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Molecular machine could develop drugs for bioweapons victims
LANL September 30, 2002 Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory have created the first computer model of a key part of the E-coli ribosome, a cellular structure responsible for the creation of proteins, that has applications in the development of new and powerful antibiotics for use in the treatment of illnesses caused by all pathogens, including a host of bioweapons agents.
E-beam welding eyed for dense nanoscale circuits
EETimes September 30, 2002 An international consortium of researchers believes its electron-beam method for joining nanotubes could be applied to the construction of ultradense circuits. | More on the story from Sept 16th - Nano-Welding Creates Tiny Junctions
Investors make leap of faith when it comes to nanotubes
SmallTimes September 30, 2002 It could well be the ultimate test of faith for investors – betting on something they literally can't see. But in the world of nanotubes, where technology is grown rather than fabricated, that is the gamble.
IBM grows nanotube patterns on silicon wafers
EETimes September 30, 2002 IBM Corp. has grown catalyst-free nanotube networks on silicon carbide substrates, the company said last week.
Nanoscale Electronics
C&EN September 30, 2002 Bustling research is producing sophisticated laboratory demonstrations, but commercialization of nanometer-sized devices remains a ways off
Nanomaterials technology builds
tool company around pragmatism
SmallTimes September 30, 2002 It's been a cliche since the Internet era that those who became wealthy during the Gold Rush were the ones who sold the picks and shovels. Yet behind every generalization there's a kernel of truth. At least, that's what NanoMaterials Technology hopes.
Nanolayers Closes Seed Finance Round For Organic Semiconductor Development
Nanolayers September 30, 2002 Nanolayers Ltd., an innovative organic semiconductor company, announced today the closing of a seed financing round. The round was led by the Millenium Materials Technology Fund. Other investors participating in this round included Intel Capital and Summit Technology.
Talking About Small Things
Jupitermedia September 30, 2002 A new Australian National Nanotechnology Network (ANNN) has been launched by The Federal Science Minister, Peter McGauran, at the first National Conference on Nanotechnology in Sydney.
'Tuxedo' a nano showcase
UPI September 28, 2002 It's becoming more and more apparent nanotechnology has nearly unlimited potential but come on -- morphing Jackie Chan into a virtual singing, dancing copy of James Brown?
NASA to approve giant tech campus at Moffett Field
Mercury News September 28, 2002 It will house a partnership of universities, government, private industry and non-profit organizations incubating the technologies of tomorrow in research areas such as nanotechnology, the science of molecular manufacturing.
State funds to aid high-tech ventures
News-Gazette September 28, 2002 The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will receive $500,000 from the state to encourage high-tech development here, the state Department of Commerce and Community Affairs announced Thursday.
Building a better biosensor: xenon in a cage
LBL September 27, 2002 The secret of the new biosensor lies in confining laser-polarized xenon atoms inside specially modified molecular cages. By using optically pumped xenon, the caged-xenon sensor promises to produce much "brighter" signals from chemical targets in living organisms.
Analog Devices steers new MEMs gyroscope chip toward auto market
SmallTimes September 27, 2002 Gyroscopes aren't just for navigating airplanes anymore. A new kind of gyroscope from Norwood, Mass., based Analog Devices Inc. is helping tour buses find their way through the streets of New York and may someday be standard equipment on millions of cars.
Goo VS Paste
NanotechNow September 27, 2002 "The first use of the term "Goo" was in the phrase "Gray goo". Gray goo is a mass of small, destructive, self-replicating nanorobots, so the word "goo" implies a capability for self-replication. ... and "paste" to refer to a mass of small machines that cannot self-replicate. Thus, for example, a "Medical paste" would be a bunch of non-replicating nanobots with a specific medical task, such as cleaning and closing a wound. Chris Phoenix
Nanotech Goes Mainstream
Technology Review September 27, 2002 The new NanoMechanical Technology Laboratory brings a burgeoning field closer to the real world.
From Lab to Fab: The Ins and Outs of Technology Transfer
NanoelectronicsPlanet September 27, 2002 This week, The Nano Circuit set off to find the research infrastructure that will build commercial products from nanoelectronics research. First stop: MIT's Technology Licensing Office.
Power Chips to boost geothermal power and car engines
Nanotechweb September 27, 2002 Power Chips of Gibraltar has announced that its Power Chips devices could help geothermal power plants become both more productive and widespread. The chips use quantum mechanical electron tunnelling to convert heat into electricity.
Professor leaves the lab
to 'join' the nano market
SmallTimes September 27, 2002 Scientists have long been frustrated in their hunt to find a good way to join together materials like metal and ceramic, but a team of researchers is getting ready to manufacture a nanoengineered product that might solve the problem.
9-11 drives advances in nanotechnology
DetroitNews September 27, 2002 The events of Sept. 11 have focused awareness, increased funding and accelerated the commercialization of micro- and nanotechnology devices that can sense minute traces of chemical, biological and nuclear agents in the air or water, according to business leaders and researchers.
Cloth Lights and Computerized Military Garb
UofA September 26, 2002 The soldier of tomorrow may be uniformed in fatigues imprinted with an electronic map that only the soldier sees with special vision goggles. However remote the military mission, when central command issues updated field orders by computer, soldiers can literally read those orders as print outs on their shirts.
Stressful islands reshape silicon
* Nature September 26, 2002 Nanoscale interfaces between two mismatched crystalline materials can induce stresses that have a surprisingly large effect, with serious implications for ultra-small microelectronic devices.
Aerogels get tough
* Nature September 26, 2002 Aerogels are almost entirely empty space; but exploiting their high porosity in applications is hindered by their low strength and brittleness. That can be overcome by 're-engineering' the nanoscale structure using a flexible organic material.
High-flying physicist sacked for falsifying data
New Scientist September 26, 2002 Hendrik Schön's dismissal follows an independent investigation at the labs that found "compelling evidence" of data manipulation and misrepresentation in 16 of 24 papers examined.
Advances cited for 90-nm ASICs
EETimes September 26, 2002 Keynote speakers at the 15th IEEE ASIC/SoC conference here today (Sept. 25) described similar challenges, and some strikingly different solutions, to moving system-level IC designs to the 90-nanometer process node.
Inventor foresees implanted sensors aiding brain functions
EETimes September 26, 2002 Using deliberately provocative predictions, speech-recognition pioneer Ray Kurzweil said that by 2030 nanosensors could be injected into the human bloodstream, implanted microchips could amplify or supplant some brain functions, and individuals could share memories and inner experiences by "beaming" them electronically to others.
Smart artillery shells promise
a major mems device market
SmallTimes September 26, 2002 The U.S. Department of Defense is spending millions of dollars to develop MEMS-based artillery shells for the Army and Navy and even more for a MEMS-based guidance unit for everything from shells to smart bombs.
NC State Chemist Creates Structure in Amorphous Materials
NCSU September 25, 2002 A chemist at North Carolina State University has made breakthrough discoveries that advance basic understandings of the nature of liquids and glasses at the atomic and molecular levels.
Swiss space technology given new launch pad
SwissInfo September 25, 2002 Lausanne's Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) and the University of Neuchâtel's Institute of Microtechnology (IMT) are the two partners of the project. The chair's activities will focus on microsystems and nanotechnology.
Silicon Insider: High Tech Thrills Ahead
NewsFactor September 25, 2002 Barring some unexpected collision with particle physics, Moore's Law is going to keep rolling along for another dozen years or more.
NSF grant to UC Berkeley will fund exploration
of new types of quantum computers, steps toward quantum logic and nanoprocessors
UCB September 25, 2002 A team of chemists, physicists and engineers at the University of California, Berkeley, has received $4.5 million from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to test whether several cutting-edge technologies are suitable for building the first practical quantum computer.
Nanosize chips are not nanotech,
but the industry benefits, anyway
SmallTimes September 25, 2002 It's beginning to look a lot like nano in the computer chip industry. But while chip features below 100 nanometers is not nanotechnology, the small tech industry may still benefit from breakthroughs made by its silicon cousins.
Bright Future Economy Predicted At The Business Oriented Albany Symposium On Global Nanotechnology And Semiconductors
internetwire September 25, 2002 "Consensus that the corner has been turned in the current economic slowdown is what emerged from business and government leaders, economists, and analysts at the Albany Symposium on Global Nanotechnology..."
Lu pledges Taiwan's commitment to nanotechnology
Taiwan News September 25, 2002 With a commitment to catch up with the leading developing countries, Vice President Annette Lu has pledged that the Taiwan government would lead a "National Program on Nanoscience and Technology" with a total funding of NT$23.1 billion over the next six years.
Plastic shows promise for spintronics, magnetic computer memory
OSU September 24, 2002 Researchers at Ohio State University and their colleagues have expanded the possibilities for a new kind of electronics, known as spintronics.
Imago lands $7 million investment
JS Online September 24, 2002 Capital infusion will allow Madison start-up to refine microscopes, seek out clients
GaN nanowire laser emits first light
Nanotechweb September 24, 2002 Researchers develop the first GaN nanowire laser and report their findings in a recent issue of Nature Materials.
Memories: Nanochip's Knight
calls up his history in storage
SmallTimes September 24, 2002 Even with a recently closed funding round that netted Nanochip Inc. $1.8 million and a $15 million Series C round already under way, Gordon Knight, the MEMS memory developer's newly installed chief executive, admits he has his work cut out.
24-hour genome dawns
Nature September 24, 2002 Sequencing the first human genome took more than ten years. Yours may take only 24 hours. Budding biotech firms are poised to make instant genomes a reality.
Physicists thrown for a loop
USA Today September 23, 2002 The humble proton, an atomic particle with mysteries long thought solved, turns out to have a hidden secret, scientists report.
Nanomix Senses a New Standard
NanoelectronicsPlanet September 23, 2002 Flush with $9 million in new investment, carbon nanotube applications firm Nanomix is set for the first stage of its intended journey to dominate the $2 billion market for chemical and gas sensors.
End of Moore's Law in Digital Nanoelectronics
Nanotechweb September 23, 2002 The exponential growth of memory size and clock frequency in computers has a great impact on everyday life.
New DNA separation method could bring faster gene sequencing and DNA fingerprinting
Cornell News September 23, 2002 Cornell University researchers have demonstrated a novel method of separating DNA molecules by length. The technique might eventually be used to create chips or other microscopic devices to automate and speed up gene sequencing and DNA fingerprinting.
Sustainable Production: The Role of Nanotechnologies
AlphaGalileo September 23, 2002 Ten years after the Rio Summit and a few weeks after the Johannesburg Summit on Sustainable Development, the key question remains how to favour economic growth while preserving the environment, health and security? Nanotechnologies – a key priority of EU Research - provide innovative answers.
Samsung taking hefty gamble on NAND chips
EETimes September 23, 2002 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. is staking its future heavily on NAND flash chips to offset an expected slowdown in the PC main memory market, a top Samsung executive told EBN this week.
Materials firm AMR Technologies
turns to nano for new products
SmallTimes September 23, 2002 AMR Technologies Inc. doesn't like to bill itself as a nanotechnology company. It's a materials company, period. It just so happens the materials are getting smaller and improving existing products.
Cambridge University Spinoff Devises Array for Swift, Cheap Resequencing
Genomeweb September 23, 2002 A small British company said it is close to unveiling a prototype of a novel single-molecule array that can resequence an individual human genome with single-base resolution at a fraction of the time and cost of currently used methods.
Discovery Park research continues
The Exponent September 23, 2002 The first center to go into Discovery Park will not be completed until 2004, but research for the park is going on now.
Higher education budget is $6.1B
Cincinnati Enquirer September 22, 2002 Ohio's Board of Regents adopted a $6.1 billion biennial operating budget on Thursday, saying it will create jobs and expand the work force to embrace the new information economy.
Synthetic molecular sieve binds water better than zeolites
EurekAlert September 22, 2002 Zeolites are an extremely important class of inorganic materials that can separate gases or liquids on the basis of molecular size and shape.
Wyden eyes nanotech
UPI September 22, 2002 As legislation to ensure the nation's continued progress in studying nanotechnology heads to the Senate floor, its co-author sees nearly unlimited potential for the field.
Molecular Motors
NanoApex September 21, 2002 "...a brief overview on the working of molecular motors in an effort to use them as a source of power for NEMS"
'Ballistic' gives nano a bad name
UPI September 21, 2002 Calm down, all you conspiracy theorists who just saw "Ballistic: Ecks v. Sever" and think governments just might have that nanorobotic assassin upon which the movie hangs its tissue-thin plot.
Nanotech future for soldiers
BBCi September 21, 2002 The soldier of the future will prowl around a tropical danger-zone as noiselessly as a butterfly landing on a leaf, if the expectations of researchers at the US Army Soldier System Center are realised.
As the world goes nano, here's a look at international funding
SmallTimes September 20, 2002 The worldwide nanotechnology R&D investment reported by government organizations, including Japan, Western Europe, and the United States, has increased approximately five times in the last five years, between 1997 and 2002.
Senate Committee Passes Nanotech Bill
internetnews.com September 20, 2002 The Senate Commerce Committee unanimously passed on Thursday legislation to promote nanotechnology research and development.
EnerTech Capital co-leads $9M investment in Nanomix
PBJ September 20, 2002 EnerTech Capital said Friday it is part of a syndicate of venture capital firms that has invested $9 million in Nanomix, a California-based nanotechnology company developing components for electronics, sensor applications and energy storage.
GN Introduces a New Paradigm for SPM, NanoManipulation, Nano electrical and chemical Probing and Nanomachining
GN September 20, 2002 General Nanotechnology, the creator of AFM Guided Nanomachining, today announces the availability of the nanotool™ V, a series of active cantilevers with diamond and conductive diamond tips.
Can Nanotubes Be Engineered to Superconduct?
NIST September 20, 2002 Superconducting nanotubes may lie on the technology horizon, suggests a theoretical study recently published by researchers from the Commerce Department's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the University of Pennsylvania, and Bilkent University in Turkey.
Harris & Harris group invests in Agile Materials
HHGP September 20, 2002 Harris & Harris Group, Inc. announced today that it has invested $1,000,000 as part of an approximate $5.8 million Series A Convertible Preferred financing of privately held Agile Materials & Technologies, Inc.
Accelerators for nano- and biosciences
Cern Courier September 20, 2002 Practical, affordable yet unique and exciting new accelerator facilities could advance vital research capabilities for nano- and bioscience, says Swapan Chattopadhyay.
X-ray microscope has 3D vision
Cern Courier September 20, 2002 Atomic-scale snapshots in three dimensions may soon be possible
Back to school: a full week of nanoscience to get the basics right
Nanotechweb September 20, 2002 As the new school year started and I dealt with the tricky transition of moving my daughter from kindergarten to "big school", I went back to school myself - nano school.
Philips puts small tech to the test;
it needs to beat other technologies
SmallTimes September 20, 2002 Philips, like GE, Intel, IBM and Samsung, is a large company that has adopted a small tech R&D program because it sees huge market potential.
Study Shows CAP Nanoparticles Induce Immunity And Protection From Herpes
Biospace September 19, 2002 BioSante Pharmaceuticals, Inc. today announced results of a study that found its patented calcium phosphate nanoparticles (CAP) vaccine adjuvant to be an effective mucosal adjuvant capable of inducing mucosal immunity and protection against herpes infection.
Asia's Electronics Giants Lead the Nano Pack
Nanoelectronicsplanet September 19, 2002 Nanoelectronics is a popular sector in Asia, home to some of the world's largest electronics giants. The Nano Circuit turned to Dr. Lerwen Liu, one of the founders of nanotechnology consultancy nAbacus, for a broad overview of the Asian nanotech scene.
New Ideas Rise from Technology Wreckage
NewsFactor September 19, 2002 "...entrepreneurs now picking off more focused opportunities in everything from wireless communications and computer network security to massive-scale computing for human genomics and the emerging field of nanotechnology, the manufacturing of tiny components for medical products and advanced materials."
Intel Researchers Usher In '3-D' Era In Transistor Design
Intel September 19, 2002 Three-Dimensional 'Tri-Gate' Transistors an Alternative to Traditional Flat Planar Transistors
Self-cleaning glass hits Europe
Nanotechweb September 19, 2002 "The key to Activ glass is an ultra-thin coating only 40 nm thick"
Nano coatings make a splash
by making navy ships tougher
SmallTimes September 19, 2002 Ceramic materials – hard, strong and highly resistant to wear – are a desirable alternative to conventional materials in a wide variety of industrial applications.
New York is hoping a nanobiz hub
will keep companies close to home
SmallTimes September 19, 2002 The NanoBusiness Alliance (NBA) launched its New York State Hub initiative in Manhattan yesterday, the first of several regional organizations it hopes will spur small tech growth.
Taiwan Spends Big on Nanotechnology
ComputerWire September 19, 2002 The Taiwanese government is to dole out NTD23.1bn ($670m) to develop the Island's nanotechnology sector, Taiwan's Central News Agency reported yesterday.
1D blue laser
* Nature September 19, 2002 Pioneering work with gallium nitride led to the first blue-laser diode. Ever since then, researchers have been dreaming up new devices using this versatile semiconductor.
Nanoparticles hit the target
* Nature September 19, 2002 Nanoparticles of metals and semiconductors have potential uses in biomedical diagnostics and therapies. By coating them with certain peptides they can be targeted to specific tissue types in the body
Diamond used to break the mould
SiliconStrategies September 18, 2002 A Japanese team has developed a technique to build diamond moulds for what it calls nanoimprint lithography (NIL) to try to print rather than image features on chips.
MEMGen's EFAB 'allows new things that were impossible before'
SmallTimes September 18, 2002 A new process now being perfected by MEMGen may yield the tiniest medical tools ever seen.
Researchers develop new technique for making DNA nanostructures
SmallTimes September 18, 2002 A new method to make very small patterns of DNA molecules on surfaces has been developed by chemists at the University of California, Davis, and Wayne State University, Detroit. The technique could allow faster and more powerful devices for DNA sequencing, biological sensors and disease diagnosis.
Space particles hit logic chips
EETimes September 18, 2002 Radiation from space is becoming a chip design issue, as feature sizes shrink and chip frequencies increase to the point where logic circuits as well as memories become prone to switching unexpectedly when hit by neutrons or alpha particles.
Startup aims at intersection of neural nets and nanotech
EETimes September 18, 2002 "...focused on the reconfigurable assembly of neural networks constructed using nanometer-dimension conductors, such as carbon nanotubes, suspended in a dielectric solution."
Lightning Rods for Nanoelectronics
SciAm September 18, 2002 Electrostatic discharges threaten to halt further shrinking and acceleration of electronic devices in the future
Building tomorrow's body armor
TechReview September 18, 2002 Researchers at The Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies are developing the building blocks for stronger and smarter Army uniforms.
Senator introduces bill to create
permanent federal nano agency
SmallTimes September 18, 2002 U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., introduced a bill Tuesday that would create a new, permanent federal agency that would provide a "smart, accelerated and organized approach to nanotechnology research, development and education," he said. [more on the bill]
NY's high-tech hope
NYPost September 18, 2002 'CALIFORNIA is in first place for nanotechnology and Texas is No. 2, but in third place I'd have to put New York State, just ahead of Massachusetts."
Tri-gate transistor called post-planar contender
EETimes September 17, 2002 Intel Corp. researchers will introduce a tri-gate transistor structure at the International Solid-State Devices and Materials conference in Nagoya, Japan on Tuesday, the latest contender among a variety of post-planar CMOS devices.
CNI Improves on Nanotubes with BuckyPearls
NanoelectronicsPlanet September 17, 2002 Houston-based Carbon Nanotechnologies Inc. (CNI) has developed what it says are an improved form of single-wall carbon nanotubes.
Nanosphere nets $1.5M from feds
ChicagoBusiness September 17, 2002 Nanosphere Inc., a Northbrook-based life sciences company, on Tuesday said it received $1.5 million in federal grants to fund second-phase development of molecular diagnostic tests.
Samsung taking a giant stride with new NAND memory chip
JoongAng Ilbo September 17, 2002 Samsung Electronics Corp. has taken another significant step with the development of a process to manufacture memory chips based on nano technology. More
North Carolina Universities Attempt to Cash In on Interest in Nanoscience
Hoover's Online September 16, 2002 To better compete, UNC-CH Chancellor James Moeser recently announced plans to open a $3 million Triangle National Lithography Center at N.C. State University in Raleigh, largely to keep star chemist Joseph DeSimone and his nanoscale research in the Triangle.
Neutron beam reveals new spin on magnetism
EETimes September 16, 2002 A new type of magnetism that might have applications to quantum computing has been observed in an exotic zincochromite (ZnCrO4) crystal lattice.
The Right Stuff for Super Spaceships
NASA September 16, 2002 Tomorrow's spacecraft will be built using advanced materials with mind-boggling properties.
Nano-Welding Creates Tiny Junctions
RPI September 16, 2002 Researchers have discovered how to weld together single-walled carbon nanotubes, pure carbon cylinders with remarkable electronic properties. The discovery could pave the way for controlled fabrication of molecular circuits and nanotube networks.
Nanotubes could reduce CO2 emissions
WashTimes September 16, 2002 A team led by scientists at Carnegie Mellon University said Monday that carbon nanotubes, which are straw-like structures with walls a single atom thick, could filter gases much more quickly than current systems.
Nanotech bill: Big money for tiny tech
ZDNet September 16, 2002 Sen. Ron Wyden has big plans for small technology.
Berkeley nanotech firm raises $9 million
EBBT September 16, 2002 Nanomix Inc., an Emeryville-based nanotechnology company, has raised $9 million in a series B round of venture capital financing.
Intel Unveils Plans for New Analog-Digital Chip
NewsFactor September 16, 2002 The new chips are manufactured by combining traditional silicon with silicon germanium, a compound that can effectively handle the electronics of high-frequency radio waves.
Intel plays SiGe card for comms integration
CommsDesign September 16, 2002 Intel Corp. will leapfrog the semiconductor-process industry at the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference here this week when it announces the convergence of silicon germanium heterojunction bipolar transistors on top of its 90-nanometer strained-lattice silicon process with low-k dielectric layers and RF CMOS capability. Intel Press Release
Microstructures make polymers lase
Nanotechweb September 16, 2002 Researchers from the UK universities of St Andrews and Exeter have made microstructured polymers using a simple embossing technique.
Nanotech is old tech to Hyperion,
churning out fibrils since the '80s
Small Times September 16, 2002 Hyperion Catalysis International is not like most other nanotechnology companies.
Scientists Prove Atomic Memory Concept
NewsFactor September 16, 2002 Forty years ago, physics icon Richard Feynman said atomic memory would allow all of the written words in history to fit on a cube measuring just one two-hundredths of an inch. Given the information explosion since then, the cube might have to be slightly larger.
Chip size to reach its next milestone
MercuryNews September 16, 2002 Chip makers will start making chips with transistors just 90 nanometers wide in the second half of next year, crossing a symbolic barrier that engineers hope will eventually lead to transistors with atomic-level dimensions.
Semiconductors Will Rise Again
ElectronicNews September 16, 2002 Business has been lousy since the dot-com bubble burst, but does that mean the heyday of semiconductor growth is in the past? No way, according to a host of speakers here at last week's Albany Symposium on Global Nanotechnology.
When Bad Viruses Go Good
CIO September 15, 2002 Most biological viruses have a nasty reputation. But scientist Angela Belcher believes that some viruses can be guided into performing a useful task: building high-tech materials.
Foresight Basic Tutorial on Molecular Nanotechnology
Foresight September 14, 2002 Drexler, Merkle, Mize & Niehaus to teach Tutorial Oct. 10, 2002
New use for vegetable oil: it's like bleach, but edible
Detroit Free Press September 14, 2002 Teeny drops kill germs on people, places, food
Nanotech might translate into jobs
Poughkeepsie Journal September 14, 2002 Just when you thought you'd figured out what a microchip was, there's a new term to learn: nanotechnology.
Troy lands high-tech firm
The Record September 14, 2002 The one building that perhaps epitomizes Collar City history is now the home to one of the most progressive technologies in the world.
Nano Profile
NanotechIreland September 13, 2002 Tim Harper is founder of CMP Científica, Europe's largest nanotechnology information company. Nanotech Ireland spoke with Tim Harper about nanotechnology activities in Europe.
University is developing the world's strongest, lightest solids
Small Times September 13, 2002 "Researchers at the University of Missouri-Rolla have developed the world's strongest, lightest solids..."
Feds science budget gets mixed review
UPI September 13, 2002 The Bush administration is correct in trying to rid science-related budgets of the legislative practice of earmarking or setting aside money for pet projects, a National Academy of Sciences report said Friday.
Nimble Nanoswitch May Win Info Relay Race
NewsFactor September 13, 2002 Carbon nanotube circuits may provide a powerful new supplement to traditional silicon-based electronic freeways, enhancing every occupant of the digital domain, from gaming gadgets to the information superhighway.
Senator to introduce nanotech bill;
hearings are scheduled for tuesday
Small Times September 13, 2002 The future of the federal government's involvement with nanotechnology is up for debate next Tuesday, when U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., plans to introduce a nanotechnology bill and hold a hearing in his committee.
Important contacts
* Nature September 12, 2002 The demonstration and refinement of switching in carbon nanotube field-effect transistors has been a promising development on the road towards commercial nanoelectronics. But new research suggests that the intrinsic properties of the nanotubes themselves may have only minimal effect of the characteristics of these devices.
Enzyme discovery to benefit homeland security, industry
PNNL News September 12, 2002 Scientists at PNNL have successfully immobilized enzymes while simultaneously enhancing their activity and stability, opening up new possibilities for using tailored nanoporous materials.
Q&A: Phillip Wong of IBM Research
EETimes September 12, 2002 An interview with Phillip Wong, senior manager of Nanoscale Material Process and Devices, IBM Research Laboratory, Yorktown Heights, N.Y.
Nanotechnology is rebuilding electronics one atom at a time
EETimes September 12, 2002 Molecular nanotechnology — or "nanotech" as it is popularly called — is the technology of manipulating materials at the molecular level or the "nanoscale (a nanometer spans only three or four atoms.)"
Alberta research network will link new national nanotechnology institute
CanadaIT September 12, 2002 The National Institute for Nanotechnology in Alberta has joined Alberta's research network, with plans to connect the Edmonton facilities to a grid of high-speed research networks across Canada and around the world, according to Netera Alliance President Ken Hewitt.
Symposium shines light on area's high-tech prowess
bizjournals September 12, 2002 The second annual Albany Symposium is scheduled for Sept. 11-13 at The Sagamore in Lake George.
Feds Funding Nanotechnology
e-insite September 12, 2002 The federal government is funding basic nanotechnology R&D efforts to help bring future semiconductors to new levels of miniaturization.
Intel: Where no chip has gone before
ZDNet September 12, 2002 The nanotechnology era is here, and Intel is looking at all the options. [more on Intel's technology plans] [and more]
Self-healing tweezers
* Nature September 12, 2002 The development of optical tweezers for the manipulation of objects at micrometre and submicrometre scales has opened up many new possibilities across the physical and biological sciences.
Dendrimers inhibit antibodies
* Nature September 12, 2002 Dendrimer molecules designed to act as polyvalent ligands for antibodies become more effective at binding their targets when they aggregate into nanoparticles.
Nanotech Gives Boost to Convergence Technologies
NanoelectronicsPlanet September 12, 2002 Convergence technologies were the underlying theme during this week's discussion with M. Norman Wu, managing director of Alameda Capital, a $100 million early-stage fund focused on convergence technologies.
Applied Nanotech licenses patents to Japanese displays business
Nanotechweb September 12, 2002 "...says that it has signed a license agreement with 'one of the largest display-manufacturing companies in Japan'."
IBM looks to nano self-assembly
for semiconductor industry future
Small Times September 12, 2002 Nanotechnology and nanomaterials will be critical to solving the semiconductor industry's formidable challenges, said John Kelly, IBM senior vice president and a keynote speaker at the Albany Symposium on Global Nanotechnology, which began Wednesday.
Forum on Nanotechnology Strategy
Alternative Futures Associates September 12, 2002 "...provides a practical understanding of how nanotechnology will impact how you compete, from recent developments to the frontiers of science."
Nanoporous polymer stamps out glare
Nanotechweb September 12, 2002 Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US, have developed a nanoporous polymer film that acts as an antireflection coating. What's more, manufacturing the film is relatively environmentally friendly and the pores are reversibly erasable.
Just Two Words: Carbon Nanotubes
Business 2.0 September 11, 2002 Mass production of these super-strong, super-versatile structures is poised to begin. That means lower prices -- and new opportunities.
NanoOpto Gets Back To Basics
LightReading September 11, 2002 The way manufacturers build components may be changing, judging by developments emerging from startup NanoOpto Corp.
Nanotech moratorium called bad idea
UPI September 11, 2002 A suspension of nanotechnology research would be counterproductive and likely would prevent a proper examination of any possible health effects of its applications, scientists said Wednesday.
Quantum Transistor May Put a New Spin on Spintronics
NewsFactor September 11, 2002 In only a few decades, hand-held calculators powered by silicon chips and transistors have replaced room-sized mega-computers filled with tubes, cathodes, and miles of wire. Spin may the next step in miniaturization -- from micro- to nano-electronics.
Nanotech imitates nature
Nanotechweb September 11, 2002 Ever since Leonardo da Vinci's bird-like flying machines, scientists, engineers and designers have seen the virtues of imitating nature. However , over the past several decades a new kind of engineering has become possible, whose components are not nuts and bolts, electronic devices or bricks and girders - they are atoms and molecules.
Small tech provides some answers
to a nation questioning its safety
Small Times September 11, 2002 In the 1990s, U.S. federal agencies used the words "asymmetrical attacks" and "biochemical agents" to describe potential threats to the nation.
Scientists Discuss the Little Things in Life
AlphaGalileo September 11, 2002 "...about 300 Russian and foreign scientists specializing in the field of microelectronics have gathered this week in Moscow to discuss research in the field and Russia's possible contribution."
Sustainable Production: Nanotechnologies Lead the Way
AlphaGalileo September 11, 2002 "...technical briefing aims at providing the press with the latest "state of play" on how nanotechnologies are revolutionising sustainable production..."
Tissue-Seeking Molecules Could Be Drug Vehicle
* Nature September 10, 2002 In an advance that eventually may have implications for the development of drug therapies and diagnostic tests, scientists have succeeded in getting "nanocrystals" ... to zero in on specific tissues without accumulating in other tissues.
Nanotech's grand challenge: energy self-sufficiency, says von Ehr
KurzweilAI September 10, 2002 "Nanotechnology needs a 'grand challenge' project, and energy self-sufficiency is one that would pay huge benefits to both the USA and the world," says James R. von Ehr
Military turns to microtech for guidance
UPI September 10, 2002 If Army-sponsored research into microscopic structures bears fruit, the concept of "smart bombs" will expand to cover all sorts of weapons systems, researchers said Tuesday.
Homing Peptides Mounted On Semiconductor Particles Deliver Tiny Payload To Cancerous Tissue in Live Mice
Technology Review September 10, 2002 Researchers at The Burnham Institute and UC San Diego's Jacobs School of Engineering have developed hybrid organic/inorganic machines that home to cancerous tissues in live mice.
AMD fabricates double-gate transistor for 10-nm designs
EETimes September 10, 2002 Hoping to beat IBM, Intel, TSMC and others to the punch, Advanced Micro Devices Inc. here today announced it has fabricated the world's smallest double-gate transistors--based on a Fin Field Effect Transistor (FinFET) technology.
Toshiba to ramp 1-Gbit flash chip, 1-Gbyte card
EETimes September 10, 2002 Toshiba Corp. is planning to move its 1-Gbit single-level-cell NAND flash chip into volume production later this year, with an eye toward using a foursome of two-die stacked devices to fashion a gigabyte CompactFlash card that will also find its way into the market during the holiday season.
Intel pushing to develop 1-billion transistor processor
EETimes September 10, 2002 During the Intel Developer Forum (IDF) here today, Intel Corp. demonstrated a 64-bit microprocessor with 500 million transistors, but noted that the company is far along in the development of a 1-billion transistor chip.
Silicon nanoparticles eyed for chemical detection
More on UC smart-dust efforts.
EETimes September 10, 2002 A method for fabricating porous-silicon nanoparticles that have a selective response to light could lead to a fundamentally new capability for chemical sensing. Developed here at the University of California, the process creates a special reflective layer — called a rugate filter — on the surface of the nanoparticles.
NanoOpto Shines Light on Second Family of Products
NanoelectronicsPlanet September 10, 2002 New Jersey-based NanoOpto Corp. has unveiled the latest piece of its modular nano-optic component technology for optical networks.
Michigan will help lead the drive
toward small tech, governor says
Small Times September 10, 2002 "...the region named for its ties to the auto industry offers a lot of potential as the next Microtown..."
Purdue Creates Self-Generating Nanotubes With 'Dial-Up' Properties
SpaceDaily September 10, 2002 Nanotubes, stringy supermolecules already used to create fuel cell batteries and tiny computer circuits, could find myriad new applications ranging from disease treatment to plastics manufacturing to information storage, reports a Purdue University research team.
Growing Quantum Dots
Informnauka September 09, 2002 Russian Physics have developed new technology of growing nanomaterials: now quantum dots grow themselves in the required order, without human help.
Superconductors and Magnets Learn to Get Along
AAAS September 09, 2002 Magnetic fields normally ruin superconductivity, the highly sought-after ability to conduct electricity without resistance.
Atoms Light Up Very Rapidly Near Nanotubes
Physics News September 09, 2002 Just as the sharp point of a lightning rod modifies the electrical properties of space above a building, so too will certain highly curved (on a nanoscopic scale) surfaces modify the electromagnetic properties of physical vacuum in their vicinity.
Photonics plus Spintronics
Physics News September 09, 2002 "First came solid-state electronics, producing the field effect transistor (FET)..."
H-P Researchers Make Tiny Memory from Molecules
Reuters September 09, 2002 Researchers at U.S. computer company Hewlett-Packard said on Monday they had created a computer memory chip using new molecular technology that takes miniaturization further than ever before.
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sci.nanotech discussion
Nanotechnology could ease energy quandary
UPI September 09, 2002 If the scientific community applies nanotechnology research to the problems of energy efficiency and supply, many of society's challenges might be solved along the way, researchers said Monday.
Health monitors a global project
Canada.com September 09, 2002 Cutting-edge technology from Japan, the U.S. and Canada will be developed in Edmonton, changing the way we share information about our bodies.
Review: Vernor Vinge's 'Fast Times'
KurtzweilAI September 09, 2002 Vernor Vinge's Hugo-award-winning short science fiction story "Fast Times at Fairmont High" takes place in a near future in which everyone lives in a ubiquitous, wireless, networked world using wearable computers and contacts or glasses on which computer graphics are projected to create an augmented reality.
S'pore in race for cancer 'magic bullet'
Straits Times September 09, 2002 Scientists working on tiny devices which avoid the immune system and deliver drugs precisely where and when needed.
Thinking Big By Designing Small
SpaceDaily September 09, 2002 "Tiny tech" investors and experts will converge on Ypsilanti, Mich. from Sept. 8-12 for
COMS 2002, the 7th International Conference on the Commercialization of Micro and Nano Systems.
Interview with Victor Ledenyov
Nanomagazine.com September 08, 2002 Viktor Ledenyov is a quantum physicist from Canada with the current research interest in the field of both the superconducting quantum computing as well as the network centric high speed long distance quantum data communication using the teleportation and all-optical CDMA.
HP to unveil nanotech breakthrough
News.com September 06, 2002 Hewlett-Packard researchers will unveil a major breakthrough in the field of nanotechnology on Monday in Europe, a milestone in the company's goal to build future generations of smaller, faster and cheaper chips based on "molecular grids."
Superficial importance
* NatureSeptember 06, 2002 Crystal surfaces play a critical role in many important technological material applications, including catalysis and the growth of thin films. Until now, surprisingly little has been known about their atomic structure and composition, but new research could provide vital insights into the rules that govern the formation of crystal surfaces.
Quantum-dot pioneers target telecoms rebound
Nanotechweb September 06, 2002 The race is on to commercialize quantum-dot lasers.
Near-term nanotech: what's coming up on the horizon right now?
Nanotechweb September 06, 2002 After recent comments about nanotechnology being more real than most people think, there's been a lot of interest in what will be affected next.
Tiny Silicon Spies To Sniff Terror
NewsFactor September 06, 2002 Unseen brains smaller than grains of sand may soon be shadowing the shadowy international terrorists.
What's small tech worth? Investors use some science, some gut instinct
Small Times September 06, 2002 Think it's tough to deduce the right price for that stock you might buy? Spare a thought for Alex Wong – it's his job to deduce the right price for businesses that don't even exist yet.
Environmentalists wary of nanotechnology
ENN September 06, 2002 "...some environmentalists fear that nanotechnology, the fast-advancing science of manipulating materials at the molecular scale, may create contaminants whose tiny size makes them ultra-hazardous. "
Fast-moving nanotechnology could help environment
ENN September 06, 2002 For scientists who study it, nanotechnology is considered a clean technology — perhaps even the key to solving some current environmental ills. And the field is advancing rapidly.
UA's New Organic Electronics Lab Makes Films of the Future
UANews September 05, 2002 Imagine pushing your grocery cart up to the cashier and finding that all your items have been scanned. No unloading the cart. No scanning the individual boxes and cans. Just, "Here's your bill. Thank you very much."
'A thousand points of light' no longer a metaphor
SNL September 05, 2002 Ambitious plan to give sight to the blind
Designer polymer blends
* Nature September 05, 2002 Plastic production is big business, but with a limited palette of polymers to choose from, the industry has long sought to combine desirable properties from several polymers into new blends. A versatile, low-cost and simple strategy for the preparation of polymer blends could be the answer.
New technology to seal mems
could speed integration with chips
Small Times September 05, 2002 MEMS devices such as accelerometers, sensors and wireless or optical components usually need to be tightly sealed against dust, water vapor, gases or other contaminants.
Scientists Develop Minuscule Insulin Particles
Y!News September 04, 2002 Australian scientists have produced minuscule insulin particles as fine as smoke which seems to improve their effectiveness
Laser blasts make cheap memory
TRN September 04, 2002 Researchers from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Japan have found a simpler way to make these memory chip cells.
Quantum software gets the picture
TRN September 04, 2002 It is clear that quantum computers, which use the quirks of quantum physics to compute, will be orders of magnitude more efficient at many tasks than ordinary, classical computers, if and when sufficiently large quantum computers can be built.
Nanosys wins $1.6 m for nanowire research
Nanotechweb September 04, 2002 US start-up Nanosys has won a phase 1 Small Business Innovation Research grant from the US National Institutes of Health. The award, aimed at furthering research into nanowire-based devices, could ultimately be worth up to $1.6 m (Euro 1.6 m).
What Can Nanotech Do for You?
NewsFactor September 04, 2002 Nanotech's promise of molecular or optical computing is expected to drastically change the way information is recorded, written, erased and transported.
Intel has big nano plans
ZDNet September 04, 2002 Intel will unfurl its nanotechnology strategies at its developer conference next week, shedding light on what will power its chips for the coming decades.
Where have all the brainiacs gone? Ph.D. dearth may stymie small tech
Small Times September 04, 2002 University students around the world seem to be snubbing science – a worrying trend for small tech businesses.
Tattoo to monitor diabetes
BBC News September 04, 2002 Scientists are developing a smart tattoo that could tell diabetics when their glucose levels are dangerously low.
Geometry Is Power
PCMag September 03, 2002 Scientists at the IBM Almaden Research Center have created one of the more amazing computational systems the world has seen—a system that could one day make the Pentium 4 processor look as big and slow as a vacuum tube mainframe. ...more
Scientists develop atomic-scale memory
WISC September 03, 2002 "...a little more than 40 years after Feynman's prescient estimate, scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have created an atomic-scale memory using atoms of silicon in place of the 1s and 0s that computers use to store data."
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Nantero's Next-Gen Memory Turns to Nanotubes
Nanoelectronics Planet September 03, 2002 Their plan is diabolically simple: build a memory chip that will one day obsolete all other technologies placing Nantero at the pinnacle of memory chip design, research and development.
Veeco Opens Nanotechnology Facility in China
NanoelectronicsPlanet September 03, 2002 Veeco Instruments Inc. has established a China Nanotechnology Center (CNC) in Beijing, China. ... which will be staffed with local scientists and engineers, will be equipped with Veeco products, such as its Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) and Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM).
Good Timing For Nanoscale Atomic Clocks
SciAm September 03, 2002 "...a nano-mechanical clock that's accurate down to ten quandrillionths of a second per day could reopen the radio spectrum for tomorrow's new business."
UCSD researchers fabricate tiny 'smart dust' particles capable of detecting bioterrorist and chemical agents
UCSD September 03, 2002 Researchers at the University of California, San Diego have developed dust-sized chips of silicon that allow them to rapidly and remotely detect a variety of biological and chemical agents, including substances that a terrorist might dissolve in drinking water or spray into the atmosphere.
The Casimir effect: a force from nothing
Physicsweb September 03, 2002 The attractive force between two surfaces in a vacuum - first predicted by Hendrik Casimir over 50 years ago - could affect everything from micromachines to unified theories of nature.
Nanophotonic composites light up for the future
Nanotechweb September 03, 2002 Scientists from Brown University, US, have made nanocomposite arrays by filling nanopores in anodized aluminium oxide with an organic dye.
Konarka harnesses the sun god
in pursuit of a scientist's dream
Small Times September 03, 2002 Sukant Tripathy was an accomplished scientist, engineer and professor who dreamed of bringing electricity to impoverished regions such as his homeland of Dihar, India.
Scientists head to Taiwan for biochem workshop
eTaiwanNews September 03, 2002 The 2002 International Academic Workshop on Nano-Biochemistry is scheduled to open in Taipei Thursday with the participation of world-renowned scientists and chemists from Taiwan and abroad.
Handheld DNA Detector
PCMagSeptember 03, 2002 Nanotechnology brings instant diagnostics to the doctor's office.
Viral Workhorses
SciAm September 02, 2002 Emptied of their infectious nucleic acids, viruses make surprisingly adaptable tools for nanoengineers.
Nanotechnology: The God Of Small Things
IEN September 02, 2002 Bala Manian's company, Quantum Dot Corporation, hasn't kept its crown jewels in any bank vault. At their facilities in Paolo Alto, California, you will find their jewels under a microscope, twinkling luminously like the Nizam's finest. The jewels are called quantum dots, coloured crystals just a few hundred atoms across.
Nanoparticles will detect DNA
The Scientist September 02, 2002 Nanoparticles will detect DNA Gold nanoparticle probes labeled with oligonucleotides and Raman-active dyes can detect oligonucleotide targets better than PCR.
US law firm opens nanotechnology practice
Nanotechweb September 02, 2002 "...Winstead Sechrest & Minick has launched a nanotechnology practice. The division will provide nanotechnology companies with expertise in intellectual property and corporate law."
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