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Handbook of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials and Nanocomposites
Edited by Hari Singh Nalwa Formerly of Hitachi Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd., JAPAN

Handbook of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials and Nanocomposites is a major reference work that provides coverage on various emerging aspects of organic-inorganic hybrid materials and nanocomposites. These two-volume cover topics on molecular building blocks for preparing hybrid materials and nanocomposites, different synthetic routes allowing multifunctionality with a wide range of composition, sol-gel chemistry, processing and fabrication into ultrathin films, fibers, xerogels, spectroscopic characterization, mechanical, thermal, electronic, optical, catalytic and biological properties, polymer/metal interfaces, and their potential commercial applications. The handbook contains about 20 state-of-the-art chapters written by over 40 international experts from 11 countries. The handbook has been divided into two thematic volumes;
Volume 1. Hybrid Materials
Volume 2. Nanocomposites SELECTED CONTENTS - Building Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Materials using Silsesquioxanes, Douglas A. Loy and Kamyar Rahimian
- Silica-Organic Hybrid Materials, Sebastian Polarz
- Crosslinked Heteropolysiloxanes as Inorganic-Organic Polymers, Karl-Heinz Haas
- Ring Opening Polymerization of Poly(siloxane) Materials, C. J. Embery, S. J. Clarke and Jani G. Matisons
- The Multiple Role of Silicon in Dendritic Chemistry, Daniel Neumann and Jani G. Matisons
- Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials from Sonogels, Nicolas de la Rosa-Fox, Manuel Pinero, and Luis Esquivias
- Molecular Tectonics in Sol-Gel Chemistry, Marc Henry
- Optical Properties of Funcionalized Sol-Gel Derived Hybrid Materials, P. Prosposito and Mauro Casalboni
- Light Emission From Organic-Inorganic Hybrids Materials Lacking Activator Centers, L.D. Carlos, R.A. Sá Ferreira and V. de Zea Bermudez
- Design and Development of Functional Biocompatible Hybrid Materials for Medical Applications, Masao Tanihara, Toshiki Miyazaki, Shin-ichi Ogata and Chikara Ohtsuki
- Processing and Properties of Non-layerd Nanoparticle Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites, Ming Qiu Zhang, Ming Zhi Rong and Klaus Friedrich
- Relationships between Microstructural Aspects and Mechanical Properties in Polymer based Nanocomposites, L. Chazeau, C. Gauthier, G. Vigier, J. Y. Cavaillé
- Superhard Nanocomposite Coatings, Gregory M. Demyashev, Alexander L. Taube and Elias Siores, Australia
- Carbon Nanotube-Based Nanocomposites, H. C. Zeng, Singapore
- Conducting Polymer Nanocomposites, Rupali Gangopadhyay and Amitabha De
- Luminescence and Photovoltaic Effects in Polymer-Based Nanocomposites, S
- Nano/Microstructure in Metal Oxides Prepared by MeV ions, Lasers and Synchroton Radiation, Koichi Awazu
KEY FEATURES - Most up-to-date reference work summarizing pioneering research on organic-inorganic hybrid materials and nanocomposites.
- A unique source of in-depth knowledge of many aspects of synthesis, character.
- Contains about 20 state-of-the-art chapters written by over 40 international experts from 11 countries.
- Over 5,000 bibliographic citations and thousands of illustrations, figures, tables, chemical structures and equations.
- An essential resource for scientists, researchers, upper-level undergraduate and graduate students, college and university professors working in the field of organic-inorganic hybrid materials, nanocomposites, organic synthetic chemistry, materials science, sol-gel chemistry, silicon chemistry, ceramic engineering, solid-state physics, electronic and optical engineering, biomedical engineering, supramolecular chemistry, polymer science and engineering, nanotechnology, etc.
MAY 2003, 810 pages (2 Volumes), Hardcover / ISBN:1-58883-011-X
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