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A great future for tiny particles
BASF October 31, 2002 BASF is conducting research into the characterization and production of new nanomaterials. These materials are usually integrated into products to improve their performance profile or create completely new properties.
Japan's Toray uses nano-sized fibers for absorbent nylon textile
Asia Pulse October 31, 2002 Toray Industries announced Thursday that it has developed a way to synthesize fibers that are mere tens of nanometers in diameter. By using this technology, the company has bundled more than 1.4 million fibers together to develop a nylon textile with a surface area more than 1,000 times greater than regular nylon.
Imago Offers Chip Makers a Better View -
NanoelectronicsPlanet October 31, 2002 It's only taken 12 years of development, investment from friends and family and, most recently, a $7 million venture capital infusion, but Thomas Kelly and his company, Imago Scientific Instruments, are finally ready to unveil a tool that radically enhances atomic structure imaging.
Nanotechnology Research Must Be Supported
FOX October 31, 2002 Nanotechnology, the process of manipulating matter on an atomic or molecular scale, has been a staple of science fiction for a decade. Now it's beginning to break out into real science, and some technology critics are already starting to complain. If they're listened to, the most important technology of the 21st century may be strangled in its crib.
Changing gear
* Nature October 31, 2002 There is great interest in the use of biochemical motor proteins for driving future hybrid nanomachines. Although still in its early stages, new work has now demonstrated a means of controlling the rotary motion of such proteins.
Pumping ion
* Nature October 31, 2002 Several biological ion channels pump ions against a concentration gradient. The same thing has now been achieved in an artificial, funnel-shaped nanopore. More details from 10/23 story
Owens Corning wins cash for nanocomposite foams
Nanotechweb October 31, 2002 Owens Corning, US, has won a US government grant worth $1.9 m (Euro 1.92 m) over the next three years. The company will use the funding to research environmentally benign nanocomposite foams for structural and insulation applications.
Tapping Probe and Organic Films Could Store Data by the Terabit
UANews October 31, 2002 Imagine having all of the information recorded on a stack of 1,540 CDs on a disk the size of a single CD. Or visualize having all of the information recorded on a stack of 154 CDs written on a one-inch square chip.
Research-heavy Mass. doesn't want to be left behind in Nanobusiness
SmallTimes October 31, 2002 Massachusetts, worried about competition from rival states, is stepping up its efforts to nurture the local nanotech industry by launching the region's first small technology business initiative.
The silicon drug courier
BRW October 31, 2002 pSivida, an Australian company with strong British roots, is working on ways to commercialise a radical new material that can precisely administer medicine into the human body, or be used in a variety of other applications, ranging from assisting with bone growth to needleless injections.
Nanoscale Science and Engineering NSF Grantees Conference
NSF October 31, 2002 Principal investigators of Nanoscale Science and Engineering awards made in fiscal year 2001 will present their results after about 1 ½ years, and will develop partnerships with other academic institutions, industry and professional organizations.
Molecular wheel gets a brake
Nature October 30, 2002 Scientists have redesigned one of nature's molecular machines to make the world's smallest switchable motor. The rotating machine can be turned on and off like a pocket fan - but it is only about 14 millionths of a millimetre across
Grain of strength
* Nature October 30, 2002 A common theme in materials science is the need to make a trade-off between two or more mutually exclusive properties of a material. .... More .... And More
Pulling nanotubes makes thread
TRNNews October 30, 2002 Pulling strands from several silkworm cocoons at once makes the thin strands twist into a silk thread. Researchers at Tsinghua University in China have hit upon a similar method for making thread from tufts of microscopic carbon nanotubes.
Nanoscale LED debuts
TRNNews October 30, 2002 A group of researchers from Switzerland have found a way to make extremely small light-emitting diodes that could provide optical communications with a smaller, low-power light source. The method could eventually produce diodes so small they could be single-photon sources.
Duke Researchers Report Advance in Nanotube Production -
NanoelectronicsPlanet October 30, 2002 By growing nanotubes with diameters that varied by about 17 percent, Duke University chemists may have made a significant advance toward producing nanotubes with electronic properties reliable enough to use in molecular-sized circuits. ... More
Nanotechnology Advantages Applied to Gas Sensor Development
NIST October 30, 2002 [PDF] Gas detection instruments are increasingly needed for industrial health and safety, environmental monitoring, and process control. To meet this demand, considerable research into new sensors is underway, including efforts to enhance the performance of traditional devices, such as resistive metal oxide sensors, through nanoengineering.
U.S., Israeli nanoparticle makers merge their metals and markets
SmallTimes October 30, 2002 While the science of nanotechnology is all about making things smaller, the business may be all about expansion. That theory seems to be driving the formation of Cima NanoTech, a new Woodbury, Minn.-based company formed via the merger of the nanotechnology division of Minnesota-based Aveka Inc. and NanoPowders Industries of Ceasarea, Israel.
Scientist tests nanoparticles as early cancer detection agent
SmallTimes October 30, 2002 Biomedical scientist Shuming Nie is testing the use of nanoparticles called quantum dots to dramatically improve clinical diagnostic tests for the early detection of cancer.
UK alliance to foster nanotechnology development
RBI October 30, 2002 The alliance brings together QinetiQ, the UK's largest independent science and technology company, and the BOC industrial group. QinetiQ formed a nanotechnology subsidiary at the beginning of 2002 and its first nanomaterials production plant will be commissioned near London.
Micromem Enters into Research Collaboration with Dr. Harry Ruda
Businesswire October 30, 2002 Micromem is pleased to announce that it has entered into a 2-year research collaboration agreement with Materials and Manufacturing Ontario, the University of Toronto, and Dr. Harry Ruda, Chair Professor in Nanotechnology. Through the collaboration, Micromem will continue its involvement in the research and development of magnetic memory technology. Under the agreement, Micromem and MMO will each provide $272,000 of funding and the combined $544,000 will be used to cover the operating expenses of the research collaboration.
nPoint Celebrates One-Year Milestone of Custom/OEM Product Designs
PRNewswire October 29, 2002 nPoint, Inc., the global leader in ultra-precision motion and control nanopositioners for nanoscale research and manufacturing, today announced that it has delivered several custom-designed nanopositioning systems since the company began shipping complete products in September 2001.
ST lights up silicon LED for CMOS fab lines
EETimes October 29, 2002 Technologists have long sought a silicon light-emitting diode that could be integrated into standard CMOS fabrication lines. Now STMicroelectronics claims to have achieved this critical goal with a record-breaking silicon LED that has the same brightness and efficiency as the gallium arsenide variety.
From the Front Lines of Nanotech
PCMag October 29, 2002 Many scientists are betting on nanotechnology to deliver new levels of control over engineering materials. Philip Wong, senior manager of nanoscale materials processes at IBM Research Laboratory, explains why he's excited about the ability to manipulate properties of materials less than 100 nanometers in size.
USGA Acquires Nanosil™Super-Hydrophobic Treatment Technology
Hoover's October 29, 2002 US Global Aerospace, Inc. (formerly Caring Products International, Inc.) announced its acquisition of the Nanosil™treatment technology through an exclusive license agreement with Moose River Consulting, Inc. Nanosil™ is a proprietary super hydrophobic surface modification process that produces surfaces that are designed to repel water completely.
New Technique Reveals Structure of Films With High Resolution
BNL October 29, 2002 Scientists have developed and tested a new imaging technique that reveals the atomic structure of thin films with unprecedented resolution. For the first time, the technique has shown very precisely how the atoms of the first layers of a film rearrange under the action of the substrate on which the film is grown.
Experiment could reveal 'extra dimensions,' exotic forces
Purdue News October 29, 2002 Physicists have devised a new experiment that will be used in the quest for exotic forces in nature and "additional spatial dimensions."
Nanosys Returns to Cal to License More IP -
NanoelectronicsPlanet October 29, 2002 Nanosys Inc. and the University of California have completed another licensing agreement for intellectual property from the lab of Dr. Peidong Yang, a professor of chemistry at the University of California-Berkeley. The patent portfolio covers fundamental compositions of matter and methods for the creation of novel nanowire heterostructures.
Making 'Buckytubes' More Uniform
DukeNews October 28, 2002 Duke University chemists report they have made a significant advance toward producing tiny hollow tubes of carbon atoms, called "nanotubes," with electronic properties reliable enough to use in molecular-sized circuits. More details from 10/30 story.
Pacific Nanotechnology releases atomic force microscope
Nanotechweb October 28, 2002 PNI announces Nano-R - the first AFM to combine high-performance, ease-of-use, and affordability in a single instrument. The Nano-R AFM is designed to enable the new, casual, or experienced user to visualize and measure nanometer-sized surface structures in a research or industrial laboratory.
SMIC steps carefully toward 90-nm development
EETimes October 28, 2002 Quietly, but surely, foundry newcomer Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. is gathering the tools it needs, including a 193-nanometer scanner, to boost efficiency as it enters into 130-nanometer manufacturing and prepares to begin basic development work for 90-nanometer technology.
Israel on cutting edge of the nanotech revolution
ISRAEL21c October 28, 2002 Good things come in small packages. And, in this case, they come in microscopic packages of one-millionth of a millimeter.
China's fabs still playing catch-up
EBN October 28, 2002 State-of-the-art semiconductor technology has a taken a slow boat to China. Despite a decade-long government campaign and massive funding, much of the domestic chip industry remains in trailing edge technology, with a few exceptions.
Solar PV Company Secures Financing
SolarAccess.com October 28, 2002 Konarka Technologies, a developer of flexible, polymer and nano-particle-based photovoltaic (PV) technology, has closed its Series B round of financing, having raised US$13.5 million.
Army researchers eye nanomachine-based 'smart' paints for combat vehicles
PennWell October 28, 2002 U.S. Army experts are trying to embed microscopic electromechanical machines in paint that could detect and heal cracks and corrosion in the bodies of combat vehicles, as well as give vehicles the chameleon-like quality of rapidly altering camouflage to blend in with changing operating environments.
The Vasculoid Personal Appliance
Kurzweil.AI October 28, 2002 Robert A. Freitas Jr. (author, "Nanomedicine") visualizes a future "vasculoid" (vascular-like machine) that would replace human blood with some 500 trillion nanorobots distributed throughout the body's vasculature as a coating.
Nanoparticle deposition aids fibre-doping
Nanotechweb October 28, 2002 Scientists at speciality fibre manufacturer Liekki have a new take on the fabrication of erbium-doped optical fibres.
Hybrid Plastics' nanomaterials: from inner molars to outer space
SmallTimes October 28, 2002 Hybrid Plastics of Fountain Valley, Calif., is working with several partners to roll out a rather impressive little molecule with a plethora of possible applications.
Research Services Could Hold Nano Edge
Jupitermedia October 28, 2002 In the race to develop winning nanotechnology applications, Australia's best position may be as a service provider to the global effort, at least in the short term.
New nanoparticle coating mimics dolphin skin Prevents 'biofouling' of ship hulls
WUSTL October 27, 2002 Dolphins, long considered the second-smartest species on the planet, recognize one another by name, possess a distinct concept of "self' and, it turns out, have some surprisingly good ideas about techniques for keeping the hulls of maritime ships clean.
Tailor-made Cancer Drugs: Wave of the Future?
WUSTL October 27, 2002 Today, even the best cancer treatments kill about as many healthy cells as they do cancer cells but John-Stephen A. Taylor, Ph.D., professor of chemistry at Washington University in St. Louis, has a plan to improve that ratio.
University of Surrey Electronic Engineers' Revolutionary Discovery
AlphaGalileo October 27, 2002 A University of Surrey team led by Professor Ravi Silva has demonstrated a new method of growing carbon nanofibres at room temperature.
Second 'Nano Valley' lab unveiled
NorthJersey.com October 26, 2002 Armed with $3.5 million in federal seed money, state and federal officials Friday unveiled the latest phase of "Nano Valley," a Morris County research center where businesses, scientists, and the military can develop one of the world's hottest new sciences - nanotechnology.
Nanoscientists to Brainstorm Processes
AScribe October 25, 2002 A select group of 60 scientists from across the country will convene at the University of Chicago Friday, Nov. 15 and Saturday, Nov. 16, to discuss the emerging field of nanohybrid structures. Nanoscientists build these structures to develop smaller, faster computers, accelerate drug discovery and development, and spur a variety of other potential applications.
RenaZorb, Phosphate Lowering Drug for Kidney Dialysis Patients, Shows Promising Laboratory Results
Businesswire October 25, 2002 Altair Nanotechnologies announced that laboratory testing has shown that its new pharmaceutical, RenaZorb(TM), developed for the removal of phosphate ions from patients with end stage renal disease undergoing kidney dialysis, will require a lower dose than existing or proposed pharmaceuticals in this therapeutic class.
Thinking small and big
ACBJ October 25, 2002 Researchers across the Carolinas are thinking big thoughts about small things, pioneering in a field that promises one of greatest technological advances of the 21st century.
Technologist hopes to pull semiconductors out of thin air
TheWorkCircuit October 25, 2002 Bob Dylan wrote a song called "Too Much of Nothing," and Jerry Seinfeld made "nothing" the linchpin for his smash sitcom. Nothing is also on the mind of Thomas Skotnicki, the advanced-devices program manager at the STMicroelectronics research center in Grenoble, France - specifically, "silicon-on-nothing."
'Patient' Money Encouraged for Disruptive Technologies -
NanoelectronicsPlanet October 25, 2002 Dr. Steve Walsh, the founding director of the Micro and Nanotechnology Commercialization Educational Foundation (MANCEF), has the rare ability to combine academic and business perspectives.
MEMS attempts to move into the mainstream
EBN October 25, 2002 Despite some progress, MEMS remains a technology in waiting as sluggish demand, a lack of standards, and a looming consolidation cloud the market's future.
Plans set for Arlington Technology Incubator
ACBJ October 25, 2002 Armed with $2.3 million for nanotechnology tucked into the defense appropriations bill signed by President George W. Bush on Oct. 23, university and chamber of commerce officials have cemented plans to break ground for the Arlington Technology Incubator and hope to launch the unusual facility by next March.
1st international symposium on nanotechnology in construction
CORDIS October 25, 2002 The Scottish centre for nanotechnology in construction materials (NANOCOM) is hosting its first international symposium on nanotechnology in construction from 23 to 25 June in Paisley, Scotland.
New technique demonstrates friction at the atomic scale
CERN Courier October 25, 2002 In a major technical breakthrough, researchers at the University of Augsburg in Germany have employed a special atomic force microscope to measure the friction between a tungsten tip and a silicon surface.
Nanotech extends the life of tried-and-true liquid crystal displays
SmallTimes October 25, 2002 Made using thin, nanostructured polymer films, organic light-emitting diodes are making a big noise in small tech-based displays, but Viztec Inc. is putting nanotech to work in older, liquid crystal displays that work with existing LCD manufacturing and systems.
Big opportunities for small objects
MaterialsToday October 24, 2002 PDF. Midred Dresselhaus discusses nanotechnology.
IBM scientists build world's smallest operating computing circuits
IBM Research News October 24, 2002 Details and annimations from the 10/24/02 story
$3.5 million for Central Michigan University
Midland Daily News October 24, 2002 The company, Dendritic Nanotechnologies Limited, is a public-private collaboration which has Midland roots. Its work could help protect against biological warfare agents and treat diseases.
Scientists to further explore nanohybrid structures
UofC October 24, 2002 A select group of 60 scientists from across the country will convene at the University Friday, Nov. 15 and Saturday, Nov. 16, to discuss the emerging field of nanohybrid structures.
Winners of the 2002 Feynman Prizes in Nanotechnology
Foresight October 24, 2002 Announced during the 10th Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology.
Computer Simulations Showcase Aluminum's Odd Behavior
SciAm October 24, 2002 Aluminum, a metal known for its conductivity, could behave like a ceramic or semiconductor in some situations, according to a new report. The metal may also endure mechanical stress better than copper, which is typically considered to be a stiffer metal, in nanotechnology applications.
Smaller is better, for Picatinny's nanoweapons
NanoInvestor News October 24, 2002 Smaller is often better where modern weaponry is concerned, so the Army is converting part of its Picatinny Arsenal into an incubator for private firms specializing in so-called nanotechnologies with military applications.
IBM builds circuit with carbon monoxide molecules
InfoWorld October 24, 2002 International Business Machines Corp. scientists have built the tiniest computer circuit yet using individual molecules, a move they say advances their push toward smaller, faster electronics. ...more
Ripping yarns
* Nature October 24, 2002 Because of their size, the use of carbon nanotubes has largely been limited to micro- and nanoscale applications. But now, researchers have succeeded in drawing carbon nanotube yarns to lengths of up to 30 cm.
DNA combed into nanochannels
* Nature October 24, 2002 DNA strands can be analysed for molecular biology and biotechnology by confining them in nanoscale channels. A smoothly graded array of tiny posts has been made to guide them in.
Sugar-coated electronics
* Nature October 24, 2002 Commercial polymer light-emitting devices must be able to simultaneously transport charge and emit light. A layer of molecular insulation - sugar molecules called cyclodextrins - can improve the light-emitting properties without reducing the flow of charge.
Purdue researchers build made-to-order nanotubes
EETimes October 24, 2002 Using a more complex system of atoms than carbon nanotubes, scientists at Purdue University have devised a tunable approach to nanotube creation that allows them to build application-specific varieties.
Konarka Technologies completes second-round funding
Nanotechweb October 24, 2002 US start-up Konarka Technologies has completed its second round of funding. The nanoparticle-based solar cells specialist has raised a total of $13.5 m to date.
Nanomechanic devices sniff out whisky
Nanotechweb October 24, 2002 Back in the mid-1980s the inventors of the atomic force microscope probably never imagined that one day sensors based on AFM technology would be able to "smell" whisky. But now cantilever-based nanomechanic devices can do all this and more.
Power Chips: flipside of cooling device could turn heat into juice
SmallTimes October 24, 2002 Developers of a cooling technology that coaxes electrons to make a quantum leap across a 10-nanometer gap say they are "significantly ahead of schedule" on a product that works in reverse.
Testing Nanoparticles As Early Cancer Detection Agent
ScienceDaily October 24, 2002 Biomedical scientist Shuming Nie is testing the use of nanoparticles called quantum dots to dramatically improve clinical diagnostic tests for the early detection of cancer.
The Simplest Pump
APS October 23, 2002 Researchers have created a nanoscale ion pump by punching a tiny hole in a plastic sheet and applying an oscillating electric field.
Report Projects Size of Global Nanotube Market
PR Newswire October 23, 2002 According to the report, the global market for nanotubes in 2002 will reach approximately $12 million and this number is expected to grow substantially over the next three years.
Will molecule-sized computers revolutionize the world
Science Box October 23, 2002 In a small lab just off Albany Street in Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Seth Lloyd holds a shiny gem that might help make modern computer technology obsolete. ''It's calcium fluoride,'' Lloyd explained. ''You could call it weapons-grade toothpaste.''
Thread spun from pure carbon nanotubes
NewScientist October 23, 2002 A way of making a thread purely from carbon nanotubes has been developed by researchers in China. They say the super-strong, electrically-conducting threads "should eventually be able to be woven into objects such as bullet-proof clothing and materials that block electromagnetic waves".
Paper discusses circuitry for quantum computing
UM News October 23, 2002 The next radically different means of information processing will be quantum computing, which researchers say will use the principles of quantum mechanics to perform complex calculations in a fraction of the time needed by the world's fastest supercomputers.
Intel opens first 'high-volume' 300-mm fab
EETimes October 23, 2002 In what is expected to lower its chip-manufacturing costs, Intel Corp. here today announced the grand opening of its first, high-volume 300-mm fab.
Quantum logic: to be, or NOT to be?
Physicsweb October 23, 2002 Quantum computation has moved another step closer with the first demonstration of a quantum NOT gate. ...more
LSI Logic extends reach of wire bond packaging
EETimes October 23, 2002 LSI Logic Corp. has developed a form of wire bond packaging that places bonding pads directly on top of a chip's active I/O circuitry. The "Pad on I/O" approach enables significantly smaller die sizes for pad-limited designs done at 130-nanometer and 90-nm design rules, and makes possible higher I/O counts in wire bond packaging
Industry Experience Bolsters Reed's Research -
NanoelectronicsPlanet October 23, 2002 When Prof. Mark Reed helped develop the first single-molecule switch in the late 1990s, his place as a pioneer in molecular electronics was secure. The field has become quite crowded since then.
Nanoco Offers Samples to Prove Quantum Dot Process -
NanoelectronicsPlanet October 23, 2002 Nanoco Ltd., a start-up spun out of the U.K.'s University of Manchester, is not only shipping multi-gram quantities of quantum dots, it's also giving away free samples.
Nano organization tries to put the valley back on Washington's map
SmallTimes October 23, 2002 It used to be that scientists and entrepreneurs were well represented at the White House. Many of the founding fathers were technologists, and the Constitution and patent and copyright laws were written by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs. But a couple of centuries later, technologists are having a difficult time talking to legislators, and vice versa.
Sandia pursues biotechnology as new technology focus area
SNL October 23, 2002 Sandia National Laboratories is expanding its work in biotechnology - combining traditional inorganic sciences with biology - to push scientific discovery and development into such areas as the creation of new materials and to help in America's war on terrorism.
MIT work on super-soldiers commences
ElectricNews October 23, 2002 After inking an USD50m deal with the US government, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology will develop nanotechnologies to aid US Army soldiers.
Georgia Tech Physicist Receives Materials Research Society Award
GIT October 22, 2002 Uzi Landman, a physicist who used powerful computer simulations to predict how friction and lubrication would affect nanometer-scale mechanical systems, is one of two scientists who will receive medals December 4 from the Materials Research Society (MRS).
Nanoparticles save paper
Nature October 22, 2002 Tiny particles of a strong alkali are helping preserve historical documents
Nanosys Acquires Patents from Berkeley National Laboratory -
NanoelectronicsPlanet October 22, 2002 Nanosys Inc. continued its intellectual property binge on Tuesday by acquiring an exclusive field of use license for nanotechnology patents from Prof. Paul Alivisatos at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Applied Nanotech Awarded Phase II SBIR Grant -
NanoelectronicsPlanet October 22, 2002 ANI will partner with Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems on the research for the grant, which is titled "Fully Integrated RF Array Using a Carbon Nanotube Cathode." Northrop Grumman will serve as a subcontractor to ANI to help accomplish key tasks, and has also agreed to contribute in-kind support for the research effort.
Nanotech proponents launch an industry in uncertain times
SmallTimes October 21, 2002 Nobody's more optimistic about nanotechnology than Don Freed. The Harvard University-trained chemist works in a field many predict will be as important to this century as computer chips were to the last.
Nanoopto stays on track despite hard times, releases new products
SmallTimes October 21, 2002 With no need to rely on federal grants or contracts, and already making money off sample sales of its light beam management subcomponents, NanoOpto Corp. is pressing ahead with new offerings - integrated layers of two or more of its present products, plus new phase management devices.
Brave New World
Electronic News October 21, 2002 Silicon-based CMOS may seem like old hat compared to the technology R&D scientists see coming to fruition within the decade.
Florida rides nanotech wave
Miami Herald October 21, 2002 Florida's top research universities and a handful of young companies are out to capitalize on nanotechnology.
Nanotechnology takes off
Miami Herald October 21, 2002 The future of science and technology lies in a small world -- so tiny it can't be seen with the unaided human eye.
Purdue scientists find source of nanocrystals
TechCentral October 19, 2002 Scientists who have worked for years to find a way to mass-produce tiny, unusually hard crystals called nano-crystals should look no farther than their local machine shop, new research suggests.
'Rinse and Spit' Takes on New Meaning in Dental Office of Future as Dentistry Goes Nanotech
AScribe Newswire October 19, 2002 It sounds like science fiction, but to treat the merest trace of a cavity, your dentist may someday have you rinse with a solution containing millions of microscopic machines called "nanoassemblers."
House Gets Own Nanotech Legislation to Consider
Jupitermedia October 24 [18], 2002 One month after the Senate Commerce Committee passed legislation promoting nanotechnology funding and development, Rep. Mike Honda, D-Calif., introduced the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Advisory Board Act on Thursday.
Company banks on nanotech
Business Journal October 18, 2002 SI Diamond sells sign subsidiary as it focuses on tech wave
Support for EUV lithography grows
EETimes October 18, 2002 Governments in Europe and Japan are spending lavishly to bankroll the development of extreme-ultraviolet lithography systems.
'Finder' Says VCs Finding Interest in Nanotech -
NanoelectronicsPlanet October 18, 2002 The Nano Circuit spoke this week with loyal reader Tom Lloyd of NetCap Ventures, a broker dealer registered with the National Association of Security Dealers (NASD).
ITOCHU to Expand Strategic Alliance with CSIRO, Australian Research Organization
Japan Corporate News October 18, 2002 ITOCHU has been collaborating with CSIRO since 1996 but has recently agreed to expand, on a longer term basis, its strategic alliance with CSIRO in such innovative technology areas as nanotechnology and biotechnology.
Tiny Tips Probe Nanotechnology
AIP October 18, 2002 PDF. History of imaging devices.
Study reveals nanoscale structure in amorphous material
EETimes October 18, 2002 The common view that amorphous materials are simply jumbled collections of atoms may give way to a more ordered theory of the materials' formation, according to experiments conducted at the University of North Carolina.
Nanotechnology - the next dot.com?
Nanotechweb October 18, 2002 The European Venture Capital Association technology conference, held this year in Barcelona, is the industry's annual opportunity to compare notes and try to gather clues about future investment opportunities.
Altair wins order for thermal spray nanopowders
Nanotechweb October 18, 2002 Altair Nanotechnologies, US, is to supply F W Gartner Thermal Spraying Co with more than 1000 lbs. of a nanostructured titanium dioxide-based thermal spray product.
Nanoditches forge a path for molecular electronics
Nanotechweb October 18, 2002 Scientists at the University of Alabama, US, have come up with a technique for making "nanoditches" in thin layers of oxide-covered titanium. The ditches could have applications in creating electrodes for molecular electronics devices.
Molecular modelling shows nanotechnologists the way
Nanotechweb October 18, 2002 Nanotechnologists battling to systematically organize and manipulate matter at the nanoscale must use all of the tools available to increase the performance of materials and devices while reducing their size. One such tool is computational chemistry - in particular, molecular modelling and simulation.
Nano is a Four Letter Word -
Jupitermedia October 18, 2002 Researchers and businesses looking for investment in nano scale projects should not rely heavily on the nano tag, according to advice from a number of venture capitalists working in Australia.
California congressman introduces new nanotech bill in U.S. House
SmallTimes October 17, 2002 Rep. Mike Honda (D-Calif.), on Wednesday introduced a bill in the House that attempts to ensure nanotechnology has the support to continue to grow.
Pirelli CEO sees U.S. deal building on MIT link
StockTalk October 17, 2002 Italy's Pirelli SpA, is eyeing the purchase of a U.S.-based optical network company that would build on its nanotech partnership with Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Nanotubes lined to order
* Nature October 17, 2002 By chemically modifying template-cast nanotubes inside and out, researchers can make them perform many useful tricks.
Phlesch Bubble awarded the IMM Computational Nanotechnology Prize
Phlesch Bubble October 17, 2002 Phlesch Bubble has been awarded the IMM Computational Nanotechnology Prize (Simulation category) for their animation of a working respirocyte (a hypothetical artificial red blood cell).
AmberWave cuts SiGe layer from strained-silicon process
EETimes October 17, 2002 AmberWave Systems Corp. (Salem, N.H.) claims to have worked out a form of strained silicon that removes the silicon germanium layer and simply provides an ultrathin silicon top layer to build high-performance devices.
Applied Nanotech announces carbon-nanotube composites
Nanotechweb October 17, 2002 Applied Nanotech, US, has created carbon-nanotube composites for electron field emission applications that it says have significantly improved properties.
Paper-thin product partnership could create some thick profits
SmallTimes October 17, 2002 Partner, partner, partner. That's the best way to get a so-called disruptive technology to the point where it might actually disrupt something, according to Daniel Gamota, manager of the organic and molecular new products department at Motorola Inc.
Illinois professor markets microbubble drug delivery
SmallTimes October 17, 2002 Bubbles, tiny bubbles, are what Ken Watkin wants to use to deliver cancer-fighting drugs directly to tumors.
MIT: Smart Tech Ideas Mean Biz
Wired News October 17, 2002 A new center at one of the nation's top universities will attempt to bridge the gap between research and commercialization. The center supports such emerging technologies as biotechnology, nanotechnology, information technology, new materials, energy and environmental innovation.
Uniseed Raising $250m Tech Fund
Jupitermedia October 17, 2002 Australian VC Uniseed is currently raising capital for a new $250 million fund, which it hopes will be up and running by early next year. The new fund will focus on technology research right across the spectrum in Australia, particularly in areas of biotech and health, information technology, and materials and manufacturing - all areas where nano scale developments promise a great deal.
New science park launched in Taichung
Taiwan News October 17, 2002 President, officials inaugurate hub intended for nanotechnology, aerospace, precision machinery.
Telecom firms write checks
Joins.com October 17, 2002 Five leading Korean telecommunications companies said Wednesday that they will increase their investments in facilities by about 1.3 trillion won ($1 billion) in total through the end of the year. One hundred billion won will be used to establish a research and development fund; biotechnology, nanotechnology and material and component developments are that fund's targets.
'Nanotechnology' opens windows into medicine
Galveston Daily News October 16, 2002 Microscopic capsules at least a million times smaller than the average pill may soon advance medicine on Earth and open new frontiers for long-term space habitation.
Tiny atomic battery developed at Cornell could run for decades unattended
Cornell News October 16, 2002 While electronic circuits and nanomachines grow ever smaller, batteries to power them remain huge by comparison, as well as short-lived. But now Cornell University researchers have built a microscopic device that could supply power for decades to remote sensors or implantable medical devices by drawing energy from a radioactive isotope.
TI leans on 157-nm, EPL lithography
EETimes October 16, 2002 Texas Instruments Inc. has sketched out a lithography roadmap that doesn't count on getting an EUV scanner until the end of this decade
$6 million grant to aid TSU science research
Houston Chronicle October 16, 2002 Texas Southern University is one of eight predominantly minority universities nationwide awarded a $6 million NASA grant recently to improve its science programs, officials announced this week.
Advances in materials science excite professor
SunTimes October 16, 2002 Arthur J. Freeman, an oft-quoted expert in quantum modeling, sees the most exciting days ahead in the field to which he has dedicated more than 40 years of work.
Quantum scheme lightens load
TRN News October 16, 2002 Two years ago, scientists proved it possible to build a quantum computer from simple optical equipment commonly found in university classrooms and laboratories. Now researchers at Johns Hopkins University have refined the approach, reducing the amount of equipment linear optical quantum computers would need by about two orders of magnitude.
Stamp corrals tiny bits
TRN News October 16, 2002 The way disk drives store information in a computer is fairly straightforward -- microscopic areas of magnetic material represent 1s or 0s depending on their magnetic orientations. The smaller these magnetic areas, or bits, the more 1s and 0s fit on a disk.
Chemists brew tiny wires
TRN News October 16, 2002 There are two ways to make the smaller circuits and electronic components that promise to underpin tomorrow's technologies: improve today's top-down approach of using tools to manufacture circuits, and develop a bottom-up approach of having the circuits build themselves molecule by molecule.
Protein folding physics modeled at the atomic level
EurekAlert October 16, 2002 Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory and the University of California, San Diego, have created the first computer simulation of full-system protein folding thermodynamics at the atomic-level. Understanding the basic physics of protein folding could solve one of the grand mysteries of computational biology.
Optical tweezers: the next generation
Nanotechweb October 16, 2002 The ability to remotely control matter with lasers has had a major impact in physics and biology, and has now reached the point where researchers can construct new types of material.
Go long, say investors; nano needs help beyond the line of scrimmage
SmallTimes October 16, 2002 Venture capitalists are increasingly interested in nanotechnology, but some experts are concerned about the degree to which investors will pour money into nano startups after the initial seed stage of funding.
University of Arizona nanotech researchers aim for atomic scale
SmallTimes October 16, 2002 One of the biggest trends in the future of computers and integrated circuits will be their rapid decrease in size and increase in power.
The new climate change culprit
NationalPost/Douglas Mulhall October 16, 2002 An elephant has just crashed into the arena where Canada's climate debate rages, but who noticed?
ANI Says Nanotube Composites Improve Electron Emission Properties -
NanoelectronicsPlanet October 15, 2002 By combining the new, proprietary carbon nanotube composites with other conductive and non-conductive nanoparticles, ANI's scientists claim they were able to significantly lower the voltage necessary for optimal electron emission.
Intel to debut 90-nm 'Banias' processor in 2H '03
EETimes October 15, 2002 During the Microprocessor Forum here today, Intel Corp. described a few more details of its next-generation mobile microprocessor, including plans to push the chip down to the 90-nm node in the 2nd half of 2003.
Intel describes billion-transistor four-core Itanium processor
EETimes October 15, 2002 Intel Corp. today described how it could combine four Itanium 2 cores that share a large cache memory to create a processor with more than 1 billion transistors.
Polymers self-assemble to form 2.5-nm diode
EETimes October 15, 2002 A diode measuring just 2.5 nanometers was recently demonstrated by University of Chicago professor Luping Yu, who called it the world's smallest.
Nanotech, biotech research converging
UPI October 15, 2002 The difference between organic and inorganic materials and systems is slowly disappearing as scientists explore nanotechnology, researchers said Tuesday.
Small tech research gets huge boost with $52.5 million Purdue gift
SmallTimes October 15, 2002 Indianapolis business and civic leader William E. Bindley has announced a $52.5 million gift to his alma mater, Purdue University -- including $7.5 million that will cover half the construction cost for a new bioscience research center at Purdue's Discovery Park.
Neutron Holography
PhysicsNews October 15, 2002 Neutron holography with atomic-scale resolution has been performed, for the first time, with an "inside-detector" approach.
Lucent, Rogers Look to Nano for Innovation -
NanoelectronicsPlanet October 15, 2002 Even though Lucent Technologies' recent bad news could spell trouble for its famous R&D facility, Bell Labs' Nanotechnology Research Director John A. Rogers is hopeful his people and projects will escape the budget axe.
Penn State University gains nanoscience centre
Nanotechweb October 15, 2002 The US National Science Foundation is to invest $9M over the next six years in a new Center for Nanoscale Science at Penn State University. PSU and the state of Pennsylvania are also providing funding for the interdisciplinary research centre.
Nanotech modeling does Windows, but 1-size software does not fit all
SmallTimes October 15, 2002 Microsoft Windows is now compatible with one of the best-selling computer modeling (CM) suites, which are among the most important nanotechnology R&D lab tools. But some nanotech experts are less than impressed.
Advectus scales up polymerization process of Nanocure(TM)
Newswire October 15, 2002 Advectus Life Sciences reported that the University of Kentucky has advised they have been able to successfully scale up the polymerization process of Nanocure(TM) P80DOX-NP from laboratory scale quantities to the quantities that are needed for human clinical trials and FDA approval.
US Investment Firm DFJ Plans to Invest in Russian Hi-Tech Industry
Rosbalt October 15, 2002 The fund should be aimed at financing developments in nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, robotics and the commercial application of military technology, Draper said.
Nanotubes hang tough
Nature October 14, 2002 By sandwiching tiny but super-tough carbon nanotubes between layers of polymer, researchers have created a revolutionary material that is six times stronger than conventional carbon-fibre composites and as hard as some ultrahard ceramic materials used in engineering.
Cetek, Motorola Sign Pact for Display Technology -
NanoelectronicsPlanet October 14, 2002 Cetek Technologies Inc. has secured a license from Motorola for its carbon nanotube triode (CNT) technology, which Cetek will use to produce flat-panel displays.
UTD, UT Austin, Rice to receive nanotech funds
bizjournals October 14, 2002 The U.S. Congress has approved a $6 million request for funds to study nanotechnology by a consortium including the University of Texas at Dallas, the University of Texas at Austin, Rice University in Houston and the Air Force.
With prototype, funding in hand, Arradial ready to discover drugs
SmallTimes October 14, 2002 Nanotechnology is a term just beginning to receive public attention, but the top researchers and communicators in the scientific discipline already have awards to strive for and the latest group of winners was named Sunday at a conference.
Nanoscience community honors its own
UPI October 13, 2002 Nanotechnology is a term just beginning to receive public attention, but the top researchers and communicators in the scientific discipline already have awards to strive for and the latest group of winners was named Sunday at a conference.
ANNN to build Nano House
Jupitermedia October 13, 2002 The new Australian National Nanotechnoloy Network has announced its first collaborative effort, which will see the establishment of the Nano House, to be built using nano-engineered materials and devices.
2002 IMM Prizes in Computational Nanotechnology
IMM October 12, 2002 The Institute for Molecular Manufacturing has announced the 2002 winners of three IMM Prizes in Computational Nanotechnology. The purpose of the Prizes is to stimulate research on the design, analysis, and visualization of molecular machines.
Investors interested in nanotech
UPI October 12, 2002 Investors of several stripes are interested in nanotechnology, despite the bruising experience of the dot-com implosion, several financial experts reported at a weekend conference.
Nanotech finds biological inspiration
UPI October 12, 2002 Nanotechnology research is focusing increasingly on DNA, nature's own molecular-scale instructions, as a possible building block for man-made devices, scientists said Saturday at a conference.
Photon Clones Created
AAAS October 11, 2002 In the computers of tomorrow, bits of information might be encoded in individual particles of light. But the simplest light-based quantum-computing scheme will work only if each photon is identical to all the others. Now, a team of physicists has found a way to squeeze nearly indistinguishable photons out of a tiny dot of solid material.
Magnetic islands boost memory
Nature October 11, 2002 The storage capacity of computer hard drives could skyrocket if a prototype device for magnetic data storage developed by IBM can be commercialized.
Nanoelectronics Run Deep in the Heart of Texas -
NanoelectronicsPlanet October 11, 2002 The Nano Circuit's tour of research institutions that will lead nanoelectronics from the laboratory to commercialization made its second stop this week, at the University of Texas at Austin.
Silica nanolaminate deposition races ahead
Nanotechweb October 11, 2002 Scientists at Harvard University have laid down silica nanolaminates by atomic layer deposition (ALD) at more than 100 times the normal rate.
UA awaits vote on defense bill to fund studies
NWANews October 11, 2002 The Fayetteville campus would receive $2 million in fiscal 2003, half for nanotechnology research to assist the U.S. Army and the rest for battlefield logistics support for the U.S. Air Force, said UA's vice provost for research, Collis Geren.
House approves military allocations
DDN October 11, 2002 The U.S. House of Representatives has approved $118 million in military spending for Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and the Miami Valley, including $17.7 million for the Wright Brothers Institute. $3.2 million for nanotechnology research.
Conference extols promise of nanotech
UPI October 11, 2002 Researchers examining nanotechnology, the science of manipulating matter at the atomic or molecular scale, have yet to tap the discipline's richest possibilities, despite ongoing, exciting discoveries, scientists said Friday.
Zyvex Adds Honeywell to NIST Advanced Technology Program Team
DFWXL.com October 11, 2002 Zyvex Corporation added Honeywell International, Inc. to an existing $25 million, five-year, cost-shared NIST Advanced Technology Program. Under this program, Zyvex and Honeywell will work with university collaborators Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Center for Automation Technologies, the University of Texas at Dallas, and the University of North Texas to accelerate the production and commercialization of low-cost assemblers for micro- and nanoscale components and subsystems.
Diffraction gradient lithography aids nanofluidics
Nanotechweb October 11, 2002 Small fluidic structures are important tools in the emerging field of bionanotechnology, but it can be difficult to stretch out long molecules such as DNA so that they can enter the nano-sized channels.
Nanotitan wants to teach
the world to speak nanotech
SmallTimes October 11, 2002 Just as Netscape helped spur growth of the Internet by enabling Web surfers to download its browser for free, NanoTitan wants to create a similar ripple in the small tech community.
Nano-technology is next big thing
icbirmingham.com October 11, 2002 A battle is developing over the UK's planned nano-technology centre. The West Midlands, which has considerable expertise in the science, is bidding strongly to bring it to the region.
House Committee Earmarks $26.5 Million for NASA Glenn Initiatives
PR Newswire October 10, 2002 The Greater Cleveland Growth Association announced today that the House Appropriations Committee approved $26.5 million in federal funds for NASA Glenn Research Center technology initiatives. [Including $1 million for Nanotechnology]
NSC to form volunteer network for promotion of scientific advances
eTaiwanNews October 10, 2002 The Cabinet-level National Science Council is set to promote widespread public understanding of new science and technology advances with a series of programs...
Decoding Future Nanotech Investment Success
Forbes.com October 10, 2002 Pattern recognition is a fancy name for learning from the past. Investors use pattern recognition all the time. So do business people, politicians and military strategists. When they see certain things happening, they remember that in the past similar patterns had certain consequences.
Nanotech is no investment fad and there's real money in it for Chicago
SmallTimes October 10, 2002 Back when Internet stocks were creating trillions of dollars in ephemeral wealth, the hype machine for the promising young field of nanotechnology was cranking up. Surprisingly, it wasn't investment bankers who lubricated the works.
Company fingerprints products, a molecule at a time
SmallTimes October 10, 2002 Technology exists that could stamp just about any mass-produced product with its own unique fingerprint - using a tag the size of a molecule.
NASA scientist simulates sub-microscopic parts and wins big award
NASA News October 10, 2002 'Growing' atomic-scale 3-D computer circuits that may lead to human-like sensory systems is the latest simulation effort of a NASA scientist who recently won a scientific medal for years of work.
An 'AAAAAAAAA' battery? UF researchers make progress on tiny cell
EurekAlert October 10, 2002 It would send and receive faxes and video and have the processing power of a personal computer. The cell phone of the future would be on the market today but for one hitch: the battery. So Martin and his team are making progress on a new approach: Batteries inspired by the emerging field of nanotechnology.
Matsushita Observes Red Light from Si Nano-Particles
NE Asia Online October 10, 2002 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co, Ltd has developed a prototype silicon light emitting diode (LED) with orange-color light using its proprietary Si nano-particle technology.
The Military's Role in Academic Research
Technology Review October 10, 2002 An editorial by Robert Buderi, on funding of applied vs. pure science.
Versatile New Nanotechnology Could One Day be Used to Track and Kill Cancer Cells
UB News October 10, 2002 A new, patented nanotechnology that one day may allow cancer patients to receive treatments through an MRI procedure in a doctor's office is being developed by scientists at the University at Buffalo's Institute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics and a French nanotechnology firm, Nanobiotix, Inc.
SanDisk, Toshiba to work on 0.09 micron flash memory
Infoworld October 10, 2002 The companies will work on 90 nanometer, or 0.09 micron, process technology, which allows more megabytes per wafer, increasing the output and lowering production cost
Wired for success
* Nature October 10, 2002 Nanowires, nanorods or nanowhiskers. It doesn't matter what you call them, they're the hottest property in nanotechnology.
Sizing down the field
* Nature October 10, 2002 There is a great deal of interest in the development of magnetic materials for high-density information storage. A new high-resolution, surface magnetic-field imaging technique could help extend this development by surpassing the some of the limitations of current magnetic-imaging techniques.
Funnelling light in nanomolecules
* Nature October 10, 2002 A large molecule has been designed to harvest and channel light energy, passing it on to an encapsulated dye in a way that recalls the initial steps of photosynthesis.
The Amazing Vanishing Transistor Act
IEEE October 10, 2002 Radical changes are in the offing for transistors as their dimensions shrink to a few tens of nanometers
Plug, Albany NanoTech team up
The Business Review October 10, 2002 Plug Power of Latham and Albany NanoTech have entered into a 5-year $5 million program to develop and build a next generation fuel-cell system incorporating nanotechnology.
Uncle Sam sends its money
where VCs and Angels fear to tread
SmallTimes October 10, 2002 The U.S. government's Advanced Technology Program has given $101.6 million to 40 research projects, at least seven of which have a small tech component.
UNR Students Make Nanotechnology a Good Investment
KOLO-TV News October 09, 2002 Students there are working on the molecular level to come up with devices that have far-reaching potential.
Russia Develops Supersensitive Toxic-Control Devices
Rosbalt October 09, 2002 "...Russian scientists have created novel devices 10,000 times more productive than before. Basically, new approaches are used, he said. Among them are biosensors, bioluminescent analysis, so-called immunochips, as well as nanotechnology methods. "
Veeco Launches SPM Probes e-Commerce Store
Veeco Instruments October 09, 2002 Veeco Metrology Group has announced the launch of the world's first scanning probe microscope (SPM) probes e-commerce site at http://store.veeco.com. The new on-line store offers over 200 scanning probes and related products. The site also features the latest e-commerce technology, including ease of use, full search functionality, immediate acknowledgement of orders, and secure credit card, purchase order, and check payment options.
Results Research and Graduate Studies
NCSU October 09, 2002 A North Carolina State University publication by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies, dedicated its summer 2002 issue to on-campus nanoscience research.
Optical Sensing with Quantum Dots
Analytical Chemistry October 09, 2002 PDF paper
IBM to license 100-femtosecond mask repair tool
EETimes October 09, 2002 IBM Corp.'s T.J. Watson Research Center has announced that it is releasing its proprietary sub-100-nanometer lithographic mask repair technology for general license.
Cetek and Motorola team up on nanotube-based displays
Nanotechweb October 09, 2002 US ceramics specialist Cetek Technologies, US, has secured a licence with Motorola, US to produce and use carbon nanotube triode technology, which has applications in flat-panel displays.
Chemical industry draws roadmap to chart a course for nano market
SmallTimes October 09, 2002 The chemical industry, government and academia are working together to leverage the expertise of chemical manufacturers for the good of nanotechnology.
Cutting-edge tech grabs federal grants
News.com October 09, 2002 From nanofiber applications to content protection for big-screen movies, 40 new advanced technology projects garner $92 million in funding from the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Plastic electrons spin for memory
EETimes October 08, 2002 Ohio State University researchers have made nearly all the moving electrons inside a sample of plastic spin in the same direction - an effect called spin polarisation that could yield plastic memories.
Governor bears funds before big game
NewsGazette October 08, 2002 The disbursement includes $67.5 million for the Post Genomic Institute, $27 million for a new National Center for Supercomputing Applications building and $18 million to expand the Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory.
Chattanooga-Based eSpin Gets $2 Million Contract
Chattanoogan.com October 08, 2002 Dr. Jayesh Doshi, president and CEO of eSpin Technologies, announced that his company has won a $2 million Advanced Technology Program (ATP) award from the U.S. Department of Commerce.
European Commission to launch new technology platforms for nanotechnologies & sustainable production
AlphaGalileo October 08, 2002 Described as "a new industrial revolution", nanotechnologies are at the keen edge of sustainable production in Europe. Already fuelling a broad spectrum of applications in industries as diverse as information technologies, automotive, cosmetics, chemical and transport, they deliver cleaner, safer, more competitive production processes, as well as smarter, more durable and more user-friendly products.
Nanoscientists named in "Brilliant 10"
Nanotechweb October 08, 2002 Two nanotechnologists have been dubbed members of the "Brilliant 10" by Popular Science magazine, US. Angela Belcher of Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Charles Lieber of Harvard University were both honoured in the list.
Bugs trained to build circuit
Nature October 08, 2002 Bacteria lay bricks on nano scale building site.
Veeco came, saw, acquired
majority of the AFM market
SmallTimes October 08, 2002 When Veeco was founded in 1945 by a pair of Manhattan Project researchers who invented a helium leak detector, the company's name was an acronym for Vacuum Electronic Equipment Company.
Technology Could Use Moon Dust To Capture Sun Power
ScienceDaily October 08, 2002 UH scientists are using nanotechnology to change the structure of existing TPV materials in a way that extends the amount of infrared radiation the device can convert to electricity.
IMEC to set up 300-mm R&D fab for advanced IC processes
EETimes October 08, 2002 IMEC late on Monday disclosed that it is setting up a 300-mm "silicon research foundry" fab and a "research platform" to develop new and key process technologies for future chip production.
Labs move into future
Northern Star October 08, 2002 Thanks to a $2.5 million federal grant, NIU now possesses a soft X-ray emission spectrometer - one of two in the world. The funds also will be used to create a Laboratory for NanoSciences, Engineering and Technology, and a Laboratory for Structural Analysis and Computer Modeling.
Friendly little nano scrubbers
Australian IT October 08, 2002 For scientists who study it, nanotechnology is considered a clean technology - perhaps even the key to solving some current environmental ills.
CALMEC Travels Long Road to Molecular Memory
NanoelectronicsPlanet October 07, 2002 Unlike other companies pursuing next-generation molecular memory technologies, California Molecular Electronics Corp. (CALMEC) is not after the lucrative RAM market, instead the company has its sights set squarely on replacing hard drives.
Big Future in Tiny Spaces
MSNBC October 07, 2002 Nanotechnology is moving from labs to businesses
Very Small Business
TIME.com October 07, 2002 Nanotech is quietly seeping into everything from stain-resistant khakis to cancer drugs
U.S. Faces Nanotechnology R&D 'Dogfight'
ComputerWorld October 07, 2002 Countries in Europe and Asia are keeping pace with U.S. spending on basic research in nanotechnology, according to experts in that area. Consequently, U.S. investment in the technology, which manipulates matter atom by atom and is expected to spur a computing revolution, is only about 25% of the world's total.
UT-Austin creates program for nanomanufacturing technology
SmallTimes October 07, 2002 Local companies and University of Texas-Austin faculty members are anticipating a plethora of innovations in the areas of business, science and engineering since the creation of a UT nanomanufacturing technology program earlier this semester.
Soldier Nanotechnologies Institute works on creating super servicemen
SmallTimes October 07, 2002 Late last year the U.S. Army went shopping for some new uniforms. It wasn't interested in camouflage jumpsuits and olive drabs or even in better versions of the high-tech gear worn by the troops in Afghanistan.
Students make nanotech breakthrough
Yomiuri Shimbun October 07, 2002 Three students at the Kochi University of Technology have discovered a nanotechnological method to mass-produce superfine silicon cones, which could possibly lead to the development of television sets with ultrathin displays.
Thinking small gives UAF some big ideas
Anchorage Daily News October 07, 2002 Federal grant to fund research center.
Nanosphere is wheeling and dealing years before DNA detector's release
SmallTimes October 07, 2002 Nanosphere Inc., which hopes to make a DNA detector inexpensive enough to become ubiquitous, just got a spirit-lifting boost: a contract from the federal government to develop a specialized device that can test water supplies for anthrax and other diseases that might be used by bioterrorists.
Dutch scientists tout DNA microarray as breast-cancer tool
SmallTimes October 07, 2002 Dutch scientists believe they have developed a genetic tool that can predict with far greater accuracy than existing methods whether a patient's breast cancer is likely to spread - and, therefore, whether the patient should have aggressive treatment.
Aveka plans to spin off nanotech unit as part of merger
Business Journal October 07, 2002 Aveka Inc., a 3M spinoff involved in "particle processing," plans to spin off its own nanotechnology unit as part of a merger with an Israel company.
Shrinking to the smallest degree has promising results
Technician Online October 07, 2002 Researchers, along with President Clinton, are discovering new ways to solve old problems with the study of nanotechnology.
Ribbon to the Stars
ScienceNews October 05, 2002 Pushing the space elevator closer to reality
Nanoscience Could Revolutionize Nevada Economy
KOLO-TV October 05, 2002 There's a technology that's so small it's described on the molecular level being developed right here in Northern Nevada.
Novavax announces results of Phase III clinical of trialmicellar nanoparticle technology for drug delivery
PR Newswire October 04, 2002 Results of Phase III clinical trial reveal Estrasorb(tm) is effective in reducing vasomotor symptoms in post menopausal women -- clinical response is assessed. Patient preference data from after an earlier trial is also reported at NAMS meeting.
Tiny technology leads to big changes in DNA research at Argonne
EurekAlert October 04, 2002 New gene therapy procedures, DNA-based sensors, and other medical applications may be possible using a new method to initiate and control chemical reactions on DNA strands, developed by a team of chemists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory.
Venture Investment in Clean Technologies Set to Exceed US$1 Billion in 2002
Hoover's Online October 04, 2002 The first Cleantech Investment Monitor released today provides good news for the decimated venture capital industry and for those seeking a cleaner environment.
UNL wins $5.4 million research grant
Daily Nebraskan October 04, 2002 "...a $5.4 million grant from the National Science Foundation to establish the Materials Research Science and Engineering Center..."
Shootout at the IP Corral
NanoelectronicsPlanet October 04, 2002 Experts in the field of intellectual property say patent protection claims by nanoelectronics and nanotechnology firms are rather like the land grabs in the Wild West.
Why Europe's investors need to wake up
Nanotechweb October 04, 2002 This week the European NanoBusiness Association released a report on EU funding of nanotechnology. The surprise finding was that European spending is way above that of the US.
Swiss successes lead to more government money for nanotech
SmallTimes October 04, 2002 Self-cleaning windows, tools to feel the nanorealm, a real-time holographic 3-D imaging system and superfabrics that resist cold and dirt are just some of the results three years into a joint university and industrial nanotechnology research program in Switzerland.
NIU announces creation of two high tech laboratories
NIU October 04, 2002 Northern Illinois University is celebrating the launch of two highly specialized laboratories that will keep faculty and students alike on the cutting-edge of research into nanotechnology and scientific computer modeling at the molecular scale.
$20M lab is focus of attention
The Business Review October 04, 2002 An idea for a $20 million Alternative Energy Test Farm located at the state University at Albany is in the works and gaining momentum. The farm would test a host of power technologies, including fuel cells, microturbines and solar cells, among others.
The Emerging Nano VC
News 14 October 04, 2002 Nanotech Capital LLC, a nanotechnology intellectual property (IP) management and development company, recently signed an agreement with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Tennessee.
Air on a nanostring
* Nature October 03, 2002 There is a great deal of interest in the potential use of nanoelectromechanical devices for a range of sensing applications, but until now their susceptibility to viscous damping effects has meant that they could only be operated under vacuum. New research, however, suggests that this restriction could now be lifted.
Europe to Outspend the US by a Factor of Two
BusinessWire October 03, 2002 The European NanoBusiness Association (ENA) today released the first analysis of European Union spending on nanotechnology. "The European situation is very different from that of the US", explained ENA director Cristina Roman, "the funding mechanisms are highly complex, but the analysis shows European spending to be around double that of the US National Nanotechnology Initiative."
Nanosphere Inc. Enters into Multi-million Dollar Contract
Nanosphere October 03, 2002 Nanosphere Inc., a privately held nanotechnology-based life sciences company, announced today it has entered into a development contract with the U.S. Government Technical Support Working Group (TSWG). This contract will apply Nanosphere's proprietary biomolecular detection system to the future detection of biological warfare agents in various mediums.
Ballistic lighting
* Nature October 03, 2002 Research into the many different technologies competing for the future of flat-screen display production is intense. New ' vacuum-less cathode-ray tube' devices based on nanocrystalline porous silicon could be a promising candidate to add to this list.
Cancer treatment at the nanoclinic
* Nature October 03, 2002 Multifunctional nanoparticles are able to find their way into cancer cells and then punch holes in their membranes when activated by a magnetic field.
Invisible circuits in a flash
Nanotechweb October 03, 2002 The discovery of a transparent insulating material that becomes a conductor when it is exposed to ultraviolet light is set to revolutionize the emerging field of 'invisible circuit technology'.
Zyvex getting down to business; nanobots? That's for another day
SmallTimes October 03, 2002 Tom Cellucci has a very simple job description. "He's going to start bringing money in," said his new boss, Jim Von Ehr, chief executive of Dallas-based Zyvex Corp.
UD gets $2.5 million grant for particle research
DelawareOnline October 03, 2002 The University of Delaware has been awarded a $2.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation to study man-made microscopic particles and structures and their possible uses.
Furman professor wins grant to study molecule-sized holes
Greenville News October 02, 2002 Furman University chemistry professor Timothy Hanks has won a $390,000 grant to support his nanotechnology research, a field that involves controlling matter at the atomic level.
Education agreement on nanoscience and engineering
UTNews October 02, 2002 An education partnership agreement on nanoscience and engineering will be signed by Dr. Larry R. Faulkner, president of The University of Texas at Austin, and Rear Admiral John D. Butler, commander of U.S. Naval Undersea Warfare Center.
Nanocylinders Open Way To Polymer Electronics (PDF)
Max Planck Society October 02, 2002 International team of scientists succeeds in synthesizing new supramolecular materials for optoelectronics from organic crystals and polymers
Chicago Researchers Move Toward Molecular Transistor -
NanoelectronicsPlanet October 02, 2002 Chemists at the University of Chicago are claiming new ground in molecular electronics after successfully synthesizing a diode the size of a single molecule.
LED There Be Light
UCB October 02, 2002 Bright ideas in nanotechnology at UC Berkeley are helping usher in a new age of environmentally-friendly, inexpensive, and innovative forms of illumination.
"NanoINDEX" network: Nanotechnology Industry Exchanges
NEXUS and PHANTOMS October 02, 2002 NEXUS and PHANTOMS have jointly started a concerted action aimed at bridging micro and nanotechnologies.
Metal mix boosts batteries
TRN October 02, 2002 The material has a nanoporous crystal structure, said Chiang. Nanoporous materials contain holes nearly as small as atoms. "The nanoporous structure allows for rapid lithium transport into the electrode without impeding the electronic conductivity," he said.
Thousand-chamber biochip debuts
TRN October 02, 2002 The researchers are aiming to replace roomfuls of chemistry equipment with devices based on a fluidic storage chip that can store 1,000 different substances in an area slightly larger than a postage stamp.
New technique creates narrow inter-electrode gaps
Nanotechweb October 02, 2002 Scientists from Cambridge University, UK, and CEMES-CNRS in France have come up with a reliable method for making pairs of electrodes that incorporate narrow gaps. The co-planar metal-insulator-metal junctions have gaps less than 5 nm wide and could have applications in single molecule electronics.
Optical thermometer feels the heat
Nanotechweb October 02, 2002 Scientists in Germany have created a molecular thermometer from a common luminescent organic semiconductor. By studying the emission spectrum of the material, the team claims the thermometer will allow thermal imaging of organic LEDs and laser diodes as well as nanometre-sized devices.
For Triad, it's not the MEMs, it's the method of making them
SmallTimes October 02, 2002 At sales meetings, the founders of Triad Sensors talk up their first product: a sensor chip. But they prefer to think of it as a bargaining chip.
Despite Fraud at Bell Labs, Chip Research Barrels Ahead
* NYTimes October 02, 2002 Two papers by Harvard and Cornell researchers in the June 13 issue of the journal Nature described a spectacular breakthrough in miniaturization: researchers have now created transistors whose switching components are literally single atoms.
IatroQuest Corporation Receives Funding from CRTI Counter-Terrorism Program
NewsWire October 02, 2002 Bio-Alloy(TM), which combines elements of biotechnology, nanotechnology, advanced semiconductor materials and photonics, holds high potential to overcome current bottlenecks in civilian and military biowarfare defense such as portability and real-time confirmatory detection.
MIT Model Predicts Birthplace Of Defect In A Material
ScienceDaily October 02, 2002 Defects such as cracks in a material are responsible for everything from malfunctioning microchips to earthquakes. Now MIT engineers have developed a model to predict a defect's birthplace, its initial features and how it begins to advance through the material.
New nanotechnology center takes name from alumnus
The Exponent October 02, 2002 The Birck Nanotechnology Center, one of the first in a group of buildings to be located in Discovery Park, was made possible by a $30 million dollar contribution by Birck.
Tiny technology - Enormous opportunity
Activest October 01, 2002 With a new fund, Activest, HypoVereinsbank's investment group, is banking on the key technology of the 21st century: Activest Lux NanoTech invests world-wide in nanotechnology companies.
Nanomanufacturing technology program created at The University of Texas at Austin
UTexas October 01, 2002 A nanomanufacturing technology program to foster educational, research and commercialization efforts in nanomanufacturing has been started at The University of Texas at Austin's Center for Nano- and Molecular Science and Technology (CNM).
Nano-Machines Get Some Fresh Air
AAAS October 01, 2002 For nanometer-sized machines, air is so thick it saps their energy. That means most contraptions must be confined to vacuum chambers. But now physicists report that a little laser light can help nanomachines operate in open air. The advance could open the way for ultrasensitive biodetectors.
Chemists Synthesize Key Component in Drive Toward Molecular Electronic Devices
AScribe October 01, 2002 University of Chicago chemists have successfully synthesized an electronic component the size of a single molecule that could prove crucial in the continuing push to miniaturize electronic devices.
Nanosys Licenses Nanolaser Technology from Cal -
NanoelectronicsPlanet October 01, 2002 Nanosys Inc. continues to add to its impressive intellectual property holdings, announcing this week it received exclusive license to semiconductor nanowire-based nanolasers developed at the University of California.
Srico wins National Science Foundation grant for nanotechnology research and development
Lightwave October 01, 2002 Optical component company Srico was awarded a $100,000 grant by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to develop photonic bandgap (PBG) optical waveguide structures in electro-optic substrates.
Advectus Life Sciences Inc. - Brain cancer Phase 2 pre-clinical tests to commence
NewsWire October 01, 2002 Advectus Life Sciences Inc. has been advised by the University of North Carolina Brain Tumor Center at Chapel Hill as to the schedule details of the second phase of the pre-clinical study of its patented nanoparticle based technology.
Oklahoma professor experiments with nasa's laser tweezers
SmallTimes October 01, 2002 University of Central Oklahoma physics and engineering professor Baha Jassemnejad is doing his part to help U.S. space explorers go where they have never gone before.
Florida researchers look into small tech as future lifesaver
SmallTimes October 01, 2002 One of Florida State University's recently launched research endeavors, is the product of collaboration between the biology and physics departments and the Center for Materials Research and Technology.
Nanolayers Sets Sights on LCD Market -
NanoelectronicsPlanet October 01, 2002 With a $500,000 funding round just completed, a $10 million Series B round set to begin in October and talks underway with major players, Jerusalem-based Nanolayers is gearing up to provide LCD makers with a thin-film-transistor (TFT) technology intended to cut costs, improve viewability and save on batteries.
Atom lithography sees the light
Nanotechweb October 01, 2002 A breakthrough by Joseph Thywissen and Mara Prentiss at Harvard University in the US shows the potential of one such technique, which uses atoms rather than light to carve the features in chips.
MEMS for everyman? Analog gyro puts a new spin on price
SmallTimes October 01, 2002 It's been a long time coming, but this week Analog Devices delivered what product engineers have anticipated for years: an affordable, self-contained MEMS gyroscope.
Unilever invests £113m in venture capital
Guardian Unlimited October 01, 2002 The fund has chosen its first investment with a €5m commitment to NextGen Partners, a materials science and nanotechnology venture fund.
Taking up the nano challenge
The Australian October 01, 2002 While the "art of building substances atom by atom" remains a dream, nanotechnology is nevertheless throwing up many new products and tantalising possibilities.
SurroMed and Callida Genomics Sign Agreement with NIST
SurroMed October 01, 2002 The grant supports the development of a high throughput universal genotyping system, combining SurroMed’s NanobarcodesÔ particles technology with Callida’s universal probes technology. The companies expect to develop a system capable of rapidly scoring more than 100,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) per patient using a solution array approach.
Area high tech companies awarded $13.5M
The Business Review October 01, 2002 Three New York companies will receive more than $13.5 million in high technology awards under the federal Advanced Technology Program. See the last 2 paragraphs.
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