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Nanoclusters and Nanocrystals
Edited by Hari Singh Nalwa Formerly of Hitachi Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd., JAPAN

Nanoclusters and Nanocrystals provides coverage on various aspects of nanoclusters and nanocrystals. This book covers topics on recent synthetic strategies to fabricate metallic or semiconducting nanoscale clusters and crystals, nanocrystalline films, control of size and shape of clusters and crystals, growth mechanism, spectroscopic characterization, amorphous and crystalline structures, physical properties and potential industrial applications in transducers and photocatalysis.
CONTENTS - Nanocrystalline Materials for Hydrogen Storage, J. Huot and R. Chahine
- Nanocrystalline Metallic Materials, S. Gialanella and L. Lutterotti
- Nanocrystalline Aluminium Alloys, Livio Battezzati , Simone Pozzovivo and Paola Rizzi
- Mechanically Synthesized Nanocrystals: Structure and Properties, P. Hideo Shingu, Keiichi N. Ishihara and Kei Yasuna
- Physical Mechanisms of Plastic Flow in Nanocrystalline Materials, Mikhail Gutkin, Ilya Ovid'ko and Chandra Pande
- Growth and Properties of Nanostructured Films Prepared by Cluster Deposition, Pablo Jensen et al.
- Nanoclusters as Transducers for Molecular Structure and Recognitive Binding, Thomas G. M. Schalkhammer
- Photocatalysis on Zeolites and Ordered Mesoporous Materials, V. L. Zholobenko, Amanda J. Evans, Smantha L. Y. Tang
- Segregation in Nanostructures, D. K. Beke, Cs. Cserhati, Z. Erdelyi and I. A. Szabo
KEY FEATURES - Most up-to-date reference work summarizing research on nanoclusters and nanocrystals.
- Contains 9 state-of-the-art chapters written by research experts.
- About 2,000 bibliographic citations and thousands of illustrations, figures, tables, chemical structures and equations
- An essential resource for scientists, researchers, upper-level undergraduate and graduate students, college and university professors, working in the field of electrical and electronic engineering, materials science, solid-state physics, nanotechnology, crystal engineering, cluster science, computational engineering, device applications, etc.
February 2003, ca.300 pages, Hardcover / ISBN: 1-58883-017-9
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