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USC to narrow focus of research projects
TheState November 30, 2002 To some officials at USC, the state's self-proclaimed flagship university has gone adrift over the years, becoming a rudderless vessel with no real direction. ... administrators are identifying a few core research areas they say USC should specialize in. Two of those focus areas are biomedicine and nanotechnology, broad fields with almost limitless potential to help USC gain the prominence it seeks and bring economic development to the state.
Future cloudy for Bell Labs
AP November 30, 2002 Current projects include work on nanotechnology, flexible display screens, ways to radically boost the performance of communications networks, software that finds flaws in complex systems, and studies of how patterns in nature could enhance designs in technology.
Zia Laser zeros in on $5.5M in series B funds
ACBJ November 29, 2002 Two investment firms on opposite sides of the country are betting on a telecom rebound and a boom in bandwidth. ... The company's technology, called the quantum dot laser, replaces quantum well laser technology currently used to send data over fiber-optic lines.
Stanford study may unlock secrets to aging
ACBJ November 29, 2002 A new form of nanotechnology developed at Stanford may lead to a better understanding of the life and death of human cells.
Quantum computing making 'tremendous progress'
NewScientist November 29, 2002 The first element of a device that many believe holds the best hope for quantum information processing has been completed by Australian researchers, while an Austrian team has reported the first truly quantum calculation.
Protein Based Nanomachines For Space Applications
Rutgers/NIAC November 29, 2002 A 24 page PDF on the project. Their Home Page
First Quantum Dots Applied To Living Organism
ScienceDaily November 29, 2002 Quantum dots are nano-sized crystals that exhibit all the colors of the rainbow due to their unique semiconductor qualities. Now, for the first time, this flexible tool has been refined, and delivered to the hands of biologists.
CORDIS offers clearer picture of nano-research for the younger public
CORDIS November 29, 2002 Research on nanotechnology and nanosciences is covered by one of the seven thematic priorities under the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6). CORDIS, the European Commission's Research and Development Information Service, is hosting a new page to explain to the young public what nanotechnology stands for.
Emergent magnetism
* Nature November 28, 2002 In contrast to the great advances that have been made in the development of magnetic recording materials, relatively little progress has been made in the search for better permanent magnets. Magnetic nanocomposites composed of a combination of soft and hard magnetic materials could provide the breakthrough that researchers have been looking for.
Making a point
* Nature November 28, 2002 One of the factors that limits the performance of an electron microscope is the size and brightness of its source of electrons. Now, a multi-walled carbon nanotube source has been demonstrated that could significantly improve both.
Imprinting the imprints
* Nature November 28, 2002 Molecules that bind to enzymes and inhibit their activity are common pharmaceutical targets. Candidates can now be found by using enzyme cavities, or their mimics, as moulds in which small substrate molecules are put together.
Rice deciphers optical spectra of carbon nanotubes
EurakAlert November 28, 2002 Study opens door for faster, simpler methods of measuring carbon nanotubes.
Small could be big bucks for Japanese
SpaceDaily November 28, 2002 Their firms are increasing spending by double digits on nanotechnology research into new devices just a few atoms wide.
PHANTOMS at NEXUS Forum: bridging micro and nanotechnologies
NEXUS and PHANTOMS November 28, 2002 Since July 2002, NEXUS and PHANTOMS have jointly started a concerted action aimed at bridging micro and nanotechnologies.
Starpharma Dendrimer Presentation
Starpharma November 28, 2002 PDF
Magnets double up
PhysicsWeb November 27, 2002 Researchers in the US have developed a new technique for making small and powerful permanent magnets. These so-called 'exchange-coupled nanocomposites' contain two magnetic phases, which makes them stronger than conventional magnets made from single phase materials.
Nanotech Dealflow Picks Up
IPO.com November 27, 2002 A recent burst of venture capital financings among nanotechnology companies shows that investors are navigating past the nano hype in search of startups promising VC-style profits from their hunt for this on-again, off-again "next big thing."
Energy Needs May Limit Size, Ability Of Quantum Computers
SpaceDaily November 27, 2002 The energy required to create an accurate quantum computer may limit the ability of scientists to make these novel devices small, fast, cheap and efficient, says a University of Arkansas researcher.
Gentle Lithography
PhysicsNews November 27, 2002 Lithography is the key process in microchip fabrication whereby circuit elements are built up or "written" onto a backing in a series of steps that can include chemical action, heating, and irradiation.
Cool Ferric Wheels
PhysicsNews November 27, 2002 A new form of magnetic cooling has been demonstrated on tiny ring-shaped molecules. Research like this, involving the reactions between spins and molecules, and the coherence of states over time might be beneficial to a future quantum computing scheme.
UB Engineer Develops Novel Method for Assembly of Nanoparticles
UBNews November 27, 2002 A University at Buffalo engineer has developed a novel method for assembling nanoparticles into three-dimensional structures that one day may be used to produce new nanoscale tools and machines.
Artificial cell gets light-powered nanopump for calcium ions
EurekAlert November 27, 2002 Artificial cells, or liposomes, are a promising area in biotechnology and nanotechnology, and now they have a new power source. An experimental finding has revealed a new method for converting light to stored chemical energy within the cells.
Nanotech fund off to slow start; could spur industry investment
SmallTimes November 27, 2002 In a move that could ultimately spur small tech investment, the first-ever mutual fund of publicly traded small tech companies was launched this month. It got off to a slow start, but industry experts think it has great promise and the timing is right.
Surface Logix Raises $25M
IPO.com November 27, 2002 Surface Logix Inc. of Boston, a developer of nano-sized, carbohydrate-based sensors for screening potential drugs to cure a wide range of diseases, announced late Tuesday, Nov. 26, that it has raised $25 million in a third round of funding.
Acquisitions open regional door for AKN
TheStar November 27, 2002 AKN Technology Bhd is set to be a regional player in cutting-edge semi-conductor and nano technologies after its recent investment of a total RM40.58mil in Nanochip Inc, JIT Technology (M) Sdn Bhd, Inpro Technology Co Ltd and Autoplus International Group Ltd.
US Global Aerospace Introduces S.A.G(TM) Armored Turret System
PRNewswire November 26, 2002 The superior durability, strength and low weight of the S.A.G.(TM) Turret System comes from US Global Aerospace's proprietary G-Lam(TM) nano-fiber material.
Chip makers bang away at metal gates
EETimes November 26, 2002 Technologists are girding for yet another major change in CMOS gate stack integration: the replacement of polysilicon gate electrodes with two metals for PMOS and NMOS transistors.
IBM inks process development pact with Chartered
EETimes November 26, 2002 IBM Corp. and Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing Pte. have signed a joint development and manufacturing agreement that will result in a common process platform starting at the 90-nanometer node.
Altair Nanotechnologies President Provides Project Update
Fuel Cell Today November 26, 2002 Altair Nanotechnologies Inc. today announced that it has increased sales in both battery materials and thermal spray coatings and, according to Altair Nanotechnologies President Dr. Rudi E. Moerck has made significant progress in the company's development of RenaZorb(TM) a new pharmaceutical for controlling serum phosphate levels in kidney dialysis patients and in chemically related products
VCU scientists growing synthetic blood vessels
VCUNews November 26, 2002 Traditional heart bypass surgeries require using veins from the leg to replace damaged blood vessels. Using a nanotechnology developed by Virginia Commonwealth University researchers, doctors soon could be using artificial blood vessels grown in a laboratory to help save half a million lives every year.
Quantum dot 'basketball' promises new architectures
NanotechWeb November 26, 2002 A group of European scientists has used a scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) to add and remove quantum dots from a gold substrate.
Altair Nanotechnologies gets in the swim with algae prevention
NanotechWeb November 26, 2002 Altair Nanotechnologies, US, claims to have developed a nanostructured compound that prevents the growth of algae in swimming pools.
Prof. Craighead Receives Nanotech Grant
CornellSun November 26, 2002 In the case of Prof. Harold Craighead and his research into nanotechnology, bigger is not always better and the state of New York seems to agree. Recently the New York State Office of Science, Technology and Research (NYSTAR) awarded Craighead $750,000 to continue his research into a chip-based analytical system for rapid analysis of chemical and biological compounds.
Fiber Optics Could Spur Quantum Computing Leap
NewsFactor November 26, 2002 Before an atom's spin may be measured, it must be detected, and isolating an individual ultramicroscopic atom is a tricky endeavor.
Nanotechnology project coalesces
Indianapolis Star November 26, 2002 Purdue University's Jim Cooper admits he doesn't have a quick and easy definition of nanotechnology. And that poses a bit of a problem for Cooper, who is co- director of the university's Birck Nanotechnology Center.
Businessmen Become Oak Ridge Boys in Deal for Lab's Nano Research
Smalltimes November 26, 2002 In a move that could be a new model for commercializing government research, a small firm has cut a deal with a major national lab to share nanotechnology-related intellectual property.
Purdue Researchers chipping away at food contamination
Smalltimes November 26, 2002 Engineering, biology and nanotechnology are melded at Purdue University in a quest to safeguard the nation's food through development of a tiny molecule-coated computer chip.
Mark's Work Wearhouse launches new khakis that offer function and fashion
Canada Newswire November 26, 2002 Nano-Tex is a research company, located in Greensboro, North Carolina, that helped make Mark's Work Wearhouse's new khakis with the latest textile invention, NANO-CARE(TM) fabric protection. By partnering with Nano-Tex, Mark's also becomes one of the first apparel companies in the world to introduce nanotechnology to the apparel industry.
NASA Nanotechnology and Extremophile Research
SpaceRef November 25, 2002 NASA scientists have invented a breakthrough biological method to make ultra-small structures that may well be used to produce electronics 10 to 100 times smaller than today's components. ... More ... and more
Nanotech thriller 'Prey' is Crichton at the top of his game
SmallTimes November 25, 2002 Michael Crichton's "Prey" is just what his fans expect: a wild, scary ride in which man's arrogance almost does him in.
Korea to push nanotech project
The Korea Herald November 25, 2002 The Korean government has taken a step forward in its bid to nurture nanotechnology by setting aside 325.3 billion [won] that would help domestic researchers and labs pursue next-generation technology until 2010.
Investing in science fiction
Nanotechweb November 22, 2002 Science fiction has always been good for programmes that stand on the fine line between science and fiction. Nanotechnology has lofty visions for a future utopia, while the commercial side focuses on corrosion-resistant paint and spill-resistant blue jeans.
Superconducting junctions eyed for quantum computing
EETimes November 22, 2002 Josephson junctions, a superconducting type of transistor, are being investigated as a possible route to scalable quantum computers by a physicist at the University of Michigan.
For Chipmakers, Less of Moore?
BW Online November 22, 2002 The industry trade group's latest forecast contains a dire implication: The glory days are over, especially for smaller outfits.
The Pros and Cons of Partnering
NanoelectronicsPlanet November 22, 2002 Strategic partnering is of key interest in the nanoelectronics sector these days, so it's no surprise the topic was raised at the Nanoelectronics Planet Conference & Expo this week.
Nanoparticle imaging technique could detect early cancers
NannotechWeb November 22, 2002 Scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis, US, have used a nanoparticle imaging technique to investigate the formation of young capillaries (small blood vessels) in the body.
Will nanotechnology save the semiconductor industry?
Geek.com November 22, 2002 Microprocessor designer Nick Tredennick believes that nanotechnology has the potential to lead the semiconductor industry to long-term growth and eliminate boom-and-bust cycles.
Nanosphere snags some rare VC funds
Chicago Business November 22, 2002 Nanosphere, which focuses mainly on nanotechnology, or manipulating matter the size of atoms and molecules, said it received $10 million in its third round of financing, on top of $8.5 million raised in the first two rounds held earlier this year.
China-US Nanotech Center Launched in Beijing
PeopleDaily November 21, 2002 The Chinese Academy of Sciences, China's top scientific research institution, and the US Veeco Instruments Inc. opened a nanometer technology center in Beijing Wednesday.
U.S., European MEMS industry groups to team up
EETimes November 21, 2002 The MEMS Industry Group and Nexus, two of the leading organizations promoting MEMs and operating in North America and Europe respectively have announced a partnership to foster the commercialization of MEMS.
U.S., European MEMS industry groups to team up
EETimes November 21, 2002 The MEMS Industry Group and Nexus, two of the leading organizations promoting MEMs and operating in North America and Europe respectively have announced a partnership to foster the commercialization of MEMS.
Fake diamond nanoelectronics
* Nature November 21, 2002 Future computers and logic circuits will require nanoscale components. By integrating a high-permittivity ZrO2 dielectric layer with carbon nanotubes, a nanotube transistor has been fabricated with higher performance than silicon transistors of equivalent size.
Nanoscale photocopies
* Nature November 21, 2002 In xerography, images are recorded on paper by using electrostatic fields to define patterns of toner particles. Now that same process has been conducted at much finer resolution to write lines just 800 nm wide.
Second New Jersey "Nano Valley" Lab Unveiled at Picatinny Arsenal
Small Times November 21, 2002 Armed with $3.5 million in federal seed money, state and federal officials Friday unveiled the latest phase of "Nano Valley," a Morris County research center where businesses, scientists, and the military can develop one of the world's hottest new sciences – nanotechnology.
Tiny Troubles
Tech Central Station November 21, 2002 Some might suggest regulating research in nanotechnology because it may lead to knowledge that they would rather not have, as Bill Joy argues.
Report calls for nanotech laissez-faire
News.com November 21, 2002 Nanotechnology's potential benefit to society is so great, a new report says, that governments should take a hands-off approach to regulating the developing science, despite concern over possible dangers.
UAlbany lands R&D center
Timesunion.com November 21, 2002 Tokyo Electron Ltd. will announce plans today to put a $300 million research and development center at the University at Albany, continuing the campus's transformation into a nanotechnology destination.
Nanotech seen enabling steady semiconductor growth
EETimes November 21, 2002 Nanotechnology will catapult the semiconductor industry into a new phase of relatively steady, sustained growth that will replace its historical boom-and-bust cycles, microprocessor veteran Nick Tredennick said
Patently absurd
RedHerring November 20, 2002 Too many patents could kill nanotechnology.
New Nano Capacity
APS November 20, 2002 As conventional transistors shrink in size, they lose their ability to amplify signals, and thus their very status as transistors. Now researchers have taken advantage of a proposed quantum effect to construct a Y-shaped, nano electronic circuit that boosts signals spontaneously.
Diffusion narrows contact gap
NanotechWeb November 20, 2002 Researchers have come up with a technique that may ultimately overcome the resolution limits of conventional lithography to create contacts with very narrow gaps for nanoelectronic devices.
Motorola Labs and ASU Develop Method for Electrically Testing Single or Small Bundles of Electronic Molecules
Motorola November 20, 2002 Researchers at Motorola Labs and Arizona State University are developing new methods to further the efforts of one of today's most promising fields - nanotechnology.
Artisan starts to roll library for TSMC 90-nm process
EEDesign November 20, 2002 Artisan Components Inc., a supplier of intellectual property in the form of cell and core libraries, announced today the availability of simulation views for a library prepared for the Nexsys 90-nanometer process technology from Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.
Planning for the Day When Silicon Rules No More
NanoelectronicsPlanet November 20, 2002 The future of microelectronics remains with silicon for at least a decade, according to Dr. Thomas Theis, director of physical science for IBM's Research Division, but Big Blue is developing a plan for how to proceed when silicon and lithography hit their limits.
Environmental research to receive €2 billion
Edie November 20, 2002 The European Commission will be funding €17 billion worth of scientific research over the next three years, of which over €2 billion has been earmarked for environmental projects.
Senator Clinton coming to the University at Albany
Capital News 9 November 20, 2002 Senator Hillary Clinton is hosting a delegation of international representatives later today at a forum at U-Albany
Nano should regulate itself before the government does, report says
SmallTimes November 20, 2002 Nanotechnology will best flourish in an environment that is largely self-regulated but includes measured governmental oversight, according to a report released today by a think tank in California.
Washington to Give Nanotech $37B Boost
TheDeal November 20, 2002 New legislation now before President Bush could result in $37 billion in new funding over the next five years for the National Science Foundation — money that is expected to boost venture capital investments in nanotechnology and emerging biotech sectors.
Starpharma Awarded Its Third US Nanotechnology Patent
Starpharma November 20, 2002 Starpharma Pooled Development Limited has received notification of issue of US Patent Number 6464971 from the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The patent, entitled "Anionic or cationic dendrimer antimicrobial or antiparasitic compositions", has been issued to Starpharma Limited.
Device can count single electrons
EETimes November 19, 2002 Physicists at the National Institute of Standards have found a way to build a device that can reliably count individual electrons. The new approach results from studies of electrons that were confined to Cooper pair boxes at temperatures close to absolute zero.
Non-invasive imaging detects plaques beginning to form in vessels
EurekAlert November 19, 2002 In this study, the team used a relatively new imaging method – developed primarily at Washington University – to label growing capillaries, thereby identifying locations where plaques are about to form. They loaded an extremely small particle roughly 200 nanometers long, called a nanoparticle, with about 80,000 atoms of gadolinium, which shows up as a bright spot on a magnetic resonance image (MRI). Other carriers for gadolinium hold only a few such atoms at a time, and therefore result in less bright images.
Caterpillar tells community how nanotech can play in Peoria
SmallTimes November 19, 2002 The biotechnology collaborative Peoria NEXT aims to save Peoria from economic decline, and instead transform it into a new- style Silicon Valley, based on the latest technology.
Fighting Counterfeit Products With "Smart" Tags
NewhouseNews November 19, 2002 From phony Viagra to imitation brand-name brake pads, baby formula, computer chips and sneakers, a tsunami of fake products is washing up on the shores of world markets. To stem the tide, companies are turning to covert tagging methods that can tell the real from the imposter without tipping off counterfeiters in the process.
Researchers create DNA 'nanocircles' to probe the mystery of aging in human cells
EurekAlert November 19, 2002 A new form of nanotechnology developed at Stanford University may lead to a better understanding of the life and death of human cells. Writing in the Nov. 18 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Stanford researchers described how newly created circles of synthetic DNA - called "nanocircles" - could help researchers learn more about the aging process in cells.
AMD delays 90-nm processing in Dresden
EETimes November 19, 2002 Advanced Micro Devices Inc., Sunnyvale, Calif., has delayed the start of 90nm chip production at its Dresden, Germany, fab from the second half of this year to the first half of 2003, according to its newly released processor roadmap.
VCs Suggest Nanoelectronics Seek Funds Elsewhere
NanoelectronicsPlanet November 19, 2002 Most nanoelectronics start-ups are better off looking to the government and large corporations for funding, according to a panel of venture capitalists at the Nanoelectronics Planet Conference & Expo on Monday. Without a clear exit strategy, and with most of the science still bearing too much risk for private funding, the panel suggested academia and government are better suited to nurture nanoelectronics companies at this stage.
Carbon nanotube transistor is 'better than silicon'
Nanotechweb November 19, 2002 Researchers at Stanford University, Cornell University and Purdue University in the US have produced a carbon nanotube transistor that they claim has better properties than silicon transistors of an equivalent size.
Motorola's magnetic RAM to sample late 2003
EETimes November 18, 2002 Motorola's semiconductor group is planning a commercial debut for its innovative magnetic RAM technology late in 2003 when it expects to start sampling customers.
A Colossal Goodie for Smart NanoTech Investors
PRNewswire November 18, 2002 Colossal Storage Corp. is a volume holographic optical mass data storage device research and development company that intends to design, continue to patent, and sell its 3D volume holographic optical storage nanotechnology company.
New Dogs or New Tricks Await Semiconductor Industry
NanoelectronicsPlanet November 18, 2002 Does the semiconductor roadmap lead to nanotechnology, or will nano run today's established technology straight off the road? Experts gave their opinions at the Nanoelectronics Planet Conference & Expo
Universal support on nanotech proposal
ACBJ November 18, 2002 A proposed $200 million new building at the Albany NanoTech campus received unanimous support from attendees of a public hearing on the project.
Silicon transistors will encounter pressure from nanoelectronics
EurekAlert November 18, 2002 The future of nanoelectronics looks promising. Built with nanotubes and various self-assembling molecular structures, this technology may revolutionize the electronic world by replacing the silicon transistor in approximately ten years.
Biotech early bird flies pharma coop
Mercury News November 17, 2002 "...in January 2001, he read about nanotechnology in Science magazine. Nanotechnology -- the science of manipulating substances at the molecular scale -- was only in its nascent phase, but he saw promise. It had obvious applications, like allowing semiconductors to operate at miniature level. But there was range of other unexplored possibilities, afforded by the different optical, electrical and magnetic qualities of molecular substances."
BioTrove eyes 'giant leap' in drug-discovery process
Boston Business Journal November 15, 2002 On the fourth floor of Pfizer Inc's Memorial Drive research facility, BioTrove Inc. is quietly making nanotechnology a reality. Nanotechnology promises to speed up the drug-discovery process by reducing assays to a fraction of their present size.
Avogadro Partners has small plans for future
ACBJ November 15, 2002 Seattle-based venture capital firm is betting its future on the 'science of small'
CMP self-aligns carbon nanofibre cathodes
Nanotechweb November 15, 2002 Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Tennessee in the US have used chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) to make gated field-emission devices with single carbon nanofibre cathodes.
Molecular films change structure on mercury
Nanotechweb November 15, 2002 Researchers from Brookhaven National Laboratory, US, Harvard University, US, and Israel's Bar-Ilan University have grown thin films of stearic molecules onto liquid mercury. Unlike coatings grown onto water droplets, the structure of the films varied according to the concentration of molecules.
How does nanotech measure up? First, you need the right yardstick
SmallTimes November 15, 2002 How fully nanotechnology realizes its business potential will in large part hinge on the industry's ability to accurately test and measure its products, experts say.
Babolat hits tennis industry with high-tech nanotube rackets
SmallTimes November 15, 2002 Babolat, a French manufacturer of tennis rackets and strings, introduced a first to the tennis world last year: Two rackets made of materials created through nanotechnology. This year, the company expanded its nanotech line.
Responsible Nanotechnology: Looking Beyond the Good News
EurekAlert November 15, 2002 Nanotechnology has a glowing reputation as the platform for 21st century technology, but what about its potential environmental impacts? Despite moving full speed ahead on nanomaterial development and applications, researchers have been slow to consider the possible risks of this emerging technology.
Portugal, the candidate countries and the ERA
Cordis November 15, 2002 A conference on 'Portugal, candidate countries and ERA [European Research Area]' will take place in Lisbon, Portugal on 17 and 18 January. Biotechnology and nanotechnology will be the principal scientific themes covered at the event.
Quantum Devices Made to Measure
Jupitermedia November 15, 2002 Local nanotech start-up Quantum Precision Instruments is developing a technology platform that promises to offer the precision measurement required at the nano level. Dr Marek Michalewicz, founder and CEO, argues there are various problems with existing devices, known as MEMS and NEMS sensors.
Disaster looms for chemistry
FT.com November 15, 2002 Professor Sir Harry Kroto, the Nobel prize-winning British scientist and the new president of the Royal Society of Chemistry, has warned the government that the number of chemistry students must be doubled if the UK is to translate its research successes into economic growth.
Firms form consortium for carbon nanotechnology
eTaiwanNews November 15, 2002 To spur on research and development of nanotechnological applications for carbon materials, a consortium, pulling together more than twenty of Taiwan's leading technology firms, industrial groups, and top institutions, was formed in Hsinchu during the mid-week.
Quantum Dot Corporation Launches First Bio-Nanotechnology Product
Quantum Dot Corp. November 14, 2002 Quantum Dot Corporation (QDC), announced today the launch of its first Qdot™ product. The Qdot™ 605 Streptavidin Conjugate, the first in a line of Qdot products, enables dramatic improvements in a wide range of bio-sensing applications.
The nanotechnology arms race: why nobody wants to be left behind
Nanotechweb November 14, 2002 It's been a good year for nanotechnology. Even George Bush and Tony Blair have added the word to their vocabularies, and films such as Spiderman have brought nanotechnology to the attention of the general public.
Caged quanta
* Nature November 14, 2002 Free radicals coupled by electron and nuclear spins could be used to make a quantum computer. To protect them, they could be caged inside fullerenes.
SI Diamond falls on hard times, but hangs on by a nanotube thread
SmallTimes November 14, 2002 SI Diamond Technology has been forced to pare down to "the core of the company" – its subsidiary Applied Nanotech Inc., which develops nanotech for displays, medical cathode devices and hydrogen and other sensors.
Biochip sprouts DNA strands
TRN November 13, 2002 In addition to DNA's natural role of manufacturing the proteins that drive many of life's processes, the molecule has serious potential as a scientific tool. Researchers have found it invaluable for sensing and identifying microbes and chemicals, and there are many possibilities that involve using DNA to construct structures molecule by molecule.
Method measures quantum quirk
TRN November 13, 2002 Quantum entanglement, which Einstein once dismissed as impossible, is a physical resource that could transform information processing. It is key to producing phenomenally powerful quantum computers, and is the critical component of the most secure form of quantum cryptography.
Coax goes nano
TRN November 13, 2002 Researchers at Harvard University have made microscopic wires from layers of different materials using the semiconductor manufacturing processes used to construct computer chips.
HP wins molecular electronics patent
Nanotechweb November 13, 2002 HP has received a US patent that covers "chemically synthesized and assembled electronic devices". The patent describes a scalable chemical process for making devices based on electrically switchable molecules positioned between crossed wires just a few atoms wide.
University of Texas, Dow reach drug technology deal
AP November 12, 2002 UT has signed an exclusive licensing deal with Dow Chemical Co. for technology that both say is an important advance in how drugs are absorbed by the body.
Dow engineers soluble drugs
Nanotechweb November 12, 2002 Dow Chemical Company, US, is set to help pharmaceutical businesses to improve the solubility of their drug compounds. Dow's BioAqueous custom services use particle engineering to produce nanostructured particles that will dissolve more easily.
Small Times magazine announces best of small tech award winners
SmallTimes November 12, 2002 Small Times magazine today announced its 2002 Small Times Magazine Best of Small Tech Awards, recognizing the best people, products and companies in nanotechnology, MEMS and microsystems.
New Jersey pools its resources for faster-to-market small tech
SmallTimes November 12, 2002 For the newly incorporated New Jersey Nanotechnology Consortium (NJNC), the working motto is "concept to commercialization."
HP claims nanotechnology patent
BPL November 12, 2002 HP's efforts to produce nanocircuits are boosted by a patent claim today.
Mitsubishi to Form Carbon Nanotube JV
Hoover's November 11, 2002 The major Japanese trading house will set up the venture, dubbed Tailored Material Corp., at a research facility in Arizona of its joint venture partner, Material & Electrochemical Research, or MER.
NIST Solving a Mystery Among Electrons
NIST November 11, 2002 NIST researchers have created nanoscale devices that manipulate electrons in order to count them one at a time. Such counting is critical to the development of new fundamental electrical standards.
NanoOpto Named Manufacturing Leader on the Scientific American 50
NanoOpto November 11, 2002 NanoOpto Corp., which is applying proprietary nano-optics and nano-manufacturing technology to design and make components for optical systems and networks, announced today it has been named by Scientific American magazine as one of the Scientific American 50.
BioForce Nanosciences Secures Additional First-Round Financing
BioForce Nanosciences November 11, 2002 BioForce Nanosciences, Inc., the leading developer of nanoarray biomolecular analysis systems, announced today that a $2,000,000 total equity investment has been received from the Private Equity team of Société Genérale Asset Management, Paris, France, for the first round of financing.
Nano Start-up Senses Greener Pastures
Jupitermedia November 11, 2002 Local nanotechnology start-up Quantum Precision Instruments is working to develop a foundation metrological technology for nano scale processes. If successful, the technology could provide the platform for a range of measurement and sensing devices with truly quantum-level accuracy.
New easy-to-use Atomic Force Microscope offers Dynamic Force Modes
Nanoscience Instruments November 10, 2002 Nanoscience Instruments, Inc. announces the availability of the Nanosurf® easyScanDFM in North America. The easyScanDFM significantly increases the functionality and applications of the easyScanAFM without increasing complexity or abandoning the easyScan ease-of-use philosophy.
Announcing the launch of Nano News Division
TNTG November 08, 2002 We are in the final stages of launching the second phase of the NanoNEWS Division within The NanoTechnology Group Inc. The comprehensive news programs will address the need for accurate reporting on research and development of the nanoscale sciences and emerging technologies for commercialization.
Fate of Moore's Law tops ISSCC agenda
EETimes November 08, 2002 Appropriately for the 50th convocation of the most august of semiconductor conferences, the International Solid-State Circuits Conference will officially commence here on Feb. 10 with an address by Gordon Moore, chairman emeritus of the board of Intel Corp. Moore will survey the history and future of his eponymous 1967 rule of thumb.
STMicro shows dual-function DNA analysis chip
EETimes November 08, 2002 STMicroelectronics demonstrated a dual-function microfluidic chip that can both amplify DNA and analyze the results of the reaction at the recent Chips-to-Hits conference here. The MEMS system was created as a spin-off from inkjet print heads, which are essentially a silicon-based microfluidic technology.
Five Years of Schooling Ahead for Nanoelectronics
NanoelectronicsPlanet November 08, 2002 Intellectual property management is one of the most active growth sectors of the U.S. economy, according to the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM). This week, The Nano Circuit talks with Dr. John Fraser, Florida State University's director of technology transfer, who is also an AUTM board member.
Human cells inspire mini-robot makers
GNN November 08, 2002 Inspired by the motor proteins in our own cells, researchers have designed tiny machines that could someday move single molecules and assemble them into complex structures. In a new study, they used the machines to map microscopic structures more accurately than is possible with conventional microscopes.
'Financial Crisis' of Space Station Will Hamper its Scientific Value
Space.com November 08, 2002 NASA should embrace new high-priority research, particularly in the confluence of the biological, physical and engineering sciences at the nanoscale. The space agency has much to gain by capitalizing on the promising, whirlwind research now underway in nanotechnology.
Unique web-based nano-training for investors and entrepreneurs
IoN November 08, 2002 The Institute of Nanotechnology has created web-based training course, based on a recent IoN conference 'Investing in Nanotechnology II'. Available free-of-charge until December 2002.
Nanowires within nanowires
Physicsweb November 08, 2002 Semiconductor nanowires are increasingly used in electronic devices including field-effect transistors, sensors, detectors and light-emitting diodes. More complicated devices are expected soon, requiring new and improved ways of growing such wires.
Scientists shell out on nanowires
Nanotechweb November 08, 2002 Researchers from Harvard University, US, have used chemical-vapour deposition to grow multiple shells around nanowires of silicon and germanium. Charles Lieber and his team also demonstrated a field-effect transistor based on a nanowire with a silicon core coated with layers of germanium and silicon oxide.
Lotus effect shakes off dirt
Nanotechweb November 08, 2002 The lotus - a flowering wetland plant native to Asia - may not, at first glance, be of interest to the nanotechnologist. But researchers at German chemical company BASF are developing a spray-on coating that mimics the way lotus leaves repel water droplets and particles of dirt.
Nanotech is the many-handed god of the modern age
SmallTimes November 08, 2002 If technology is the modern-day religion, as social commentators have remarked, think of nanotechnology as a mythological god, juggling technological advancements.
Nanotech is literally coming alive through use of biomaterials
SmallTimes November 08, 2002 Detergent manufacturers have long used enzymes in their formulations for fighting really tough dirt. Jonathan Dordick, a chemical engineer at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y., is taking the battle against dirt a step further, using nanotechnology to design a self-cleaning plastic in which the enzyme molecules are an integral part of the material.
Taiwan's top nanotech advocate educates island's public, leaders
SmallTimes November 08, 2002 Taiwan's National Science Council unveiled its National Nanotechnology Initiative earlier this year, announcing that it will spend $667 million over six years, starting in 2003, on developing its nanoscience industry.
Biological route to silver growth
* Nature November 07, 2002 Biomimetic synthesis of inorganic nanoscale materials is an emerging research area of materials chemistry. A new 'in vitro' biosynthetic approach is now used to grow and pattern silver nanoparticles with unique geometrical morphologies.
RIT Launches Microsystems Engineering Ph.D. Program
RIT November 07, 2002 First-in-the-nation program focuses on micro-, submicro- and nano-technology in biomedicine, electronics, imaging, optics and telecommunications.
New Multidisciplinary Interface
NewsWire November 07, 2002 An ambitious multidisciplinary research complex will come into being in Montréal in June 2004. This project, which involves an investment of $60.5 million, will take the form of a building dedicated to leading-edge interdisciplinary research in five areas: nanotechnology, biotechnology, aeronautics, aerospace and new materials.
Nanowires wrapped up
* Nature November 07, 2002 All the transistors, diodes and other microelectronic elements that form the circuits of the ubiquitous silicon chip are primarily planar devices. As we head towards the age of nanoelectronics, however, new device geometries will be sought. Coaxial heterostructures could be one of them.
Molecular electronics gets a plug
* Nature November 07, 2002 Molecular electronics could benefit not only from transistors, wires, rectifiers and switches but also from extension cables fitted with plugs and sockets. Now chemists have made one.
Spongy carbon
* Nature November 07, 2002 The high surface area and porosity of carbon-based materials such as carbon nanotubes give them a great number of potential applications including hydrogen storage and catalysis. By turning their structure inside out to produce a carbon microstructure with a negative curvature, the properties of these materials could be improved still further.
TI pushes ferroelectric RAM forward in memory race
EETimes November 07, 2002 Texas Instruments Inc. is jumping into the next-generation universal memory fray with hard-hitting support for ferroelectric RAM, heralding its suitability as a replacement for embedded flash and embedded DRAM.
Researchers stamp out polymer nanowires
Nanotechweb November 07, 2002 A team of scientists has used micromoulding in capillaries and soft-embossing to stamp out nanowires and nanodots from conducting and semiconducting polymers.
Nanotechnology industry's next feature: Invasion of the lawyers
SmallTimes November 07, 2002 This summer, several law firms joined a small but growing group that sees opportunities – and challenges – in nanotechnology.
Arlington Technology Incubator gets grants, will get a building
FWBP November 07, 2002 If you can't get the 2012 Olympics, why not get a nanotechnology center?
Scientists use microsope to view magnetism at atomic level
Ohio University November 06, 2002 Scientists and engineers build the transistors that run televisions, radios and similar electronic devices based on the moving electric charges of electrons. But the electron also has another key property: a magnetic "spin" that scientists believe could be exploited to develop faster, smaller and more efficient devices.
Prospects in Nano-tech
IEE November 06, 2002 Dubbed as the biggest industrial revolution in the history of the world by a United States government consultant, nano-technology has potentials limited only to the imagination.
Nanoclay Polyolefin Joint Venture Expanded
IEE November 06, 2002 Specialty compounder Gitto Global Corp. and nanoclay technologies leader Nanocor, Inc., are expanding their joint venture to develop flame-resistant nanocomposites.
Breakthrough Devices to Control the Motion of Magnetic Fields
UofM November 06, 2002 Researchers from the University of Michigan and RIKEN say the biological motors that nature uses for intracellular transport and other biological functions inspired them to create a whole new class of micro-devices for controlling magnetic flux quanta in superconductors that could lead to the development of a new generation of medical diagnostic tools.
Thinner chips with everything
BBC News November 06, 2002 Engineers have crossed a symbolic barrier with a new way to make microchips with transistors that are a thousand times smaller than the width of a human hair or as small as a flu virus.
IBM enhances 'Pixie Dust' for improved storage density
InfoWorld November 06, 2002 IBM SAYS AN enhancement to its "Pixie Dust" technology has enabled it to break the current storage density record for hard disk drives and to produce the highest capacity mobile hard disk drive yet. Original Story from IBM
Nanosys crowns itself the king of IP after its latest deal with MIT
SmallTimes November 06, 2002 With Monday's announcement of its third intellectual property licensing deal in just two weeks, Nanosys Inc. appears to have solidified its position as a leader in the ability to commercialize a range of nanotechnology-based products, analysts say.
NEC uses nanotubes in DNA-sorting biochip
Asahi.com November 06, 2002 NEC Corp. has applied the techniques of nanotechnology to create biochips that can rapidly identify DNA and protein molecules.
Sen. Joe Lieberman: U.S. needs policies that encourage tech investment
MercuryNews November 06, 2002 As our economy struggles to climb out of the valley of stagnation it has fallen into, it's time for those of us in Washington to fix one of our most important but least discussed economic problems: declining business investment, especially in high technology.
Nanotechnology gets boost [4th story]
Taipei Times November 06, 2002 The Executive Yuan yesterday pledged to inject over NT$30 billion to help Taiwan become a leader of the world's nanotechnology industry and one of the world's design centers of integrated circuit chips within six years.
World Electronics Forum to be held in Australia next year
TheAge November 06, 2002 The Australian Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association has been invited to host the ninth World Electronics Forum in September 2003
Lots of capital seeking a venture
NewsObserver November 06, 2002 Howard W. Anderson, 58, says he enjoys his job as a venture capitalist: "My wife thinks I'm working and my partners think I'm retired."
More on Treaty to Ban Nanotechnology Development
Nanodot November 05, 2002 Following up on a recent essay by Sean Howard which proposed an 'Inner Space Treaty' to ban nanotechnology research, André Gsponer concurs with the need for a treaty but argues that the timetable needs to be moved up.
Meet the New Silicon Speed Demon
BW Online November 05, 2002 At 350 gigahertz, this IBM transistor is the fastest ever. And it's just the first of a new generation of tiny powerhouses
Texas Program Hopes to Fuse Nano and Manufacturing
NanoelectronicsPlanet November 05, 2002 It's possibly the biggest dilemma facing nanotechnology today: how to integrate nanotechnology into manufacturing processes, allowing industry to take advantage of all nano has to offer, with maximum benefit and without major expense.
Nano institute names first researchers, reports on progress
NINT November 05, 2002 The National Institute for Nanotechnology (NINT), today went from the planning stage to the operational stage with the naming of the first researchers to its staff.
Molecular electronics founder puts faith in market for nanocells
SmallTimes November 05, 2002 If all science involves identifying patterns, Jim Tour is flush with success. The Rice University star and founder of Molecular Electronics Corp. probably knows more than anyone else about the electrochemical patterns of cells.
Little nanotech dreams are growing in Arlington, Texas
SmallTimes November 05, 2002 What started about seven months ago as a vision of things minuscule has bloomed into grandiose reality, thanks to $2.85 million in federal dollars.
New TV show to profile region's tech companies
Roanoke Times November 05, 2002 "Technology Today's" premiere Sunday on Blue Ridge Public Television will focus on nanotechnology.
Toshiba Uses Nanotech To Control Particle Shapes
IEE November 04, 2002 Toshiba Corp. has developed technology to turn particles measuring 1-100 nanometer in diameter into any shape
Old Industry Legends Partner for Next-Generation Displays
NanoelectronicsPlanet November 04, 2002 Three of the most storied names in industrial R&D have agreed to develop organic thin-film transistor technology on plastic substrates for use in next-generation displays.
Smart paint creates chameleon tanks
BBCNews November 04, 2002 Tanks that can repair themselves and change colour on the battlefield are being developed in the US.
Unis go for big-picture microscopes
AustralianIT November 04, 2002 4 universities will unite in the nation's biggest foray into nanotechnology -- the purchase and sharing of four rare multi-million-dollar microscopes.
Tech incubator aims to bridge the nano-gap
ACBJ November 01, 2002 Dr. Kevin Nelson didn't set out to bridge the gap in the centuries-old battle to regenerate segments of the human spinal cord. But, with the help of the fledgling Arlington Technology Incubator, the The University of Texas at Arlington biomedical engineer may get there.
Wearable tech
SFBT November 01, 2002 Tiny microchips and futuristic materials inspire designers to create electronics you can really get into.
New IC software said to be breakthrough
Taiwan News November 01, 2002 New development in a software simulation program by a National Nano Device Laboratories research team is shown to provide much needed analytical support for local IC foundries.
Electronic devices based on single molecules
PhysicsWeb November 01, 2002 Physicists have succeeded in measuring the conductance of a single hydrogen molecule for the first time. Jan van Ruitenbeek of Leiden University in the Netherlands and co-workers used a mechanically controlled "break-junction" device to trap a single hydrogen molecule between two platinum electrodes and measure its conductance.
Cornell gets $25 million from state for new building
Cornell Daily Sun November 01, 2002 Funding for Cornell's Life Science Technology Building received a major boost yesterday, as New York State senators announced that the University will receive $25 million from the state's biotechnology economic development program to construct a facility on Alumni Fields.
Nanotech hits the radome
Nanotechweb November 01, 2002 US Global Aerospace says it is developing a "super radome" for aircraft. The radar-equipment housing will use the company's G-Lam nanofibre technology and Nanosil super-hydrophobic surface treatment.
Accelrys Introduces Materials Studio 2.2
Accelrys November 01, 2002 This latest release features new and improved tools in the polymer, crystallization and catalysis areas. Products and processes as diverse as nanotechnology and bulk chemical production can be investigated and improved upon using Materials Studio functionality.
Nanotechnology: Burlington's New Avenue for Revenue
BobbinMagazine November 01, 2002 An enthusiastic guest spills wine on your trousers at a party. You accidentally tip over your coffee mug and it splashes on your bed. Typical incidents. Atypically, you don't panic as you watch the stain spread. Instead, the liquid beads up and rolls off your pants or your mattress and —voilà! — the calamity disappears.
Tech group gets federal money for nanotechnology initiative
ACBJ November 01, 2002 Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Southeastern Pennsylvania said Friday it has received a $600,000 earmark from the U.S. Department of Education to develop an associate degree program in nanotechnology involving a number of area colleges.
Educational Programs Designed For Today's Engineering Professionals
IEC November 01, 2002 Much has been made in the press and elsewhere of the emergence of nanotechnology, yet in many areas we see only the first hints of progress in applying nanoscale science for commercial purposes. In the very near future, thousands more engineers will be required to keep pace with industry needs. However, as industry cannot wait for the next generation of engineers to gain the necessary knowledge, today's practicing engineers must be educated in nanotechnology if they are to deliver on promises within the next 10 years.
Nanocrystals, Quantum Dots, and Nature's Own Assembly Line
UCB November 01, 2002 Chemist Paul Alivisatos's pioneering research into tiny nanocrystals and nanorods is paying off in big ways.
Nanoelectronics Evolving Under IBM's Watchful Eye
NanoelectronicsPlanet November 01, 2002 This week The Nano Circuit spoke with IBM's Dr. Matthew Denesuk, the business development and program manager at IBM's Almaden (California) campus, about nanotechnology-related opportunities. Denesuk works to develop business opportunities based on emerging technologies.
Nanogate puts the nano inside, and lets partners do the selling
SmallTimes November 01, 2002 Nanogate GmbH kicked off the year with Olympian success, and has not allowed it to go downhill since.
Nanotechnology could be used to track and kill cancer cells
SmallTimes November 01, 2002 A new, patented nanotechnology that one day may allow cancer patients to receive treatments through an MRI procedure in a doctor's office is being developed
Nanotech next for the Peoria area
PJStar November 01, 2002 The biotechnology collaborative Peoria NEXT aims to save Peoria from economic decline, and instead transform it into a new-style Silicon Valley, based on the latest technology.
Research center wins $12m grant
UofM November 01, 2002 The Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC), which conducts research in fields ranging from nanoscopic devices to biomaterials, has received a six-year, $12.24 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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