniques being investigated are pulsed laser vaporization(PLV), arc discharge and a gas phase process (HiPco) in collaboration with Rice University."
"The goal of our project is to develop nanotube applications for use in human space exploration. Because of their superior strength-to-weight ratio, SWNT composites are expected to reduce spacecraft weight by 50% or more. Other exploration applications include energy storage, life support systems, thermal materials, nanoelectronics, nanosensors, electrostatic discharge materials, and biomedical applications."
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Institute for Nanoscience
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Nanoscience and Technology
Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies
The Army solicits proposals from U.S. universities to host the "Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies". The intent of the Army is to create a University Affiliated Research Center (UARC), with industry partners, to develop nanometer-scale science and technology solutions for the soldier.
Science and Technology Policy Institute [STPI]
Originally created by Congress in 1991 as the Critical Technologies Institute and renamed in 1998, the Science and Technology Policy Institute is a federally funded research and development center sponsored by the National Science Foundation and managed by RAND. The institute's mission is to help improve public policy by conducting objective, independent research and analysis on policy issues that involve science and technology.
National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)
Established by Executive Order on November 23, 1993. This Cabinet-level Council is the principal means for the President to coordinate science, space, and technology to coordinate the diverse parts of the Federal research and development enterprise. The President chairs the NSTC. Membership consists of the Vice President, Assistant to the President for Science and technology, Cabinet Secretaries and Agency Heads with significant science and technology responsibilities, and other White House officials. An important objective of the NSTC is the establishment of clear national goals for Federal science and technology investments in areas ranging from information technologies and health research, to improving transportation systems and strengthening fundamental research. The Council prepares research and development strategies that are coordinated across Federal agencies to form an investment package aimed at accomplishing multiple national goals. See also About the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) (PDF)
National Research Council
Canada's National Institute for Nanotechnology (NIN)
National Institute for Nanotechnology
"... an integrated, multi-disciplinary institution involving researchers in physics, chemistry, engineering, biology, informatics, pharmacy and medicine. Established in 2001, it is operated as a partnership between the National Research Council and the University of Alberta, and is jointly funded by the Government of Canada, the Government of Alberta and the university."
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
NanoMEMS Edmonton "A registered public-private partnership, NanoMEMS Edmonton is dedicated to fostering the development and growth of micro - and nano-based commercial enterprise across the region."
Nanotechnology Victoria
" ... a vehicle for optimising benefits to Victoria from advances in nanotechnology and related sciences."
National Measurement Laboratory - Nanotechnology Section
NPL is the United Kingdom's national standards laboratory, an internationally respected and independent centre of excellence in research, development and knowledge transfer in measurement and materials science.
Chicago Microtechnology / Nanotechnology Community (CMNC)
"To be the premier convergence point in Chicago of knowledge and resources for Midwest practitioners of micro and nanotechnology. The Group will work toward this goal by holding public educational seminars and special events, linking together organizations and individuals at the forefront of micro and nano technology with businesses that can benefit from these developments."
Chesapeake Nanotech Initiative (CNI)
"... a coalition of science, technology and business leaders — from private industry, academia, and government — harnessing the substantial resources of the region to: ultivate excellence in nano-scale science and engineering; create links between leading scientists and industry visionaries; support national research objectives; and help define and develop commercial markets for nanotechnology."
Colorado NanoTechnology Initiative
"From nationally acclaimed universities to high-tech companies, Colorado is primed for the NanoTech revolution. The Colorado NanoTechnology Initiative will act as the center allowing for cooperation with universities and business to launch Colorado as the leader in NanoTechnology."
Connecticut Nanotech Initiative
"The goal of the Connecticut Nanotech Initiative (CNI) is to accomplish the following objectives: Make Connecticut competitive in the emerging science and commercialization of nanotechnology; Provide forums and mechanisms for the support and technical exchange among those involved in nanotechnology in Connecticut; Provide a platform for the education about nanotechnology and promotion of the field; Facilitate technology transfer and the commercialization of nanotech discoveries."
Virginia Nanotechnology Initiative (VNI)
"VNI was initiated in 2002 (as INanoVA) with seed funding from the Center for Innovative Technology (CIT) and has remained a program within CIT to work with Virginia’s universities, federal laboratories, industrial partners, and state agencies to promote collaborative nanotechnology research, workforce development, technology transfer, and commercialization. As you look through the following pages, you will see the considerable activity in nanotechnology across the Commonwealth."
New Jersey Nanotechnology Consortium (NJNC)
The NJNC is a consortium launched in early 2003 by Lucent Technologies, the state of New Jersey and the New Jersey Institute of Technology.
I Love New York Nanotech
"... a consortium of like minded organizations consisting of economic development groups, academia and technology equipment suppliers that have joined forces to promote New York and all it has to offer."
Northern California Nanotechnology Initiative (NCnano)
"A regional program which will have a global impact. NCnano unites the extensive research, development, manufacturing, and capital resources of Northern California to create the world's leading nanotechnology cluster."
Oklahoma Nanotechnology Initiative
May, 2003. The House and Senate of the Oklahoma Legislature have passed a concurrent resolution (SCR-23) for the establishment of the Oklahoma Nanotechnology Initiative (ONI).
Texas Nanotechnology Initiative
A Consortium of industry, universities, government, and venture capitalists whose goal is to position Texas as the Nanotechnology State
Washington Nanotechnology Initiative
"... nanotechnology leaders, including the Washington Technology Center, Avogadro Partners, LLC, the University of Washington, Washington State University and Battelle’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, with seed funding sponsored by Senator Maria Cantwell, have come together to launch the Washington Nanotechnology Initiative (WNI)."
The Nanotechnology Institute
A Collaborative Enterprise among academic and research institutions, corporate partners, private investors, government and economic development. A Multi-State Initiative involving PA, NJ, DE, & MD supported by emerging international alliances with Japan, Italy, United Kingdom.
National Science Foundation (NSF)
An independent U.S. government agency responsible for promoting science and engineering through programs that invest over $3.3 billion per year in almost 20,000 research and education projects in science and engineering.
NSF -- Nanoscale Science and Engineering (NSE)
Program Solicitation for FY2002, for "Nanoscale Interdisciplinary Research Teams (NIRT)" and "Nanoscale Exploratory Research (NER)"
NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology
"Now celebrating 100 years of service to the nation, NIST is a non-regulatory federal agency within the U.S. Commerce Department's Technology Administration. NIST's mission is to develop and promote measurement, standards, and technology to enhance productivity, facilitate trade, and improve the quality of life. NIST technology, measurements, and standards help U.S. industry invent and manufacture superior products reliably, ensure a fair marketplace for consumers and businesses, and promote acceptance of U.S. products in foreign markets. By providing these elements of technological progress over the past century, NIST has helped to lay the foundations for the innovation, economic growth, and quality of life that have made the United States the world's most prosperous nation."
NIST - Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology
NIST - Advanced Technology Program
NIST - Combinatorial Methods Center
NIST - Nanoelectronic Device Metrology
NIST - Physics Lab - Nanotechnology
NIST - Nanotechnology in the Electron Physics Group
NIST - Nanotechnology Research of NIST Scientists at JILA
NIST - Quantum Computing Research
NIST - Magnetism of Nanomaterials
NIST - Polymer Clay Nanocomposites Consortium
NIST - Electron Physics Group
NIST - Nanoprobe Imaging Project
NIST - Nanoscale Characterization of Surfaces, Interfaces, and Interphases in Polymeric Materials and Systems
The Center for Computational Sciences at the ORNL
"Rapid advancements in computer technology have allowed computational science to begin solving a wide range of critical scientific problems. The Center for Computational Sciences at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory is one of the leaders in applying this new power to solving fundamental questions in material science."
The Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences at the ORNL
"... a collaborative nanoscience user research facility for the synthesis, characterization, theory/ modeling/ simulation, and design of nanoscale materials. It is one of five Nanoscale Science Research Centers currently being established by the Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy."
The Center for Engineering Science Advanced Research at the
"CESAR was established by DOE at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 1983 to conduct fundamental theoretical, experimental, and computational research in intelligent systems. Today, its activities range from programmed materials synthesis at the nanoscale to cooperative mobile robots, from quantum optics to directed energy weapons, from neural networks to global optimization, and from revolutionary computing technologies to dynamic networking and information warfare."
Basic Energy Sciences [BES]
Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology Research
Basic Energy Sciences [BES]
Materials Chemistry and Biomolecular Materials
Basic Energy Sciences [BES]
Structure and Composition of Materials
Sandia National Laboratories [SNL]
SNL Chemical Synthesis and Nanomaterials
SNL Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
SNL Nanoscience Projects
SNL Catalysis and Chemical Technologies
SNL - The Role of DOE in the National Nanotechnology Initiative
Argonne National Laboratory [ANL]
Argonne is one of the U.S. Department of Energy's largest research centers. It is also the nation's first national laboratory, chartered in 1946.
ANL Center for Nanoscale Materials
ANL Research Programs
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory [LLNL]
BioSecurity and Nanosciences Laboratory (BSNL).
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory [LLNL]
Nanoscale Synthesis and Characterization Laboratory (NSCL).
Los Alamos National Laboratory [LANL] - Nanoscience and Technology
Los Alamos National Laboratory [LANL]
Dr. Yuntian Theodore Zhu
Los Alamos National Laboratory [LANL]
Softmatter Nanotechnology and Advanced Spectroscopy Team
Nanotechnology at LANL
CINT: Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies
CINT described (pdf)
LANL - Examples of Nanoscale Science and Technology at Los Alamos (pdf)
Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory [INEEL]
Environmental and Energy Sciences - Materials.
Environmental and Energy Sciences - Physics
Brookhaven National Laboratory [BNL] Center for Functional Nanomaterials
"... will provide researchers with state-of-the-art capabilities to fabricate and study nanoscale materials. ... Nanomaterials— typically on the scale of billionths of a meter —offer different chemical and physical properties than bulk materials, and have the potential to form the basis of new technologies." See also Nanoscience at BNL
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
"... breakthrough science and technology to meet key national needs. We also apply our capabilities to meet selected environmental, energy, health and national security objectives, strengthen the economy, and support the education of future scientists and engineers."
PNNL Systems Biology
"A multidisciplinary research program that integrates molecular biology, biochemistry, physics, mathematics, and computer science to understand complex biological systems."
Molecular Science Computing Facility
"Provides the advanced computing capability needed by staff and users of the William R. Wiley Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) to address "Grand Challenge" scale environmental research problems. The MSCF is located at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), one of nine U.S. Department of Energy multiprogram national laboratories.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
"The Lab is the oldest of the country's national labs and is managed by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Research includes physics, computing, life sciences, materials sciences, and environmental energy technologies."
The Molecular Foundry at LBNL
"... a user facility for the design, synthesis and characterization of nanoscale materials. It is one of two national user facilities in the Berkeley Lab's Materials Sciences Division, and of five at Berkeley Lab.The Molecular Foundry is one of five Nanoscale Science Research Centers Established by the U.S. Department of Energy."
Supramolecular Functional Materials
"For the eighth in its series of national research programs, the Swiss federal government decided in 1998 to launch PNR 47 – “Functional Supramolecular Materials”. Granted a Sfr15 million credit for five years, this program is aimed at encouraging a promising though relatively young branch of modern science."
Collaborative Effort:
NASA MSU Clemson UofP CMU Use of Carbon Nanotubes in Space
South African Nanotechnology initiative (SANi)
"... to establish critical mass in nanotechnology R&D in South Africa for the benefit of all its citizens."
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