Partners and Friends
This site is dedicated to nanotechnology jobs in small tech, including careers in nanotechnology, microtechnology, biotechnology, and information technology.
See our
Career Center for to post your resume or job listing.
Foresight Nanotech Institute - Preparing for nanotechnology
Founded in 1944, Heifer International is a humanitarian assistance organization that works to end world hunger and protect the earth. Through livestock, training and "passing on the gift," Heifer has helped seven million families in more than 125 countries improve their quality of life and move toward greater self-reliance. Heifer helps build strong communities because each project participant agrees to pass on the gift of animal offspring, training, or skills to another family in need.
We wholeheartedly support this mission. Brian Lundquist, Rocky Rawstern, and the rest of the staff at Nanotechnology Now.
The Hungersite - please visit and click to support
A webring for sites concerning futurism, transhumanism, extropianism, future technologies, etc.
Sierra Solar - Renewable Energy Source
Brain Technologies
Optimize the Power of You
Health in Mind and Body
Wealth in Business and Life

"An Education for the Future."

The Educational CyberPlayGround

feeding the hungry, one search at a time.