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Home > Nanotechnology Columns > Cristian Orfescu > The 1st International Festival of NanoArt - Finland 2007: Art and Nanotechnology - Part I

Cris Orfescu

NanoArt reflects the technological movement of the 21st century and is raising the public awareness about Nanotechnology and its impact on our lives. The 1st International Festival of NanoArt was hosted by the Kotkan Valokuvakeskus Gallery in Kotka, Finland between May 4 and May 26, 2007. The show was curated by Cris Orfescu (USA) and Timo Mahonen (Finland). This event was the first ever, as far as I know, to bring so many nanoartists together in a brick-and-mortar gallery.

September 20th, 2007

The 1st International Festival of NanoArt - Finland 2007: Art and Nanotechnology - Part I

NanoArt reflects the technological movement of the 21st century and is raising the public awareness about Nanotechnology and its impact on our lives. The 1st International Festival of NanoArt was hosted by the Kotkan Valokuvakeskus Gallery in Kotka, Finland between May 4 and May 26, 2007. The show was curated by Cris Orfescu (USA) and Timo Mahonen (Finland). This event was the first ever, as far as I know, to bring so many nanoartists together in a brick-and-mortar gallery.

Festival Poster

NanoArt works authored by 15 artists from 4 countries were exhibited: Chris Marshall (Australia), Carol Cooper (Canada), Bjoern Daempfling (Germany), A. John Valois, Abigail Kurtz Migala, Chris Robinson, Darcy Lewis, Dolores Glover Kaufman, Fred Marinello, Gregory O'Toole, Jan Kirstein, K. Elise Cohen, Lisa Black, Ursula Freer, Cris Orfescu (USA). Most of these artists participated successfully at the NanoArt 2006 International Online Competition (22 artists, 71 works). To view the artists' NanoArt albums please visit

To view Orfescu's 3D interactive galleries please visit
or to view one of his static galleries visit

Like any new artistic movement, NanoArt has a long way to go, but the beginning is here and there are several artists dedicated to promote this new art discipline to become one of the main art currents in the 21st Century. To read more about NanoArt please visit

In this series of three articles I would like to present the participating nanoartists.

Nano-Cyclops V, by Chris Marshall

For the last twenty years Chris Marshall was doing software design and development for a small number of long-term clients. Her interest in art started as a 2000 New Year resolution and has since expanded to occupy a large slice of her life - not to mention the house. Her art and craft activities are an effort to counter the left-brain bias of her working career. "Actually that's only partly true - the design of computer software is a very nice amalgam of art and science, and there is no doubt that well-designed software can be elegant, and yes, even beautiful. Combine that with the fact that it is also doing something useful (well usually anyway), and you can begin to see what has kept us interested for so long." Chris says.

Nano Vista, by Carol Cooper

Since 2001 Carol Cooper had chosen to explore and create art with the assistance of digital tools. "My computer, mouse, scanner, various image editing software programs & numerous digital substrates allow me unlimited creative freedom. Through art, I can bring order to defragged thoughts; symmetry and tessellation are good friends. When I am wound up like a tight spring, I can abandon regiment totally through psychedelic abstracts in a flurry of bold colors & textural elements. I love to re-digest things that I have learned or experienced for the first time, or reflect upon memories that gently resurface, perhaps in a dream. Visually interpreting what my six senses might conjure up, provides continuous artistic stimulation, and most dearly, I embrace & transform inspirations that are softly felt (owed to in thanks) by those I hold closest to my heart."

Ctulhu, by Bjoern Daempfling

"One could call it "painting with filters", which is quite different from "applying filters" in the way those filters should be used. Most of what I am doing makes zero sense in terms what things are meant for, like using sharpening and softening filters one after another a dozen times and so forth. If an image like that is finished I have used so many filters,
so many times and combined stuff that's more than unlikely, including layering dozens of times, that there is no way to recall and I don't want to. And I like to make things deceptive, so it may look like a certain filter being used, but if one would try to copy, they will soon know better. The only purpose for me in making an image is the image and I like to make unique ones." says Bjoern Daempfling

Uncovering the Nanosphere, by A. John Valois

A. John Valois statement: "After a forty year career in the academic world, including thirty-one years as a psychology professor at the University of San Diego, I have turned to the world of art as the primary way to express my thoughts and feelings. I find the digital medium to be an excellent means of achieving this goal. While I did oil and acrylic paintings during the sixties and seventies, the flexibility and range of possibilities afforded by the digital medium are particularly exciting to me. Primarily I use Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and Painter for my work. I have also begun to integrate photography into my artwork. All in all, I am finding this period of my life to be most stimulating as each painting brings with it new discoveries."

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