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EDA vendors brace for 90-nm challenge in 2003
EEDesign December 31, 2002 The ramp-up to 90-nanometer chips will give the electronic design automation industry a strong focus in 2003, according to EDA industry executives and observers. Technology users can expect to see this year include design for manufacturability, integrated databases, integrated verification suites, power analysis and system-level design.
NSF seeking nanotech grid managers
WashingtonTechnology December 31, 2002 The National Science Foundation has released a solicitation to establish and manage an integrated national network of nanotechnology laboratories. The competition, open to academic institutions, could be worth $70 million over five years, with an option for another five years.
LCD nanotechnology gets big research boost
The Inquirer December 30, 2002 Major companies have filed a flurry of patents for nanotechnology with carbon nanotubes being the top item on their R&D list.
Peres: Invest $600-700m in nanotechnology
Globes online December 30, 2002 Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Shimon Peres has proposed raising money from Jews worldwide for a national nanotechnology program.
Tomorrow's technology begins today
ZDNET December 30, 2002 Researchers in industry and academia tinker with self-repairing systems, molecular circuits and more.
UA, Air Force Research Laboratory Sign Partnership
The Morning News December 28, 2002 The University of Arkansas and the Air Force Research Laboratory Space Vehicles directorate have joined forces to enhance education and research initiatives in physics and engineering.
Taiwan seeks direction for nanotech efforts
Taipei Journal December 27, 2002 As TECO Group, Taiwan Fluorescent Lamp Co. Ltd. and other manufacturers upgrade their products such as freezers, fans and bathroom fixtures with nanotechnology, Taiwan's traditional industries as a whole are expected to contribute as much as US$580 million annually to nanotech research in the next few years.
Hi-tech ghosts of Christmas future
BBC News December 26, 2002 This time in 2050, we will be sitting down to eat a synthetic turkey, with a robot helping out to prepare the trimmings.
The Nanoscience Behind Beauty Is Serious Business at L'Oreal
Smalltimes December 26, 2002 Ask anyone at L'Oreal whether there is any small tech in their cosmetics and they will tell you it has been that way for years. We were making liposomes as far back at the 1970s, said Jean-Thierry Simonnet, head of Galenic labs at the French cosmetic company, referring to the tiny fluid-filled pouches discovered by Britain's Alec Bangham in 1961.
Nanotechnology the future
BangkokPost December 24, 2002 Thailand could "leapfrog'' in scientific research and overtake its neighbours in Southeast Asia within five years by promoting nanotechnology, Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said yesterday.
GE shines light on seashells as model for stronger ceramics
SmallTimes December 23, 2002 Why does a ceramic coffee cup break much more easily than a seashell? That might seem like a question to ponder during a long, lazy afternoon at the beach. But General Electric, a company known in recent years for aiming its bottom line research at specific business issues, is looking for the answer and using a rather unusual strategy: it is reverse-engineering seashells.
Technology jobs are increasingly going small tech
SmallTimes December 23, 2002 When words such as flat and grim describe today's market for technological careers (the Technology Association of America reported tech jobs have fallen 5 percent), where's the hope for future career opportunities in engineering?
Attosecond science: The fast show
* Nature December 23, 2002 "It has been a fantastic year," beams Ferenc Krausz. His team at the Vienna Institute of Technology has used some of shortest laser pulses ever generated to track electrons moving within an atom. This motion is so quick that the vibrations of atoms - themselves among the fastest events subjected to scientific scrutiny - seem sluggish in comparison. Fundamental insights into atomic behaviour are likely to follow, as well as ideas for developing new kinds of laser.
Quantum Simulations With Continuous Variables
Physics News December 23, 2002 Furthering efforts to answer hard-to-test questions about the quantum world, a NIST ion-trap computer can now simulate how the unique rules of quantum mechanics can affect a microscopic particle's "continuous variables," quantities such as position and momentum which can have a smooth continuum of values.
Tuning Carbon Nanotube Resonance Frequencies
Physics News December 23, 2002 Tuning carbon nanotube resonance frequencies can be achieved by varying a static voltage applied between the nanotubes and a counter electrode.
Microlab seeks funding as it prepares launch of rf mems switch
SmallTimes December 23, 2002 With an experienced management team and a manufacturing deal both put in place this past summer, Microlab Inc. plans to go to market with its electromagnetic radio frequency (RF) MEMS switch early in 2003.
Reading, writing, 'rithmetic and - nanotech ed?
ACBJ December 20, 2002 Philadelphia-area college students will soon have greater opportunities to be trained in the burgeoning field of nanotechnology, thanks to a recent $600,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Education.
Nanoimprint lithography ready to make its mark
EETimes December 20, 2002 A potentially low-cost form of lithography affectionately known as "squish and flash" by its backers is coming to market.
Nanotechnology Could Be Applied to Restoration
ENS News December 20, 2002 The University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB) has been awarded $1.2 million to develop new techniques and technologies for the conservation of natural resources and environmental restoration.
Brightness boost for organic LEDs
Nanotechweb December 20, 2002 Researchers have produced an organic light-emitting diode that is about 25 times more efficient than the best quantum-dot LEDs to date.
Noise threatens Moore's Law
Nanotechweb December 20, 2002 The semiconductor industry has obeyed Moore's Law for about 40 years and some experts believe that it will be valid for another two decades. However, Laszlo Kish at Texas A&M University believes that thermal noise - which increases as circuits become smaller - could put an end to Moore's Law much sooner.
Startup taps digital holography for wafer inspection
EETimes December 20, 2002 A metrology startup is pitching the use of digital holography to peer into the narrow and deep spaces, such as contacts and trench capacitors, on semiconductor wafers.
Companies race to develop ultimate detection technology in terror war
SmallTimes December 20, 2002 Dozens of companies, federal laboratories and research institutions around the world are racing to develop accurate, always-on systems that can detect traces of anthrax, botulism, plague, smallpox and tularemia in packages, buildings and water supplies.
Good things come in small packages
TJ December 20, 2002 Following world trends, the ROC government is providing subsidies to companies engaged in research into nanotechnology. Many are gambling that this new science will pay off.
Sun, S'pore's NTU ink research pact
CNETAsia December 20, 2002 Sun Microsystems and Singapore's Nanyang Technological University have signed a US$5.7 million agreement for joint research and development in five emerging technology fields.
Nanotech builds cells
Nature December 19, 2002 Artificial membrane printed onto silicon chips.
Nanoscience Instruments announces distribution agreement
Nanoscience Instruments December 19, 2002 Nanoscience Instruments, Inc. announced an agreement with Image Metrology, of Lyngby, Denmark., for distribution of the Scanning Probe Image Processor software package in the United States.
Hot Stuff
ASME December 19, 2002 Advanced materials are moving out of the lab and into the commercial world.
What is Nanotechnology?
IoP December 19, 2002 Tim Harper on the basics.
Nanotechnology will drive evolution of DNA as functional components
Olympus December 19, 2002 Interview with Dr. Akira Suyama of Olympus Optical
Researchers explore fractal magnetism for storage
EETimes December 19, 2002 Magnetic polymer materials being studied at Ohio State University could give rise to a new form of magnetism characterized by fractal fields. Plastic molecules stacked in parallel chains exhibit fractal dimensions at the nanoscale, said professor Arthur Epstein, director of the university's Center for Materials Research, who - with Joel Miller, a professor of chemistry at the University of Utah - is attempting to model the polymer's behavior at about - 450°F.
WPI receives $600,000 nanotechnology grant
MassHighTech December 19, 2002 Worcester Polytechnic Institute has been awarded a $600,000 grant by the National Science Foundation to fund a three-year nanotechnology research project.
Belgian center spins off company to sell drug-screening technology
SmallTimes December 19, 2002 Belgium's IMEC, an independent microelectronics and microsystems research center, is trying to catch up with the entrepreneurial spirit in the United States.
Stanford Establishes Nanocharacterization Facility
PRNewswire December 18, 2002 Stanford University has established an advanced Nanocharacterization Facility in collaboration with FEI. The agreement is part of the University's Advanced Materials Initiative to create a set of shared research facilities that will
provide top quality instrumentation to faculty in a variety of disciplines.
Morristown scientist works on smart paint
DailyRecord December 18, 2002 Brief article on Zafar Iqbal; a research professor of chemistry at the New Jersey Institute of Technology.
Quantum-dot LED may be screen of choice for future electronics
MIT December 18, 2002 MIT researchers have combined organic materials with high-performing inorganic nanocrystals to create a hybrid optoelectronic structure-a quantum dot-organic light-emitting device (QD-OLED) that may one day replace liquid crystal displays as the flat-panel display of choice for consumer electronics.
Biotech institute will be largest
JoongAng Ilbo December 18, 2002 Seoul National University announced yesterday that it has begun construction of a large biotechnology research institute. The institute will focus on studying integration of biotechnology with other core technologies such as nanotechnology and information technology.
Carbon nanotube breakthrough claimed
TheInquirer December 18, 2002 Nanotube technology will feature in future televisions, NKK Corporation suggests, having developed a carbon nanotube shaped like a piece of tape. The company claims its tubes are pliable and are likely to be incorporated into next-generation display panels eventually replacing plasma displays.
Stanford, FEI Team Up for Nanocharacterization Facility
NanoelectronicsPlanet December 18, 2002 Stanford University has established an advanced Nanocharacterization Facility in collaboration with FEI Company. The facility will be part of the university's Advanced Materials Initiative, which is trying to create a set of shared research facilities that will provide top quality instrumentation to faculty in a variety of disciplines.
Rat-Brained Robot
technologyreview December 18, 2002 Rat neuron cells on silicon are the brains behind a new robot-a breakthrough that may lead to better computer chips.
Colloidal gold islands form single-electron transistor
Nanotechweb December 18, 2002 A group of scientists from National Taiwan University and the Academia Sinica in Taiwan has made single-electron transistors and memory cells from gold colloidal islands linked with C60 derivatives.
Deposition technique spins metal salt into pure gold
EETimes December 18, 2002 Researchers at Purdue University have tapped an inexpensive wet-chemistry method to deposit nanoscale patterns of gold, platinum or palladium directly on top of semiconductor chips. More on a previous story.
Synopsys tools face IBM 130-nm process test
EEDesign December 18, 2002 IBM Microelectronics is working with EDA tool supplier Synopsys Inc. to develop a reference procedure for the design of integrated circuits on IBM's 130-nanometer process technology.
Fullerene co-discoverer Kroto to teach at Florida State University
SmallTimes December 18, 2002 Florida State University's newest visiting professor isn't just a top-notch chemistry instructor, he's also a winner of the most prestigious science award around. Sir Harold W. Kroto, who won the 1996 Nobel Prize in chemistry, will teach classes at FSU in spring 2004.
Future's best bet: Technology, again
Chicago Tribune December 18, 2002 ... America's next New Economy grows slowly and quietly, with little of the flash and dash of the discredited dot-com New Economy of the late 1990s.
Nanomix wants its name to be synonymous with nanotech success
SmallTimes December 18, 2002 Charlie Janac thinks his company, Nanomix Inc., could be nanotechnology's first hit company - that is, once people figure out how to pronounce its name. Nanomix, sounds like "genomics."
Scientists hope cash flows via Param Padma
Business Standard December 18, 2002 Union Communications and IT secretary Rajeeva Ratna Shah said the Centre plans to set up a core facility for nanotechnology which will focus on nano electronics, nano informatics and nano sciences.
Siemens Westinghouse Competition awards teens nanotechnology project $50,000
Siemens Foundation December 17, 2002 Madelyn M. Ho of Sugar Land, TX (William P. Clements High School) and Lenny Slutsky of Stony Brook, NY (Ward Melville High School) win the team category of the Southwest Regional Finals of the 2002-03 Siemens Westinghouse Competition at UT Austin. They will split a $50,000 scholarship, for their project: "Control of Fibronection Organization by Micro- and Nano-Patterning and Impact on Cell Morphology" explores how patterning a surface at the molecular scale can influence the organization of proteins, thus directly altering the arrangement of cells, which may one day contribute to developing synthetic skin or internal organs for implants.
$3.7 Million for Five Technology Projects
PRNewswire December 17, 2002 Community and Economic Development Acting Secretary Tim McNulty today announced more than $3.7 million in Ben Franklin Technology Development Authority funding for five technology projects in Pennsylvania.
Loomis tapped to help nanotech group
ACBJ December 17, 2002 The Austin office of San Francisco-based communications agency The Loomis Group Inc. will provide public relations for New Jersey's new Nanotechnology Consortium.
Protein Based Nano-Machines for Space Applications
Nanotechnology Now December 17, 2002 We interview Dr. Constantinos Mavroidis, Associate Professor Robotics and Mechatronics Laboratory, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey, about the "Protein Based Nano-Machines for Space Applications" project.
Stepping Up to Exteme Lithography
LLNL December 17, 2002 A revolutionary microprocessor technology developed by Lawrence Livermore and Veeco Instruments Inc. could increase the speed of personal computers by 10- to 20-fold and their memory capacity by 100- to 1,000-fold.
Ormecon cultivates organic metals for displays, coatings and paints
SmallTimes December 17, 2002 Just as organic fruit is good for your health, organic metals appear to be good for the environment. If some venture capitalists are right, these new materials will be good for the bottom line, too.
'Minority' tech mostly on target
UPI December 17, 2002 The seeds already have been planted for much of the technology portrayed in Steven Spielberg's "Minority Report," yet the movie seems confused at points as to how much humanity can achieve in a mere half-century.
Anti-aging Doctors and Researchers Predict Promising Treatments
Betterhumans December 17, 2002 A conference of nearly 4,000 physicians and scientists from 30 countries has produced a list of promising anti-aging treatments that could be available in the near future.
Students graduate from first UK masters course in nanoscience
Nanotechweb December 20 [16], 2002 They've spent a year looking at design and technology at the smallest scale imaginable, but the students graduating this month with a masters in nanoscale science and technology are heading for great things.
Dancing Molecules on the Make
Max Planck Society December 16, 2002 Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research observe how rotating molecules capture single metal atoms forming non-covalent chemical bonds. (PDF)
Nanotechnology research organization launched
WMU News December 16, 2002 University trustees unanimously approved the establishment of the new Nanotechnology Research and Computation Center, positioning WMU as a key player--nationally and internationally--in a field of study that is driving scientific breakthroughs in everything from the environment and healthcare to manufacturing and the military.
American association for the advancement of science annual meeting
CORDIS December 16, 2002 Three two-day seminars will be held; 'nanotechnology 2003: big things happen in little packages', 'microarrays and functional genomics', and 'neuroinformatics: genes to behaviour'.
IBM, Xilinx tape out first 90-nm FPGAs
EETimes December 16, 2002 In a bid to be the first company to deliver production-ready chips using the latest process technology, IBM Microelectronics said it has taped out field-programmable gate arrays designed by Xilinx Inc. that use 90-nanometer process rules.
BASF takes big steps in small tech, focusing on nanomaterials
SmallTimes December 16, 2002 BASF is developing nanomaterials to allow the production of colorants without dyes, and plastic bags that do not leach color, as well as for hydrogen storage "nanocubes" for fuel cells, scratch-resistant polymers, synthetic tooth enamel, and superinsulators for electronic applications.
Genicon goes for gold by outfitting miners with illuminated genes
SmallTimes December 16, 2002 It's long been said that among the great ironies of the California Gold Rush is that prospectors rarely got rich, but considerable fortunes were amassed by the enterprising merchants who sold the miners picks, shovels and Levi Strauss dungarees.
Moore means less
Guardian Unlimited December 16, 2002 A state-of-the-art production plant costs $2bn, and in 2020 the bill could be $500bn. According to the Lords select committee on science and technology, Britain should view this not as a problem, but an opportunity.
In the World of the Very Small, Companies Make Big Plans
NYTimes December 16, 2002 This may be remembered as the "Alice in Wonderland" decade for new technology. More and more businesses are moving into the world of nanotechnology, where particles of common materials are shrunk to such a minuscule size that they behave in unexpected - and often useful - ways.
Smart polymers provide light-activated switch
UofW December 13, 2002 Researchers at the University of Washington have applied research in how proteins bind with different molecules to create a molecular switch that enables them to turn an enzyme on and off. The innovation holds promise for a wide range of laboratory processes, including highly targeted drug therapies.
Quantum dots may allow researchers to track proteins
The Rockefeller University December 13, 2002 Imagine if molecular and cell biologists could watch proteins and cells at work in their natural habitat in the same way that wildlife biologists observe animals in the wild. They'd sit back and witness firsthand their microscopic subjects' daily routines, interactions and movements, and the places they prefer to be.
Investors blast their way through sci-fi to fund real nanotech
SmallTimes December 13, 2002 There's been a recent burst of venture investing in nanotechnology, coinciding with a burst of speculative angst prompted by Michael Crichton's latest thriller, "Prey." The book talks of self-replicating, solar-powered nano-robots that run amok - a scenario possible only in a world in which computers never crash, satellites and Mars probes never get lost in space and ballot machines are reliable.
Nickel-filled carbon nanotubes line up for devices
Nanotechweb December 13, 2002 Researchers from Nanjing University, China, have filled carbon nanotubes with nickel by a second-order template method. The technique could be used for making metal-filled carbon nanotubes for nanoelectronic devices, high-density magnetic memories, electrochemical energy storage and sensors.
Flash gets a quantum makeover at IEDM
EETimes December 13, 2002 Research at the University of Tokyo and at Advanced Micro Devices Inc. dangles the possibility of using quantum-well technology to breathe new life into flash memory.
WPI professors win science grant
ACBJ December 13, 2002 Three professors at Worcester Polytechnic Institute have won a $600,000, three-year grant from the National Science Foundation to study nanotechnology
Does Moore's Law Still Hold True?
Business 2.0 December 13, 2002 The doctrine that computing power doubles every 18 to 24 months has been considered gospel for the past three decades. Now it may be time for a new look. The Lives and Death of Moore's Law by Ilkka Tuomi
Gold and silver nanoparticles shape up for a square future
Nanotechweb December 13, 2002 Scientists from the University of Washington, US, have used chemical synthesis to make single-crystal silver nanocubes of between 50 and 175 nm in size. They employed the nanocubes as templates for creating hollow gold nanoboxes.
Dendrimers: the latest wonder technology that you can actually buy
Nanotechweb December 13, 2002 Tim Harper "Recently I was lucky enough to find myself on a flight to Amsterdam with Professor Bert Meijer of Eindhoven Technical University in the Netherlands and its spin-out company Symo-Chem, one of the world's foremost experts on dendrimers. But just what are dendrimers?"
Princeton fabs 60-nm IC via nano-imprint litho
EETimes December 13, 2002 During the Nanoimprint and Nanoprint Technology (NNT) conference here today, officials from Princeton University claimed to have fabricated a sub-100-nm MOSFET device on a 4-inch wafer substrate using nano-imprint lithography technology.
Nanoelectronics means more than simply shrinking semiconductors
SmallTimes December 13, 2002 Of all small tech subjects, nothing stirs debate about the difference between "nanoscale" and "nanotechnology" like nanoelectronics.
A nanotech company that's so clean, you could eat off it
SmallTimes December 13, 2002 It's the best ad slogan you'll never see: "Kills germs, not you." Consider what you could do with something that disinfects as thoroughly as chlorine bleach but is not poisonous. Factories that process cold food such as lunch meat could constantly clean equipment without risking the safety or taste of the finished product. Apple cider could stay fresh and cold from the press to your refrigerator, since the mill would no longer have to boil the juice to eliminate the chance of botulism.
Interim CEO preps Numerical for pending 130-nm ramp
EETimes December 13, 2002 Narendra K. Gupta is on a mission to make Numerical Technologies Inc. a stable, successful company befitting its technological expertise.
Nano lithography holds promise, but faces hurdles
SiliconStrategies December 12, 2002 Nano-imprint lithography holds great promise in the areas of biotechnology, MEMS, semiconductors, and other sectors, but the technology also faces some major hurdles, according to the keynote speaker at the first-ever Nanoimprint and Nanoprint Technology conference here today. See also Nano-imprint litho takes on EUV in NGL race.
Infineon forges ahead with nanotube applications
Nanotechweb December 12, 2002 Back in June 2002, German semiconductor giant Infineon announced that it had developed a procedure for growing carbon nanotubes on silicon wafers that was compatible with standard microelectronics techniques.
Education key part of nano research
UPI December 12, 2002 Scientists in the nanotechnology field, where matter is manipulated at the atomic and molecular scale, have found their projects must include resources for educating their successors, researchers said Thursday.
MEMS For Masses
FinancialExpress December 12, 2002 The National Programme for Smart Materials (NPSM) is working towards setting up a industrial centre for design, manufacture and marketing of products based on micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS) and nanotechnology devices.
Titan To Diversify Into Wearable MEMS-based Healthcare Devices
FinancialExpress December 12, 2002 The country's largest watchmaker - Titan Industries Ltd - is all set for a big diversification into 'body wearable' healthcare devices and products driven by micro electro mechanical systems, popularly known as MEMS technology.
Physical Electronics May Send Analytical Instruments to Japanese JVP
ElectronicBusiness December 12, 2002 Physical Electronics has reached an agreement in principle with its joint venture partner, ULVAC-PHI, to transfer technology and manufacturing rights to ULVAC-PHI for its analytical instruments product lines, the companies said today.
BioForce Nanosciences wins breast-cancer research grant
Nanotechweb December 12, 2002 BioForce Nanosciences, US, has won a grant to develop a nanoscale protein-array platform that will help researchers to study changes in cellular signalling pathways that accompany the progression of breast cancer. The cash came from the US department of defense.
Groundbreaking SuperSTEM Microscope Opened At Daresbury Laboratory
* AlphaGalileo December 12, 2002 The science minister, Lord Sainsbury, will today open the highest resolution analytical microscope in the world at the CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory in Cheshire. The SuperSTEM (Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope) project is directed by Professor Peter Goodhew at Liverpool University and involves other scientists from the Universities of Liverpool, Cambridge, Glasgow and Leeds.
DuPont Displays, UDC Team Up for OLED Development
NanotechPlanet December 12, 2002 DuPont Displays and Universal Display Corp. have announced a joint development agreement to create a new generation of soluble OLED materials and technology.
Private money fails to make the small world go 'round
SmallTimes December 12, 2002 Nanotechnology may be the next big thing, but that doesn't mean nanotech startups are getting funded. Numbers are hard to come by, but one estimate says only 20 nanotech deals were done in the first half of 2002, and the pace has not quickened.
Michael Crichton is very, very afraid of technological progress-again.
Reason.com December 11, 2002 Are Crichton's horrific fantasies based in reality? What evidence is there that humanity rushes headlong into misusing powerful new technologies? Practically none. Instead of using computerized probes for mind control, physicians implant them to control Parkinson's disease. Instead of carelessly bringing space viruses to Earth, NASA set up elaborate containment and decontamination systems for astronauts returning from the moon and any future remote explorers bringing back samples from other planets...
Biology aiding nanotech researchers
UPI December 11, 2002 The latest avenue in nanotechnology, the science of manipulating matter at the atomic or molecular scale, involves harnessing biological structures and processes, scientists said Wednesday at a conference.
Tool Makers Directory Added
Nanotechnology Now December 11, 2002 A new directory has been added, listing tool makers. If your company makes nanotechnology-related tools [hardware and/or software], and you would like a link added, please us.
Artificial nanopore spots DNA molecules
Nanotechweb December 11, 2002 Scientists at Princeton University, US, have produced an artificial nanopore by micromoulding poly(dimethylsiloxane) - (PDMS) - elastomer. The on-chip electronic sensor was able to detect single DNA molecules.
Nanoparticles Could Aid Biohazard Detection, Computer Industry
Purdue News December 11, 2002 A group led by Jillian Buriak has found a rapid and cost-effective method of forming tiny particles of high-purity metals on the surface of advanced semiconductor materials such as gallium arsenide.
Laser pulses could speed memory
TRN December 11, 2002 Researchers from the Research Institute for Materials in the Netherlands and Siemens AG in Germany have found a way to switch a magnetic bit more quickly. The potential payoff is faster computer memory.
Microscopic mix strengthens magnet
TRN December 11, 2002 Researchers from IBM and the Georgia Institute of Technology have caused 4-nanometer metal particles to combine in a way that increases the strength of magnets used in tiny, though not necessarily microscopic, electronic devices.
Design links quantum bits
TRN December 11, 2002 Much of today's effort to build quantum computers, which would use the attributes of atoms and subatomic particles to carry out blazingly fast computations, is focused on finding the best way to make quantum bits, or qubits, the basic building blocks needed to represent and process information using the quirks of quantum physics.
Intel, IBM joust at 90-nm
EETimes December 11, 2002 Intel and IBM each came to the 2002 IEDM claiming logic performance leadership at the 90-nm. But the two companies take much different technology paths: IBM uses partially depleted silicon on insulator, while Intel has adopted strained silicon technology for its 90-nm process.
AMD discovers a flash nanowire structure
EETimes December 11, 2002 A novel nanoelectronic structure has startled researchers at AMD with a sudden show of promise for future flash memory devices. The structure, called a polysilicon nanowire, was under investigation as a possible method for fabricating flash cells in processes below 65 nm. But it caught the attention of researchers by demonstrating an entirely unanticipated - and quite possible quantum electronic behavior.
Breakthroughs make quantum dots shine as beacon to the human body
SmallTimes December 11, 2002 Scientists say they have conquered technical challenges that have stymied attempts to put quantum dots to work in biological imaging.
Industry leaders get briefing on textile tracers
TimesDaily December 11, 2002 They include innovations ranging from superminiaturized nanotechnology, to markers using DNA, to watermarks, which are used in the design of paper money.
How we could create life
GuardianUnlimited December 11, 2002 The key to existence will be found not in primordial sludge, but in the nanotechnology of the living cell
New ways of making super small-scale devices is focus of OGI School
OHSU December 10, 2002 Scientists at OHSU's OGI School of Science & Engineering are working to speed up the chip-making process, reduce manufacturing costs and make chips more flexible so that new masks won't have to be created if mistakes are made that cause the chip not to operate, or to operate poorly. This significantly shortens the development time for new chips.
SUSS MicroTec Introduces New Embossing Equipment for Nanoimprinting Technology
SUSS MicroTec December 10, 2002 Nanotechnology processes are in development today that may keep the driving forces of semiconductor technology. In particular, nanoimprinting, a technique using nanoscale patterns to actually stamp or print designs on chip surfaces, is being developed to create subwavelength optical elements for use in optical communication devices.
AMD Details its Future Chips
internetnews.com December 10, 2002 While its archrival Intel claims silicon will continue to be the dominant catalyst for chips, AMD said it is looking at alternatives to polysilicon, such as nickel, as a way to create better transistors and memory in computers.
New center transfers knowledge from universities to industry
UCR News December 10, 2002 The Center for Nanoscience Innovation for Defense (CNID) has been created to facilitate the rapid transition of research innovation in the nanosciences into applications for the defense sector.
CMU gets grant for nanotechnology
MidlandDaily December 10, 2002 Federal funding of $3.5 million will make Central Michigan University one of the few institutions nationwide capable of developing revolutionary biotechnology for government and private use.
New DNA Detectors Bridge the (Nano)Gap
UCB December 10, 2002 A bio-nano breakthrough at UC Berkeley may someday lead to devices that diagnose disease, detect evidence of bioterrorism, and aid in the discovery of new drugs. Most impressive though is that these devices, based on a DNA-sensing chip in development at Berkeley, will fit in your pocket.
TSMC describes 25-nm CMOS transistor pair
EETimes December 10, 2002 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp. will describe the industry's first complementary pair of 25-nm transistors at the International Electron Devices Meeting
Small tech gets a larger piece of the U.S. defense research pie
SmallTimes December 10, 2002 The research arm of the U.S. Department of Defense earmarked more than $124 million of its 2003 budget specifically for MEMS, microsystems and nanotechnology, and listed programs totaling $805 million that likely involve small tech
Ore.'s new governor has plan for economy
DJC December 10, 2002 Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., opened the conference at the Portland Convention Center with a call to make nanotechnology and "promoting women in engineering" the two main vehicles for restoring Oregon's economy.
PolyTechnos leads First Round Funding for Plastic Logic - Second Closing with £8.75 million
PolyTechnos December 09, 2002 PolyTechnos Venture-Partners GmbH, a leading venture capital firm headquartered in Munich, Germany, announced today the completion of the second closing of the first round of private financing for Plastic Logic, a leading developer of plastic electronics technology.
Bioforce Nanosciences receives Department of Defense grant
BioForce Nanosciences December 09, 2002 The award titled, "Protein Nanoarrays for Studying Malignant Progression in Breast Cancer Cell Lines," aims to construct a nano-scale protein array platform and use it as a basic research tool to study alterations in cellular signaling pathways that accompany breast cancer disease progression.
Carbon Chip Breakthrough May Crush Silicon
NewsFactor December 09, 2002 In science fiction, from Star Trek to The X-Files, silicon-based life forms have proven deadly to carbon-based humans. In the real world, however, carbon-based transistors may prove fatal to the future prospects of silicon wafers. ... More
IBM Announces World's Smallest Working Silicon Transistor
IBM December 09, 2002 IBM today announced the world's smallest working silicon transistor. With this transistor IBM has been able to push silicon to limits on a molecular scale not previously achieved. At six nanometers in length, this new transistor is at least 10 times smaller than the state-of-the-art transistors in production today.
Networx gets futurist nod as public project
GoMemphis December 09, 2002 Building a high-speed telecommunications network to every business and home should be a public project on a par with building streets and highways.
Chinese nano company works for material success with its powders
SmallTimes December 09, 2002 Chengyin Technology Co. Ltd. in Shenzhen, a port city in southern China, is rolling out high quality nanopowders for use in consumer products that are traditionally viewed as low-tech - cosmetics, paints and even kitchen sinks.
UK company develops nanometric materials
RBI December 07, 2002 United Kingdom company QinetiQ Nanomaterials (QNL) aims to be the primary source of commercial nanometric powders, the lifeblood of the new technology, to the fast-developing nanotechnology market.
Polk gets grant for fiber-optic link to Internet
A C-T December 07, 2002 The firm has signed an agreement with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tenn., to bring discoveries in nanotechnology to the market.
NASA to showcase innovative research for treating blindness
ScienceBlog December 06, 2002 "Nanotechnology that could restore vision is an exciting example of how NASA science and engineering, origially intended for outer space, can return enormous dividends for everyday life here on Earth," said Dr. David J. Loftus, a member of both the Life Sciences Division and the Integrated Product Team on Devices and Nanotechnology at NASA Ames.
Nano-imprint litho takes on EUV in NGL race
SiliconStrategies December 06, 2002 While extreme ultraviolet (EUV) appears to have a narrow lead in the next-generation lithography (NGL) race, there is a new and emerging technology candidate moving into the NGL starting blocks--"nano-imprint" lithography.
Don't read Crichton's Prey for the science--or the story
Chris Phoenix December 06, 2002 In Prey, Michael Crichton attempts to build a case for nanotech being scary and dangerous. However, things couldn't happen in real life the way they do in his story. This review analyzes numerous errors in science, logic, and fact that pervade and cripple Crichton's argument. Don't trust any author who thinks that thermite explodes, glass is porous, and evolution can happen without reproduction. In the real world, nanotech may in fact pose some dangers--but you can't learn anything about it from reading Prey. See also
Falling Prey to Science Fiction "...so I'm going to point out something almost as obvious about Crichton's book: the factual situation that he relies on for his story is one that could only happen if the researchers in question were (1) stupid; (2) criminally negligent; and (3) willing to violate the consensus ideas about nanotechnology safety." Glenn Harlan Reynolds on Michael Crichton's new novel Prey. |
Foresight Guidelines on Molecular Nanotechnology |
The future dances on a pin's head |
Forward to the Future: Nanotechnology and Regulatory Policy |
Small is evil |
Responsible Nanotechnology: Looking Beyond the Good News |
Michael Crichton is very, very afraid of technological progress-again. |
Trouble in nanoland
Nanotech in the Emerald City
NanoelectronicsPlanet December 06, 2002 The Nano Circuit routes north this week to Avogadro Partners in Seattle and talks with Jim Moore and Jim Stanton, two of the firm's three managing partners.
Nanotechnology for an agile optical network
Nanotechweb December 06, 2002 We live in an Internet-driven society. The volume of data transported across communications networks continues to grow, forcing service providers to design, build, and add capacity to their systems. Optical networks are essential to meet these future communications needs. Today, scientists are using nanotechnology to create these necessary technologies and components.
Cryonics conference brings out nanotech's extreme optimists
SmallTimes December 06, 2002 At Alcor's fifth annual Conference on Extreme Life Extension here recently, two well-known scientists presented their visions for the far-out future of nanotechnology.
Sony develops electronic nose
TheInquirer December 06, 2002 And will make DNA based memory chips.
Science, fiction will change face of Army
OrlandoSentinel December 06, 2002 The Army's focus on developing nanotechnology, which involves building materials or devices molecule by molecule, could have groundbreaking medical uses.
ASU Works to Jump to Forefront of Nanobioscience Research
Ascribe December 05, 2002 To move Arizona State University to the forefront of research on new biological tools for medical research and health diagnostics, ASU, with the help of the Motorola, is creating the Applied NanoBioscience Center.
The Titan of the Teensy
Yahoo!News December 05, 2002 Charles Lieber wants to wire up the future in a multitude of cheap, tiny devices.
NEC Gets Nanotubular
LightReading December 05, 2002 When silicon transistor technology hits a brick wall in terms of speed and density, carbon nanotubes could be ready to take over, if Japan's NEC has its way.
IBM discloses combo strained-silicon/SOI technology
EETimes December 05, 2002 IBM Corp.'s Microelectronics Division next week is expected to announce a radical and combination strained-silicon/silicon-on-insulator technology for use in making high-performance chips at the 65-nm node.
Nanotechnology in Canada - Status, Challenges and Time for Action
CNA December 05, 2002 The Canadian NanoBusiness Alliance and key partners have established a Nanotech SWAT Team which will prepare a position paper on the need for a Canadian National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI).
A first experiment with the new "free-electron laser"
AlphaGalileo December 05, 2002 An international group of scientists has published first experiments carried out using the new soft X-ray free-electron laser at the research center DESY. Using small clusters of noble gas atoms, for the first time, researchers studied the interaction of matter with intense X-ray radiation from an FEL on extremely short time scales.
Nanosys and Matsushita Electric team up on solar cells
Nanotechweb December 05, 2002 Nanosys, US, and Matsushita Electric Works of Japan are to collaborate on the development of solar cells for the Asian building-materials market. The devices will use Nanosys's inorganic nanocrystal and nanocomposite technologies.
A method to probe electronic properties of nanostructures
UT@A December 04, 2002 Physicists at The University of Texas at Austin have developed a simple process for making tiny metallic electrodes that can test whether individual nanostructures have the right properties for use in future nanoelectronic applications.
A Light In The Telecom Darkness?
Forbes.com December 04, 2002 Nanotechnology's role in optics lies not as much in the optics themselves, but in the manufacturing process. The promise is for cheaper fabrication alternatives that can take different components and integrate them all together.
Institute aims for big things in micro science
The Straits Times December 04, 2002 The Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology will be exploring how small-scale science, or nanotechnology, can monitor and diagnose disease, by looking at how tiny markers placed in a drop of a person's blood can provide early warning of disease, for example.
Eric Drexler to Speak at WFS's 2003 Annual Meeting
Betterhumans.com December 04, 2002 One of the foremost experts on nanotechnology will address one of the largest gatherings of futurologists at Worldfuture 2003, the World Future Society's 2003 annual meeting.
Nanotubes line up to make photonic crystals
Nanotechweb December 04, 2002 A team of scientists has produced photonic crystals by growing aligned carbon nanotubes onto an array of nickel dots formed by self-assembly nanosphere lithography.
Researchers around the world seek to store data on single atoms
SmallTimes December 04, 2002 Behold the mobile phone of the future: the atomic bit box. If researchers at IBM, Hewlett-Packard (HP) and at universities and startups around the world are right, only three years from now, mobile gadgets like cell phones, digital cameras, PDAs and MP3 music players will have storage densities a million times greater than the PC.
Survey indicates U.K. could lose on small tech commercialization
SmallTimes December 04, 2002 The United Kingdom's business community has to put nanotech and MEMS "on its research agenda" or lose the race to commercialize the technology
Fractals add new dimension to study of tiny electronics
OSUNews December 03, 2002 When it comes to miniature electronics, scientists have seen the shape of things to come -- and that shape is a fractal.
CORDIS "child's eye view" of Nanotechnology
CORDIS December 03, 2002 "How can you explain what is meant by NANOTECHNOLOGY?" from the European Commission's Research and Development Information Service. An easy to follow presentation on the basics, in 11 languages. PDF format.
APP Announces Completion Of Patient Enrollment
APP December 03, 2002 American Pharmaceutical Partners, Inc. today announced that patient enrollment has been completed in the pivotal Phase III clinical trial evaluating ABI-007, a next generation nanoparticle paclitaxel, in patients with metastatic breast cancer.
Sony, Toshiba Team on Smallest System Chips
NewsFactor December 03, 2002 By including memory, logic and other functions on a single chip, manufacturers can achieve faster processing speeds. The eventual result is smaller electronic devices that run cooler and offer more functionality.
Error correction may stall quantum computing
EETimes December 03, 2002 Because error correction will generate more energy than chips can dissipate, quantum computers may be further off than previously believed, according to University of Arkansas physics professor Julio Gea-Banacloche.
Businesses need to plant nano seeds in schools, NNI chief says
SmallTimes December 03, 2002 The economic power of small tech will go unrealized unless businesses, educators and researchers equip the next generation of workers: America's schoolchildren.
First quantum dots applied to living organism
The Rockefeller University December 02, 2002 Quantum dots are nano-sized crystals that exhibit all the colors of the rainbow due to their unique semiconductor qualities. These exquisitely small, human-made beacons have the power to shine their fluorescent light for months, even years. But in the near-decade since they were first readily produced, quantum dots have excluded themselves from the useful purview of biology. Now, for the first time, this flexible tool has been refined, and delivered to the hands of biologists.
Xerox Hopes Small Technology Copies Innovations of the Past
NanoelectronicsPlanet December 02, 2002 Even if you don't have a copier, chances are you use technologies developed at Xerox every day. The company's Palo Alto Research Center is responsible for the development of laser printing, Ethernet, the graphical user interface and ubiquitous computing, to name a few.
EFP Tests Enhanced Nanotech Environmental Mask
BusinessWire December 02, 2002 Emergency Filtration Products Inc. today announced that it is commencing with testing of its nanotechnology-enhanced 2H Technology(TM) filtration system to be incorporated into an Environmental Isolation Mask.
Triton BioSystems and Thermonix Merge
Triton BioSystems December 02, 2002 Triton BioSystems, Inc. and Thermonix, Inc. today announced they have merged operations to focus on pre-clinical product development of their Targeted Nano-Therapeutics system for advanced breast cancer.
Startup debuts 'nanoimprint' litho tool for 20-nm designs
SBN December 02, 2002 Paving the way for a new class of applications, startup Molecular Imprints Inc. next week will unveil its first product--a tool aimed at the emerging "nano-imprint" lithography market.
Metrics Group announces a new report on nano patenting
Metrics Group December 02, 2002 Metrics Group announces the availability of a new report-- Technical Intelligence Profile (TIP): Nano Patenting. The TIP provides a broad overview of patenting activity in the field of nanotechnology, identifies patenting leaders and new players, and presents a listing of top-ranked patents.
Diamonds Found in Crude Oil
NYT December 02, 2002 Researchers at ChevronTexaco in Richmond, Calif., have discovered tiny diamond fragments of a wide variety of shapes and sizes within crude oil from the Gulf of Mexico.
QDot Announces Publication Demonstrating The Detection Of Breast Cancer Markers
QDot December 02, 2002 Quantum Dot Corporation announced today the publication of a seminal scientific paper in the prestigious journal Nature Biotechnology. Entitled "Immunofluorescent labeling of cancer marker Her2 and other cellular targets with semiconductor quantum dots", was published in the on-line version of Nature Biotechnology, following work performed by scientists at Genentech and QDC.
How nanotechnology can improve quality of life
Nanotechweb December 02, 2002 For some time now, nanotechnology has been generating considerable excitement among scientists, businesses and governments around the world. Many are understandably attracted by the economic potential - especially those who believe the projections of a trillion-dollar market.
Oxygen makes nanotube memory
TRNNews December 02, 2002 Carbon nanotubes have been used to make experimental transistors, chemical sensors and memory devices that are far smaller than anything available today. But moving from experimental prototypes to practical devices requires overcoming a large hurdle: controlling the way nanotubes grow.
Molecule stores picture
TRNNews December 02, 2002 All hydrogen atoms are not necessarily like -- they can contain different amounts of energy, which gives them different spins. The spin of a particle is like a top turning either clockwise or counterclockwise.
Totally tubular Rosseter tries to take miracle molecule to next level
SmallTimes December 02, 2002 When it comes to nanotubes, the small tech world has been in ready, steady - wait! mode for a while now. Hailed as a wondermaterial, the tubes have been slow to make their way into products. The industry will be one step closer once Rosseter Holdings Ltd. sets up its licensing agreement with an unnamed company in Taiwan.
Are We There Yet?
TCS December 02, 2002 Writer Glenn Fishbine on nanotechnology investment
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