Home > Introduction > Articles > Mike Thomas > Breakthrough Flat Panel OLED TV
Imagine a flat screen TV that gives higher quality pictures, using less power, while at the same time protecting your family from high energy microwave electromagnetic radiation created by CRT and SED electron beam technologies.
Using our patented OLED UV photon induced electric field poling of ferroelectric molecules, it is now possible to have a healthy, safe, green environment-friendly TV, with low power use and heat dissipation (compared to LCD and Electron Emission devices).
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Today's TV is being replaced by a device having billions of times smaller optical densities that can be constructed into large macro objects - Reprogrammable OLED Plasmon Flat Panel Displays and Screens.
Colossal Storage is desirous of licensing two U.S. Patents, # 6,028,835 (2/22/00) and # 6,046,973 (4/4/00), which can be used for many hundreds of devices, one being a ferroelectric electron field emission device using an Integrated Semiconductor UV/Deep Blue Laser for Re-Programmable Ferroelectric OLED Displays.
Some organic/inorganic molecules have resonant valence orbit electrons that under the proper Quantum UV/Blue photo excitation allow conduction band electrons to move freely for a short time.
Plasmon - known as electric current - along with the electric field present, provides a mechanism for ferroelectric perovskite molecules to switch binary positions.
The unique concept of resonant absorption excitation by UV/Blue light causing olecular dissociation and simultaneous electric field application (Pockels effect) can be used to switch the ferroelectric molecule ("Atomic Switch").
Thomas found that Ultraviolet light was not only important to create free conduction band electrons but that UV is the "Fountain of Youth" for ferroelectric molecules.
The use of UV in ferroelectric applications prevents fatigue and pinning of the Atomic Molecular Dipole -a secret not widely known (link) in the use of ferroelectric materials, except by a few ferroelectric materials experts like Colossal.
The bistable state nucleus in the center of a ferroelectric dipole molecule can therefore be used to create a programmable OLED light source for many applications, such as computer displays, credit card displays, cellular phone displays, television screens, monitors, special displays, automobiles, cameras, etc., with 200 Terapixels to 4 Petapixels possible.
Ferroelectric non-linear photonic bandgap crystals offer the possibility of controlling and manipulating light within a UV/Deep Blue frequency.
The small size of ferroelectric transparent structures makes it possible to fabricate nano-optical devices like OLED ferroelectric electron field emission displays that can be used to make nano, macro or ANY SIZE displays.
The outstanding potentials of ferroelectric molecular materials will revolutionize optical display technologies along with several challenges in design, optimization, fabrication, and characterization and provide for further extensive research and development activities in the field of ferroelectric materials.
Colossal's use of electron fields in ferroelectric materials can be used to turn ON / OFF a phosphorus display with NO light energy source requirement for infinite ON / OFF non-destructive ("switch with memory") switching with NO refresh rates needed.
The ferroelectric molecule acts as a reprogrammable molecular battery or DC source that can store independent variable analog bit cell voltages from - 6v to + 6v in .05 v step increments in random read write patterns for use in display, audio and video markets.
The basic formula of rare earth aluminate long persistence phosphor is SrAlO4: Eu, Dy. By modifying its composition with different additives, the phosphor can emit a color of green, yellow, blue, white or other colors.
After activating by either visible light or ultraviolet, its emitting duration can reach up to 12 hours, and its intensity is much higher than zinc sulphide (ZnS). These features make the rare earth long persistence phosphor a much better candidate over other phosphors such as ZnS in many applications.
Currently this phosphor is widely used as a pigment added into paints, rubbers and plastics for applications such as billboards, traffic signs, decorations and toys.
Colossal Storage Corp. expects its unique nanotechnology to set the stage for world competition in bright, high definition, inexpensive, high energy saving OLED displays like TV for the future.
Colossal Storage Corporation
About Micheal E. Thomas
Among his many accomplishments, Mike Thomas is the inventor and patents holder on an Integrated Read/Write Head for Ferroelectric Optical Storage, and is a 25 plus year pioneer in peripheral storage research and development. Full bio here.
Reprinted with permission. Copyright © Micheal E. Thomas
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