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Earl Boysen
Understanding Nanotechnology

Imagine that there's a market for a material or product with capabilities provided by nanotechnology, but your company doesn't have people with the expertise to develop it. Fortunately other companies have made it their business to perform contract research and development of nanomaterials or nanodevices for you.

April 18th, 2013

Farming out your R&D

Imagine that there's a market for a material or product with capabilities provided by nanotechnology, but your company doesn't have people with the expertise to develop it. Fortunately other companies have made it their business to perform contract research and development of nanomaterials or nanodevices for you.

Each of these companies has specific in-house expertise, or can bring together the necessary outside expertise to handle your research and development. Areas of expertise for these contract research and development companies include:

• Fabrication of nanoelectronic prototype devices
• Development of nanomaterial to custom specifications
• Development of nanocomposites
• Development of paints and coatings using nanomaterials
• Troubleshooting of nanomaterial production processes
• Development of bio-nanotechnology techniques and products
• Commercialization of nanostructured products
• Development of manufacturing processes for nanomaterial or nanoelectronics devices
• Risk assessment and toxicology testing to resolve safety issues in nanomaterial development

For companies that want to develop a new product using nanotechnology but do not have the in-house expertise, these contract research and development services can be very useful.

For more information on companies that provide contract research and development services go to the UnderstandingNano's Nanomaterial Research and Development Services webpage.

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