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Home > Nanotechnology Columns > NanoMuse > Ballad for the Uses of Nano-Tech - I

Tammy Gordin

This will be the first of a series of ballads on the uses of nano-tech.

Warning: They will not necessarily be consecutive.

August 6th, 2012

Ballad for the Uses of Nano-Tech - I

fuzzy future tech
for everyone to use
so many strong fibers
from which we may choose

there's coupling materials
and bio-based membranes
there'll be monocoque panels
for rockets and airplanes

the toughest nano-crystals
that are hard and robust
will embody jet engines
that have plenty of thrust

you'll find metal nano-crystals
in car bumpers and fenders
there'll be new presentations
by sharp salesmen and vendors

they can scoop up nasty toxins
such as mercury and lead
they can clean up filthy oil
so those spills will not spread

space rockets will be lighter --
they'll have much less drag
they'll be in drivers, balls,
woods and a fancy golf bag

fuzzy future tech
for everyone to use
so many strong fibers
from which we may choose

{For more poetry see: }
For spoken version of this poem, see: Balland for the Uses of Nano-Tech - I.

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